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Super 2 Know Jesus

Stand In Faith Devotionals - Twelve Eyed Monsters
...the apostles, chosen by Jesus to continued to spread the message of the New Testament and the salvation of Jesus. Within the lives of these apostles and the testimony of who they used to be compared to who they are now. Many of the apostles made what most would consider major violations of the Christian faith while right in the presence of Jesus, the testimony of God's desire for us and His eternal promise, bequeathed upon Jesus' death and resurrection.
The twelve came from all kinds of backgrounds and needs...but when they met Jesus they stopped what they were doing and followed him above all else.
Many times Christians find Jesus and stop everything and follow him above all else for a short time and they learn and begin to know his power and receive the blessings...but real life starts to creep back into their daily existence.
Real life starts to cause distractions from what is working...did you ever notice how whenever something is broken it takes every bit of our attention, but when it is working perfectly our attentiveness to caring for it is redirected to other things that are on our "to do" list...but we don't realize that it is even happening.
God wants us to be responsible for our actions and take care of business. So, we go about the task of taking care of our business not even realizing that certain things essential to our continued progress and success are being taken off the "to do" list in favor of non-essential activities; old habits that you quit doing to concentrate on God (habits that might not be unbiblical in any way, but are a problem for you because of the effect they have on your life).
The teachings in the Bible are there for us to apply ... MORE>>
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Stand In Faith Devotionals

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