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The Blue Hellfire Club


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On Friday, 8th February, 2002, the official home of the Purple Hellfire Club on the Internet is hearby declared open for business, taking the Purple Hellfire Club marching into th new millenium. But who are we? But wait! What is this? It seems a new age is brewing inside this Hellfire Club. The age of...

On 1st June, 2002, we declare the Blue Hellfire Club officially open and ready to take off where the PHC left. What are we? Read on to find out about the awesome history of....

The centuries old Hellfire Club represent society’s favoured elite; the wealthy, the privileged and the famous. It is a meeting place, a playground of the rich, where society’s select few can meet others like themselves, strike business deals and enjoy pleasures that might be somewhat forbidden in today’s moral standards.
To gain access to the Hellfire Club is an honour like no other. It takes wealth, power, prestige and intellect to be enrolled as a member. But, unbeknown to these members, there is a hidden force behind the Club. A small, ‘crème du la crème’ of men and mutants, with the liberated view on using the Club’s power and influence to take over the world amassing political and economical power, have been selected from the members to rule the Club with an iron fist. These members, named after chess pieces to demote their importance and status in the Club are known by many names, the Council of the Chosen, the Lord’s Cardinals, the Circle Club… but one name is used most commonly. That of… the Inner Circle.
The Hellfire Club is a worldwide organization, having branches in New York, Jamaica, Las Vegas, Brazil, England, Antwerp, Rome, Madrid, Paris and Beverley Hills to name but a few. But not only is it a global club, but it has been around for hundreds of years, the earliest Club dating back to the 1500s.
The Hellfire Clubs are still the same elite, powerful organisation that they’ve always been, but in today’s society, their policies and morals have changed. They strive for economic dominance and technological supremacy, instead of world domination. Most courts have also allowed mutants to train and be educated at their facilities. The premier example of this is the newly independent Purple Hellfire Club of Jamaica, headed by Professor Steven Booth. When they split from the Red Court of Las Vegas, they made their own Club using Steven’s castle as their base, but transforming it into a school for gifted and genetically different pupils. But, to say that all the villainy and deceit has gone from this age-old Club would be a lie. For, the members of this Club know what they want, and know how to get it, allowing nothing to stand in their way. Although their attitudes have changed, the same irreproachable lust for power, wealth and dominance still remains. Clubs change, Kings are overthrown and new Courts are established all the time. Indeed, the Hellfire Club is a Club to be respected, but to also be feared.
And now, as the scribes of time are busy transfering this event down in their eternal journals, the world witnesses the birth of the Blue Hellfire Club of England!
-by the Blue King, Steven Booth. For more information, click here.

How cool is that? Our first award! Yup, the BLHC holds the prize of "Pick Of The Litter" for the month of July in 2002.

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