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The Blue Hellfire Club


Court Roster

Art Gallery



Message Board

Role Play


Come forth and witness those who have the honour of being acknowledged by the Blue Hellfire Club!

TheGrey Hellfire Court
This is the homepage of the Grey Hellfire Court, maintained by the Grey Knight, Scrib. A brilliantly designed site, with a very impressive Citadel section.

The Breifing Boards
This is the Briefiing Board, owned and moderated by the White Court. Most of the Court members from the different teams hang around there. It's also a place to discuss DC and Marvel comics, post any fanfiction you write or just chill.

The *HF* Resource
This is a site run by all the writers of *HF*, monitored by Mystikal, Daemon and Cronos. THE place for information and stories about Hell's Fire.

The XMBB Story Archive
This is a site run by Cronos. It has a LOT of *HF* stories, all neaty displayed. A brilliant site to read up on things that have gone on before...

The Hellfire Courts
This is a site run by Mystikal. It has rosters and biographies of court members from all the Clubs as well as a large selection of stories. A very good site.

The Hellfire Herald
This is a site run by our very own King, Steven Booth, which serves as the website's first and only online Hellfire Club newspaper!