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"C, M M, & B- Oh My!"

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: see 1st chapter.

A/N: okay, there will be no slash, as it is apparently unpopular. Some ppl decided to get VERY expressive of their opinions (that’s putting it lightly… *coughunknowncough*). Anyway, here’s the next part. Dedicated to Dootz. Happy B-day! ^_^


Score shook his head, looking at the baby Pixel was holding. “Tell me this isn’t happening,” he thought. “Please, oh please, say this isn’t happening.”

But, unfortunately for Score, it was happening. Helaine was a baby. Not just a baby, an adorable, cooing, drooling baby.

Pixel was holding Baby Helaine wrapped in her shirt. Neither he nor Score really knew what to do, as neither had been around babies before. Well, not long enough to see how one cares for a baby.

“We are so screwed,” Score murmured, skimming over their current options.

Pixel looked up at his friend. “Well, let’s see… Helaine is a baby, we have no idea how to take care of a baby, and I think she just peed on my leg. Yeah, we’re screwed.”

“Screwed you are, yes.”

The two boys turned to see a certain black-clad, flickering figure.

“Oracle! Good, maybe you know what the hell is going on,” Score sighed. He had never been so relieved to see Oracle in his life, and that was saying something.

“Tell you I can, yes. Help you need, hmm?” Oracle replied.

Score raised an eyebrow. “Why in the name of all that is holy are you talking like Yoda from Star Wars?”

Pixel’s eyes went wide. “The magic must be messed up again! That’s why Helaine somehow got turned into a baby, and that’s why Oracle’s being forced to talk strangely again.”

Oracle smiled. “Yes, the magic is screwed up again, but I was just talking like that for fun.”

Score raised an eyebrow. “You are really weird. I hope you know that.”

Oracle smirked, “I love you, too.”

“And sarcastic, too. You more than make up for the absence of Helaine.”

Pixel rolled his eyes. “Come on, we’re in a crisis here. We may actually have a shot at getting through this without anyone fighting if you two shut up.” He sighed. “First, I’m going to clean my leg. Then we’re gonna figure out what to do.” He handed Helaine to Score and hurried into the bathroom. He emerged a while later and they got down to the matter at hand.

Oracle explained, “Someone has been attacking Jewel. They managed to crack the Diadem analog, which is why the magic isn’t working. I’m not sure exactly who is attacking Jewel, but I’ll try to find that out. In the meantime, you two have to take care of Helaine. Since you have no idea what you’re doing, I suggest getting help. Maybe from Shanara?”

Score’s face brightened. “That’s a good idea. She’s a chick, and chicks always know how to take care of babies.” Helaine started to cry and Score frowned. “Geez, even as a baby she doesn’t like me.”

“You’re holding her wrong,” Pixel chided him. Indeed, Score held her at arms length and gripped her under her arms. Pixel took the baby from him and cradled it in his arm. “This is how you hold a baby.”

Score rolled his eyes. “Well excuse me.”

Oracle sighed. “I’ll be on my way, then. I suggest you do the same.” With that, he vanished.

Pixel looked at Score. “Could you go get the Book of Magic? We should probably keep that with us.”

Score nodded and went to retrieve the book and noticed the open page. He returned. “Hey, Pixel, you should look at this…”

Pixel looked over the page. “A spell to fix a magic gem…” He looked up. “But how did it get to this page…?”

* * *

Yeah, lame ending, but I’m reeeeeally tired. Eh.

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To Chapter 4

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