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In more ten years of experience between those wonderful people we learned a lot.

Humans we helped learned that the world can be better for each without adversity.

Conflict areas: Iraq, Casmir, Gaza, Central Africa. There are more than 20 000 000 people involved. People who's suffering is above the purpose of the war they live in. What they need are medical supplies, food and shelter. Green Cross have the contacts and the experience in transport in most of the belligerent areas. Green Cross work with others humanitarian association for reciprocal covering of our actions.

After conflict zones Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Transnistria, Checenia are the areas where our help is more needed. People start to learn to work together for reconstruction. Green Cross build a bridge between developed world where consume exceed the need and those people where the need is bigger than the resources dried by the war. Green Cross supply medical equipment, construction materials and engineering assistance. In more than 10 years of activity Green Cross knew wonderful trustworthy local people dedicated to build a new future for their children's

Children in need and Victims of war are everywhere mentioned above. We add The post Communist countries like Romania, Moldavia, Albania, Bulgaria and the former USSR. Green Cross fills the void of governmental resources. AIDS is widely spread between the kids in those areas. Children are abandoned and living on the streets. Civil society and governmental institutions are still beyond the problems they should solve. Green Cross

Ecological problems The incidence of Cancer in ex war zones 10 years after conflict increase from 10 to 30% (Ukraine Chernobyl). The same lack of governmental resources is bringing a lot of related problems like poor water treatment, unhealthy food, air pollution, In the same time changes are to made in cultivating land, medical services, human rights. The Know how is unavailabile and hard to implement in human environement agressed by ideologyes. Green cross is delivering new or out of use equipment to those which are having none. We choose very careful the local people we are working with.

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