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Be above the war

Iraq, Afghanistan, Casmir, Gaza, Central Africa

We want to provide food, medical supply and shelter in any zone of conflict. The message delivered by our attitude is that people in need are above any war. When pain, when kids are suffering any reason of hate has no place. You just become human first of all and start to help. Usually we reach in refugees camps, but when we got in no man's land (it happened!) fire ceased. We need money to buy food from East Europe where is the cheapest and deliver it in the refugees camps. We need medical supply, water filters, metal detectors and many more.

Build future together

Bosnia, Kosovo, Transnistria, Checenia

Building instead of destruction, work together instead of working against each other. Keep the future in sight, the future of our kids. There are few things needed when transforming ruins in schools or hospitals. We buy or we receive construction materials, furniture for schools and hospitals, medical apparels. The most important is to build a place where people are gathering talking and deciding their future. Then we support those groups able to work together their differences.

Seeds of democracy

Romania, Moldavia, Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and the former USSR.

When people are finding resources to help those near them, when common interests are forming independent associations they need information, they need to be interconnected and they need to find out that the whole world is on their side. They need you; they need your old computer, the toys your kid grow with can make happy and educate another young. Wonderful people dedicated to innocents need resources to make the world better; our future world better.

Healthy Earth Air and Water

Romania, Bulgaria and the former USSR

There's a time when communities start to put pressure on their governments to shape the society for the demos. Till then Green Cross tries to bring awareness on people's rights. The world is smaller and smaller for pollution too. In relatively small countries like Bulgaria, Yugoslavian republics, and many others any ecological incident is affecting the neighbors affecting the already tensioned relations. The responsibility for the environment, for the minimum food, education and so on, is no longer the responsibility of a government.

While human communities are transgressing the borders each of us become responsible.

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