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  • Impartiality.

Green Cross make no differences upon sex, religion, race, political aprtenence.

  • Neutrality.

Green Cross does not take sides no matter if the conflict is political religious rasial or other.

  • Human Rights

Green Cross respect any humas as stipulated in The Human Rights Charta

 "The world can be nice too!"

I never felt so fulfilled as in the day when Svetlana Bogdanovici, a 12 years old girl from Bosnia discovered that the world can be nice. It was 1994, a Serbian doctor installed in minutes the artificial kidney we brought and Svetlana was the first pacient.

We discover since 1990 that providing help for those in need we do much more, we provide a vision of light.

When a kid see light in his future there is light in your future.

Come with us to bring sunshine in a kid eyes.

The brightness of the world we live in is the light from the peoples souls no matter where they live. You feel as you just save the planet acting peaceful and careful where hate and ideologies are striving for destruction.

© This page is under property of Green Cross Austria-Romania.