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  Light Class 



Light Class began Jan 11, 1999 as a weekly online class. 


                    November  2002  Light Class changes: 

  • Class Chat will be held in the new chatroom here. Times and dates of chats will be announced via the class email list. 


  • A private Class area of the LC BB is being used for discussion, info sharing and exploring class topics.   This area is always open, so you may post and read anytime that is convenient for you. Please go here and register for the BB, then let me know your 'name'. 


  • A minimum $10.00  monthly love donation requested. If you can, and would like to donate more based on what benefit you 'receive' from class, that is always welcomed and appreciated :)  This can be paid via paypals, or if you prefer another method just let me know!    (To pay via paypals, click one of the buttons below.) If you're interested in joining LightClass please send me a brief intro letter and your BB name. 


The intention behind the changes is to allow more to learn and work together, and to allow the development of a greater level of connection and growth for all of us :)  


 I will send details and a weekly reminder to the class email list, which I will add you to when you join :)  


Topics and Areas of learning will vary.  Any areas of interest from light anchoring, healing, personal empowerment, multi-dimensionality and what's going on with Light Workers and the planet to areas of personal development you may be working with may be covered. The shared goal is inner healing and learning to live consciously and create our realities in a conscious way. The greatest and most used 'tool' in class is the energy of Unconditional Love! Channeled information will be shared, and class members will be asked to share insights and knowledge with one another on topics under discussion. 


No flaming will be allowed between class members, these are environments where we are all teachers for one another. Different viewpoints should be honored, and understanding and tolerance of one another should be worked toward. Through working together much growth can be attained.

Blessing Feather

  *Any class member may be removed or denied entrance to future classes if complaints or problems with their conduct in class, or outside of class toward other class members arise. This right is reserved for the protection of the integrity and safety of the class environment. If such action is necessary, refunds will not be given. We are all equals, and expected to treat one another as such, with respect and honor. *


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Last updated: March 05, 2003.