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Planetary Healing

Rising Earth/World Earth Healing Day:  World Earth Healing Day is observed once a year by those who wish to contribute individually and collectively to world peace and healing. Rising Earth has a wide variety of resources and information. 

Global Meditations : This is the site to visit if you want to find out about what's going on around the planet and when. 

Light Anchor Project's planetary healing project, join us each Thursday to anchor unconditional love on the planet. 

Open Heart: Peace Experiment You are invited to participate in a worldwide experiment to create a peaceful planet. Please help us reach our goal of 80,000 people! Only Love Prevails  The World Peace Globe has a plexiglass cover with insides of ISO foam, circuit boards, wires, chopsticks, lights, paint, sweat, solder, tears and laughter. When there is no power to it it's a milky white sphere with gray country borders. When the lights are turned on the World Peace Globe sparkles with multi-hued oceans and land masses of many colors. The color of each Country is determined by a Natural resource of that Country. All Countries at peace are lighted and all Countries at war are dark, those Countries with internal conflict flash.






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Last updated: March 05, 2003.