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I chose this background because it was the closest I could find that reminded me of England. I would have preferred to have an English Countryside or garden, but decided to try this one.
On my trip to the England I visited London, Stratford-Upon-Avon, the Lake District,
and the Yorkshire Moors.
I found all of these areas to be just absolutely beautiful,  however I would have to say my favorite in England (other meeting my friend Karron in London)
would have to be Stratford-Upon-Avon,
the home William Shakespeare.
My friend from Scotland and I drove from Aberdeen to Stratford-Upon-Avon with an overnight stay in the Lake District on our way down. Going back we spent a night in the Yorkshire Moors.
Pictures of this fabulous trip coming soon!



Yorkshire Moors

The Lake District

Sherlock Holmes

Other Miscellaneous Pictures


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