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Herbal Amulets
To See Ghosts: Carry lavender and inhale its scent.
To allay fears: Carry a mixture of nettle and yarrow.
To Detect Witches: Carry a sachet of Rue, maidenhair, agrimony, broom-straw, and ground ivy.
To Be Courageous: Wear a fresh borage flower, or carry mullien.
To Avoid Military Service: Wear the 4-leaved clover if you wish to avoid duty.
To Ensure Safety And Protection On A Journey: Comfrey worn or carried will safeguard you.
To Prevent Storms and Wreckage While At Sea: Put a clove of garlic in your purse or in your pocket. In the South Pacific or in Hawaii wear a garland of ti leaves.
To Guard Against Rape: Wear the heather to avoid all acts of passion.
To Keep One From Dreaming: Hang a sprig of lemon verbena around the neck.
To Conceive: Wear the mistletoe, the cyclamen, or the bistort.
To Prevent Weariness While Walking: Put mugwort in the shoe.
To Keep Venemous Beasts and Wild Animals Afar: Wear avens or mullien.
To Keep Others From Deceiving You: Wear the pimpernel or snapdragon.
To Keep Disease Afar: Wear a sprig of rue around the neck.
To Enable A Soldier To Escape His Enemies: Wear the vervain and you shall accomplish this.
To Ensure Victory: Wear woodruff to win.
To Ensure That Friendly Words Are Spoken To You: Wear the heliotrope.
To Enter The Underworld: Carry an apple, or the branch of an apple tree that bears buds, flowers, and fully ripened fruit.
To Regain Lost Manhood: Carry an acorn or mandrake root.
To Remain Youthful: Carry an acorn.
To Prevent Drunkeness: Wear a chaplet of saffron, crocus, parsley, or rue to prolong your enjoyment.
To See Fairies: Gather wild thyme and carry it with you, or put it on the eyelids (with your eyes closed) and sleep on a fairy hill.
To Be A Successful Fisherman: Carry a bit of the hawthorn.
To See A Unicorn: As this beast usually lives among the ash trees, carry a bit of the wood or leaves and you may see one. Or lie down among ashes and place one of its leaves on your chest and wait for one to make itself known.

Flowers are great when there is a lot of emotion involved, especially love, naturally. They are moderately easy to use, and most are available at any flower shop. The
more flowers you have, the more effective the spell will be.

Air Visualize the flower encompassing you. Or write your wish on a piece of paper and place it under the vase containing the flower until it blooms. To answer a
question, place it beside your bed for a revealing dream.

Fire Wear or burn the essence of the flower while speaking your will. Or burn a candle beside the flower until it opens.

Water Throw the flower in a body of water and speak your will. Or soak the petals in water all night under a full moon and drink it while calling the powers.

Earth Surround yourself with flowers, or plant it's seed while concentrating on your intent (obviously this is a long term spell).

Flower Associations

ACACIA = Deep friendship, Platonic Love
ACACIA,ROSE = Elegance, Regal poise and position
AFRICAN MARIGOLD = Vulgar Minds, Selfish Lust
AGNUS CACTUS = Coldness: to live without love or feeling
AGRIMONY = Thankfulness, deep gratitude
ALLSPICE = Benevolence
ALMOND TREE = Indiscretion; Promise
ALOE = Acute Sorrow, Sadness
AMARANTH = Immorality, loose pride
AMARYLLIS = Haughtiness; Pride
AMBROSIA = Love returned, pleasure divine
AMERICAN COWSLIP = "You are my Divinity", total trust
ANGELICA = Inspiration
APPLE = Temptation, Love
APPLE BLOSSOM = Preference, Choice in love
ARBOR VITAE = Unchanging friendship; Old Age
ASPHODEL = "My regrets follow you to the grave"
AURICULA = Painting
AUSTRIAN ROSE = Very lovely, beautiful inside
AZALEA = Temperance, patience
BALM = Social intercourse
BALSAM = Impatience, "do not haste"
BASIL = Hatred; Money attraction
BEECH = Prosperity
BEAR'S BEECH = The Arts and culture
BELLADONNA = Imagination (hallucinagin)
BILBERRY = Treachery, deceit
BINDWEED = Extinguish, control
BROOM = Humility; Neatness
BLACK MULBERRY TREE = "I will not survive you"
BLACK POPLAR = Courage; defense
BLACK THORN = Difficulty; negativity
BLUE BOTTLE CENTAURY = Delicacy, compassionate
BLUE PERIWINKLE = Early Friendship, easy friendships
BORAGE = Bluntness; Courage
BRIDAL ROSE = Happy Love
BURDOCK = Importunity
BUTTERCUPS = Ingratitude; Lies
BUTTERFLY ORCHIS = Gaiety, Merry Revelry
CACALIA = Adulation
CACTUS = "I burn"; desire
CALLA = Magnificent beauty
CAMELLIA = Unpretending excellence
CAMPANULA = Gratitude
CARDINAL FLOWER = Distinctionl; Honor
CARNATION = Pride and beauty merited
CAROLINA ROSE = Love is dangerous; broken promises
CAMOMILE = Energy in adversity; Calm
CHINA ASTER = Variety; "many happy tidings"
CHINA OR MONTHLY ROSE = Beauty ever new
CHRYSANTHEMUM = Cheerfulness under adversity
CINQUEFOIL = Beloved daughter
COBOCA = Gossip
COCK'S COMB = Singularity; oneness
CORNFLOWER= Abundance, fertility.
CORONELLA = "Success crown your wishes"
COWSLIP = Pensiveness; restlessness
CROWN IMPERIAL = Majesty; Power
CUCKOO FLOWER = Paternal error; Father
DAFFODIL = Deceitful hope
DAHLIA = Instability
DAISY = Innocence; simplicity, clarity, playfulness.
ELDER = Compassion
FERN = Sincerity
FIG = Argument
FOXGLOVE = Insincerity
FRENCH MARIGOLD = Envy; Jealousy
GARDEN DAISY = "I partake your sentiments"
GARDEN MARIGOLD = Uneasiness and jealousy
GERANIUM,IVY = Bridal favor
GILLYFLOWER = Lasting beauty
GOLDEN ROD = "Beware the Golden Rod";Precaution
GORSE = Enduring affection
HAREBELL = Grief; mourning
HAWTHORN = Hope, to the Romans,marriage
HEATH = Solitude
HELLEBORE = Female inconstancy
HOLLY = Foresight
HONEY FLOWER = Love, sweet and secret
HONEYSUCKLE = Bonds of love
HYACINTH = Game; Play
HYDRANGEA = Boaster; "You are cold"
IRIS = Message
IVY = Friendship in adversity
JAPAN ROSE = "Beauty is your only attraction"
JAPANESE LILIES = "You cannot deceive me"
JASMINE = Amiability; Sexual pleasure.
JONQUIL = "I desire return of affection"
JUNIPER = Asylum; Protection
LADY'S SLIPPER = Fickleness
LARKSPUR = Lightness; Levity
LAUREL = Glory
LAVENDER= Honesty, truth.
LEMON = Zest
LEMON BLOSSOM = Fidelity in love
LILAC, PURPLE = First emotions of love
LILAC, WHITE = Youthful innocence
LILY OF THE VALLEY = Return of happiness
LILY, WHITE = Purity, Sweetness
LILY, YELLOW = Falsehood; Gaiety
LINDEN = Conjugal love
LOCUST PLANT = Affection beyond the grave
LOTUS FLOWER = Estranged love
MAGNOLIA = Love of nature; Magnificence
MARIGOLD = Mental anguish
MIMOSA = Sensitiveness; Courtesy
MISTLETOE = "I surmount all difficulties"
MUSK ROSE = Capricious beauty
NASTURTIUM = Patriotism
NOSEGAY = Gallantry
ORANGE BLOSSOM = "Your purity equals your beauty"
ORCHIS = A belle
OSIER = Frankness
OX EYE = Patience
PANSY OR HEARTEASE = Thoughts, Pensez a moi
PASSION FLOWER = Faith if erect; superstition if reversed
SWEET PEA = Departure; Delicate pleasures
PEACH BLOSSOM = "I am your captive"
PERIWINKLE = Sweet remembrances
PHEASANTS EYE = Sorrowful remembrances
PHLOX = Unanimity
PIMPERNEL = Assignation
POLYANTHUS = Pride of riches
POMEGRANATE, FLOWER = Mature elegance
POMPON ROSE = Genteel; Pretty
POPPY = Consolation of sleep
PRIMROSE = Early youth and sadness
QUINCE = Temptation
RANUNCULUS = "You are radiant with charms"
RHODODENDRON = Danger; Beware
ROCK ROSE = Popular favour
ROSE = Love
SCARLET LILY = High soul
SEA LAVENDER = Dauntlessness
SHEPERDS PURSE = "I offer you my all"
SNAPDRAGON = Presumption; also No
SNOWDROP = Hope; Consolation
SPRING CROCUS = Youthful gladness
STONECROP = Tranquility
SUNFLOWER = False riches; Strength.
SWEET VIOLET= Tenderness.
SWEET WILLIAM = Gallantry; dexterity and finesse
THISTLE, COMMON = Austerity; Independence
THORNAPPLE = Deceitful charms
TIGER FLOWER = "For once may pride befriend me"
TRUMPET FLOWER = Fame; Separation
TUBEROSE = Dangerous pleasures
TULIP= Mends a broken heart.
TULIP, RED = Declaration of love
TULIP, VARIEGATED = Beautiful eyes
TULIP, YELLOW = Hopeless love
TUSSILAGE = "Justice shall be done you"
VERBENA, PINK = Family union
VERBENA, SCARLET = "Unite against evil"
VERBENA, WHITE = "Pray for me"
VERONICA = Fidelity
VIOLET, BLUE = Faithfulness
VIOLET, DAME'S = Watchfulness
VIOLET, YELLOW = Rural happiness
VIRGIN'S BOWER = Filial love
WALLFLOWER = Fidelity in adversity
WATER LILY = Eloquence; Purity of heart; Relieves emotional pain.
WHITE DAISY = "I will think of it"
WHITE LILY= Spiritual awareness.
WISTERIA = "Welcome, fair stranger"
ZEPHYR FLOWER = Expectation
ZINNIA = Thoughts of absent friends


Herbs (and nearly all patent medicines as well) work quickest in fluid-filled spaces of the body: hence they are not as effective for bone or cartilage ailments. Water is, in general, a very good solvent for many of the herb's properties, but water will not dissolve resins or oils.

Solar Infusions

Put fresh (or dried) herb in a jar with cool water, place in sun for 1-2 days. Compared with hot infusions, solar infusions seem more alive and pleasant, with subtle non-acidic flavors, more plant spirit. Adam Seller calls it Grace in a jar. I make them all summer. Lunar Infusions are similar: These enter the realm of lunar magickal influences and Moon signs.

Suspended Cold Infusions

A density-based convection cell is set up--good for leaves, flowers, slimy or mucilaginous roots and barks. This method preserves volatiles & mucopolysaccharides: (Ex.: Althea, Comfrey, Echinacea, slippery Elm bark) Mucopolysaccharides are soothing to mucosa, stimulate T-cell multiplication, are used in poultices, good for sore throat, UTIs, upset stomach: ½ to 1 oz. herbs to quart jar.

Hot Infusions

Use glass, enamel, stainless steel, or ceramic containers. Boil water, turn off heat, Infuse herbs in covered container. 1 tsp/cup dried herb (or 2 tbsp/cup fresh herb) from 5 min.- 10 min for chamomile, mint, or beverage teas (tisanes) ½ oz to 1 oz. in 1 pt. to 1 qt. water from 30 minutes to overnight for medicinal strength teas. (Ex: Valerian root, Mint, Pau d'Arco; for fennel and chamomile: a few teaspoons are OK. no long infusions for chamomile or it turns bitter.) It is sensible to make a day's supply at one time, usually about a quart.

*Susun Weed's tisanes are 1 tsp./cup; infusions are medicinal strength at the following concentrations: roots and barks: 1 oz/pint/8 hours; leaves, hips/haws: 1 oz/qt/4 hours; seeds/flowers: 1 oz/qt/ 30 min to 2 hours-- except chamomile, which gets bitter after 30 min. Dosage: 2 cup/day-over 125 lbs.; 1 cup/day--65-75 lbs, ½ c/day--30-40 lbs, 1/4 c/day-- 15-20 lbs.


Use for Roots, Barks, or Seeds unless they are aromatic. (If aromatic, such as fennel, an infusion is better. Goldenseal and valerian, although roots, are high in volatiles, and are best as infusions, but both taste awful, so you may prefer pills or tinctures.) Put herb in cool water, cover, simmer for 20 minutes (minimum) to 1 hour, let sit covered for one hour to overnight. You can decoct the same batch of herbs several times, adding a little fresh herb mixture each time to maintain the strength. You can decoct, turn the heat off, and then add herbs to be infused to a tightly covered container, if you have a mixture that needs both decoction and infusion techniques.

*Susun Weed's method is unusual: She begins her decoctions with strained infusions, and reduces them by ½ for a single or simple decoction, (4x as strong as an infusion), reduced to 1/4 for a double decoction (16x as strong as an infusion). Dosage: single: 1/4 c. adult, 1 tbsp infant; double: 1tbsp/day adult, ½ tsp/day, infant.


Boil water. Take kettle off heat. Pour hot water over herbs in a ceramic or glass bowl, and when cool enough to do so, inhale the herbal steam with a towel covering your head, forming a tent over the bowl. One can put a paper bag over the bowl with a hole to inhale through. Facial steams are great for the complexion, sinusitis, upper respiratory complaints and allergies. These are heating therapies which speed up the heart rate, stimulate flushing and sweat, etc.--They should be used only by those who have some reserves of strength. (Ex: Eucalyptus, Sage:-mild anti- inflammatory, decongestant, antiviral)

Adam Seller has made a "Card Table Sweat Lodge" by covering a card table with plastic or blankets, and placing an electric hot plate with a boiling kettle inside-- but be careful !!


Mashed, usually warm, herbs on skin.


A compress made of a cloth dipped in a strong tea.

Herbal Baths

Many 19th century water cures and spas had ties with the feminist lecture circuit. (Read Donnegan's Hydropathic Highways To Health: many promoted natural attitudes toward sex and nudity, as well as hygiene and public sanitation.) Baths have physiologic & psychological effects. Bathe with a giant tea bag to avoid clogging drain with loose herbs. Combine herbs: for example, a warm lavender bath with a cool rosemary washcloth on forehead.

Foot, Hand, or Sitz Baths

Chamomile, rosemary and ginger for tired feet: end with foot massage.

Also: soaks, enemas, douches, eyewashes are possible.

Boil any substance which is entering a body orifice other than the mouth, let cool to body temperature. Important safety note to avoid amebic keratoconjunctivitis: If making eyewash, always use freshly-boiled water for each dose! Discard any excess and make new eyewash from scratch for each dose.

Flower Essences

A magical remedy, like the dew--flower essences work on energetic and psychic levels. Pick flowers without touching the petals with your hands--you can use the plant's own leaves. Some people prefer crystal bowls for the solar infusion, and cut the flowers with magical knives or crystals. The Solar Infusion, preserved with brandy, gives a "Mother Tincture." Use four drops of Mother Tincture or several Mother Tinctures, to make a treatment bottle, then fill bottle most of the way with spring water, then preserve with brandy. You can use flavored brandies if you like! You can ingest drops, apply topically, bathe in it, or sprinkle it on your Senator's doorstep. Usually flower essences are taken at least four times a day plus as needed to deal with psychological and spiritual issues, often while reciting affirmations focusing on the issue. Used in this way, they do help to re-train the subconscious mind and communicate with the animal-self or unihipili.

Herbal vinegars

Also a way to extract plants. Chop the herb finely, and pour warmed apple cider vinegar over it to cover it, plus a few inches more, to allow for herb swelling. Macerate for 4-6 weeks. Shake extracts daily. Strain and press extract, and rebottle. They should be refrigerated between uses since they can mold--the acidity of the vinegar has been decreased by plant fluids released into the vinegar.

Plant Oils

2 oz herb: 1 cup oil

The wetter and juicier the plants, the more danger of rancidity. Can be placed in the sun, or in sandboxes heated by the sun. You can also extract herbs into oil in a double boiler, crock pot, or in mason jars in a water bath in the oven at very low heat for several (2-4) hours. LOW HEAT is best!! Rosemary Gladstar relates that an "electric oven roaster" can macerate an herbal oil for 2-4 weeks, giving a dark green herbal oil. Olive, almond, or jojoba oils are the usual solvents--(Ex: rose and lavender oil, mugwort oil, St. John's oil, Mullein oil, comfrey & calendula oil.) Steep the plant (usually fresh but wilted to decrease water content) in oil--jar must be full--no air and little moisture, or it will go rancid. Some herbalists recommend wiping the jar's headroom with a cloth or tissue each day, and topping off with oil.
Remove any water that collects below the oil with a turkey baster or siphon. Do not mix oils that are pressed or expressed with those that are simply strained without pressing. The pressed oils will be more likely to spoil, as they will have more water, microbes, and sediment. Pressed oil portions should be used up quickly, and it is wise to store them refrigerated.

VERSION 1: Tap jar each day and top off with more oil if needed. Let the oil sit--water will sink to the bottom. Use a turkey baster to withdraw top oil temporarily, then discard water & oil near the bottom. Let sit 2-3 weeks, then strain out herbs--DO NOT squeeze!


PER 1 CUP OIL, ADD 2 OZ. BY VOLUME OF BEESWAX, or: 1 part wax: 4 parts oil.

(*Susun Weed suggests 1 TBSP beeswax per 1 oz (2 TBSP) oil, or 1 part wax: 2 parts oil.) The wax is a stiffener, and some people prefer softer salves. (Recipe example: yarrow, chickweed, dock, plantain, calendula, comfrey, St. John's wort oil, vitamin E, essential oil like Thuja or tea tree, myrrh or Usnea tinctures.) Olive oil and herbs in double boiler; simmer 30 min to one hour (also gets rid of water) strain, add wax. Spoon test: dip spoon in hot salve, cool in refrigerator or freezer to test texture. You can use a turkey baster to pour into small tins.

Adam Seller starts with a ready-made green oil too: blend oil with wilted comfrey leaves until green, strain, use this as your starting oil. Makes a rich green salve.


Powdered herbs can be moistened with water & honey or maple syrup to form a sticky paste. Add a drop of essential oil (orange, peppermint, wintergreen) and mix in well, but too much essential oil can ruin the mixture. Thicken with slippery elm powder, and knead until it becomes the texture of bread dough. Roll into small balls.  They can be dusted with carob or slippery elm powder, if desired. Place on a cookie sheet and dry in a very low oven or the sun.

CAPSULES: If you don't have an encapsulating machine, this method works well for small numbers of pills. Since powdered herbs dry out quickly and lose their virtues, you should probably make small batches anyway. Powder the herbs, and place in a bowl or shallow plate. Fill separated caps by "grinding" the open halves gently into a pile of powdered herbs. Place the two ends of the capsule together. Two "00" caps are a standard adult dose, and the "00" size is used in most encapsulating machines. One oz. of powdered herb fills about 30 capsules.

Warnings about Herbs:

These are some things you should be aware of before choosing to take herbs
internally. There are herbs that can be harmful while taking certain types of
medication.  Ephedra should not be taken if you are on an MAO Inhibitor.

There are also side effects that go with some herbs. St. John's Wort can make
some people light-sensitive, and they can burn in less than 15 minutes in direct

Allergic reactions can also happen. Yarrow and Chamomile are both in the ragweed
family. People who are allergic to ragweed, may have an allergic reaction to these
herbs as well.

If you are pregnant or nursing, some herbs can be very harmful. Certain herbs can
decrease lactation, while others may damage the fetus or even cause an abortion.
Some herbs to stay away from are: Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Cat's Claw,
Barberry, Feverfew, Comfrey, and Passionflower.

These warnings may be boring, but they are VERY important. Many people are
under the misconception that since herbs are natural, they aren't harmful. Herbs
can be just as hazardous as their pharmacological counterparts. They can cause
brain damage, seizures, and even be fatal. Use with caution!!! So many sources
say to consult your doctor before taking a herb, but the sad truth is...most doctors
do not know enough about herbs to help you. They weren't trained for that. My
best advice is that you go to your local herb shop or health food store.  Find
someone there who knows about the herb's medicinal attributes. They will know
more than your doctor. Also, research it for yourself. Go online, and research the
herb you wish to take. Books are also a warehouse of information.

Herb/Plant    Magickal Properties and Uses

Allspice        Money, luck, healing
Almond        Money, prosperity, wisdom
Amber        For stability, self-confidence, and peace
Ambergris        To awacken love and emotion
Anise        Protection, purification, youth
Apple Blossom    For love and friendship
Balm of Gilead    Attract new love, mend broken heart, protection, healing
Bayberry        Money, good luck, peace, harmony, well-being
Benzoin        Purification, prosperity
Bergamot        Money, hex-breaking
Camphor        To awaken past life memories, stimulates psychic awareness
Carnation        Protection, strength, healing, vitality
Cedar        Healing, courage, purification, protection, money, hex-breaking
Cherry        Divination, love
Cinnamon        Lust, love, success, power, psychic awareness, healing,
Clove        Money, love, lust, exorcism, protection
Clover        Protection, money, love, fidelity, success, exorcism
Coconut        Used in protection rituals
Copal        Purification, love
Cyclemen        To draw love and truth
Cypress        For comfort and solace, to ease feelings of loss
Divination        For aid in divining
Dragon's Blood    Power amplifier, protection, love, banishing, potency
Eucalyptus    Healing, protection
Frankincense    Spirituality, protection, exorcism, consecration
Galangal        For courage, strength, and for avoiding legal problems
Gardenia        Love, peace, healing, spirituality
Geranium        For fertility, health and love
Ginger        Success, power, money, love
Ginseng        For attracting love, luck and health
Grape        For fertility and garden magick
Heliotrope        To attract money and gain power
Hemlock        To induce astral projection, to purify magickal knives or swords
Hibiscus        For love, lust, divination
Honeysuckle    Money drawing, psychic awareness, memory, healing,
Hyacinth        For love and protection
Jasmine        Love, prophetic dreams, money, sleep, love, healing, health,
John the Conqueror ,Money, love, happiness, hex-breaking, protection
Lavender        Chastity, love, peace, happiness, clairvoyance, longevity, sleep,
Lemon        Longevity, purification, love, friendship
Lemongrass    For lust, psychic powers and to repel snakes
Lilac        Protection, banishing
Lily of the Valley    For peace, harmony and love
Lotus        Spirituality, love, protection
Magnolia        Peace, nature spells, hair growth
Mandrake    For protection, fertility, money and love
Mistletoe        Protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism
Myrrh        Spirituality, healing, protection, exorcism, transformation,
Narcissus        For peace and harmony
Nutmeg        Fidelity, luck, money, health
Orange        Divination, love, luck, money
Orange Blossom    For beauty, love
Orris        For love
Passion Flower    Peace, sleep, friendship
Patchouli        Fertility, lust, money, protection, divination
Pennyroyal    For strength, protection, peace
Peony        For protection and exorcism
Peppermint        Love, psychic awareness, lust, mental stimulant, energy
Pine        Healing, protection, exorcism, fertility, money
Plumeria        For love
Primrose        For protection and love
Rose        Love, beauty, psychic powers, divination, healing, luck, protection
Rose Geranium    Protection, fertility, love, health
Rosemary        Mental powers, youth, protection, love, lust, purification,
sleep, exorcism
Rue        Healing, mental powers, protection, love
Sage        Wisdom, animal guides, wishes, immortality
Sandalwood    Spirituality, protection, wishes, healing, exorcism
Sassafras        Health and money
Scorpio        Healing power, magick, resourcefulness and courage
Spikenard        For good luck, fidelity, and health
Strawberry    Love, luck and beauty
Sweet Pea    For friendship, courage and strength
Tangerine        Psychic powers, mental powers
Tea Tree        Healing, anti-fungal
Vanilla        Magickal powers, mental powers, love, lust, rejuvenation
Vervain        Love, protection, purification, peace, money, youth, healing
Vetivert        Hex breaking, peace, luck, love, protection, exorcism
Violet        Animal guide work, wishes, peace, love, luck, lust, protection
Wormwood    Psychic powers, calling spirits, protection, love
Ylang Ylang    Love, lust, peace

Pages Of Information
Divination Methods
Wheel of the year
Books I reccommend

