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Wheel of the Witches Year

is dedicated both to the Goddess and to the return of light to the land. The Sun is returning (along with longer days) and the first signs of the passing of winter are visible. Although the land appears to be barren, the lifeforce is awakening and will renew itself once more.
 Spring Equinox
  The seasons are really changing and colour is now more apparent in the landscape. At this time the hours of darkness equal the hours of light. This is a time of courtship between the yound God and the Goddess. The birds have built their nests and are laying eggs.
 This is the celebration of new life.
  This is the Summer Solstice - the longest day and shortest night. Flowers are in bloom and the relationship between masculine and feminine is interwoven. The God is at the height of his powers.
Lughnasadh / Lammas
The Goddess of the Harvest. The Goddess is seen as the bountiful mother but also as the Crone - wielder of the sickle. This shows our understanding of life and death. Where there is life there is also death.
 Autumn Equinox / Modron
 Often celebrated as a harvest festival for the remainder of the crops. A time to find out whether there are enough stocks for us to last through winter.
Samhain / Hallowe'en
 The festival of the dead. A time when this world is closest to the Otherworld. This is a time for remembering those that have gone before.
 Yule / Winter Solstice
At this festival we honour the Great Mother Goddess who brings life and hope to the land. This is also the birth of the Sun Child who will mature to become the young God of Spring.


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Wheel of the year
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