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(Immunisation, Jab, Injection)

Dr. James R. Shannon, former director of the National institute of health declared,
 "the only safe vaccine is one that is never used."

Cowpox vaccine was believed able to immunize people against smallpox. At the time this vaccine was introduced, there was already a decline in the number of cases of smallpox.

Japan introduced compulsory vaccination in 1872.
In 1892 there were 165,774 cases of smallpox with 29,979 deaths despite the vaccination program.

A stringent compulsory smallpox vaccine program, which prosecuted those refusing the vaccine,
was instituted in England in 1867. Within 4 years 97.5 % of persons between 2 and 50 had been vaccinated.
The following year England experienced the worst smallpox epidemic[1] in its history with 44,840 deaths.

Since the flu pandemic was declared, there have been several so-called "vaccine experts" coming out of the wood work attempting to justify the effectiveness of vaccines. All of them parrot the same ridiculous historical and pseudoscientific perspectives of vaccinations which are easily squelched with the following 9 questions.

Claim: The study of vaccines, their historical record of achievements, effectiveness, safety and mechanism in humans are well understood and proven in scientific and medical circles.

Fact: The claim is completely false.

1. What to ask: Could you please provide one double-blind, placebo-controlled study that can prove the safety and effectiveness of vaccines?

2. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific evidence on ANY study which can confirm the long-term safety and effectiveness of vaccines?

3. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific evidence which can prove that disease reduction in any part of the world, at any point in history was attributable to inoculation of populations?

4. What to ask: Could you please explain how the safety and mechanism of vaccines in the human body are scientifically proven if their pharmacokinetics (the study of bodily absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of ingredients) are never examined or analyzed in any vaccine study?

One of the most critical elements which defines the toxicity potential of any vaccine are its pharmacokinetic properties. Drug companies and health agencies refuse to consider the study, analysis or evaluation of the pharmacokinetic properties of any vaccine.

There is not one double-blind, placebo-controlled study in the history of vaccine development that has ever proven their safety, effectiveness or achievements (unless those achievements have underlined their damage to human health).

There are also no controlled studies completed in any country which have objectively proven that vaccines have had any direct or consequential effect on the reduction of any type of disease in any part of the world.

Every single study that has ever attempted to validate the safety and effectiveness of vaccines has conclusively established carcinogenic, mutagenic, neurotoxic or fertility impairments, but they won't address those.

Claim: Preservatives and chemical additives used in the manufacture of vaccines are safe and no studies have been linked or proven them unsafe for use in humans.

Fact: The claim is completely false.

5. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification as to how injecting a human being with a confirmed neurotoxin is beneficial to human health and prevents disease?
6. What to ask: Can you provide a risk/benefit profile on how the benefits of injecting a known neurotoxin exceeds its risks to human health for the intended goal of preventing disease?
This issue is no longer even open to debate. It is a scientifically established fact in literally hundreds of studies that the preservatives and chemical additives in vaccines damage cells. Neurotoxicity, immune suppression, immune-mediated chronic inflammation and carcinogenic proliferation are just a few of several effects that have been observed on the human body. See a list of chemicals in vaccines

Fortunately, the drug companies still tell us the damage vaccines have on the human body. People just don't read them. All you have to do is look at the insert for any vaccine, and it will detail the exact ingredients, alerts and potentially lethal effects.

See my latest analysis of the Arepanrix H1N1 vaccine for an example.

Any medical professional who believes that it is justified to inject any type of neurotoxin into any person to prevent any disease is completely misguided, misinformed, deluded and ignorant of any logic regarding human health.

Claim: Once an individual is injected with the foreign antigen in the vaccine, that individual becomes immune to future infections.

Fact: The claim is completely false.

7. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification on how bypassing the respiratory tract (or mucous membrane) is advantageous and how directly injecting viruses into the bloodstream enhances immune functioning and prevents future infections?

8. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification on how a vaccine would prevent viruses from mutating?

9. What to ask: Could you please provide scientific justification as to how a vaccination can target a virus in an infected individual who does not have the exact viral configuration or strain the vaccine was developed for?

All promoters of vaccination fail to realize that the respiratory tract of humans (actually all mammals) contains antibodies which initiates natural immune responses within the respiratory tract mucosa. Bypassing this mucosal aspect of the immune system by directly injecting viruses into the bloodstream leads to a corruption in the immune system itself. As a result, the pathogenic viruses or bacteria cannot be eliminated by the immune system and remain in the body, where they will further grow and/or mutate as the individual is exposed to ever more antigens and toxins in the environment which continue to assault the immune system.

Despite the injection of any type of vaccine, viruses continue circulating through the body, mutating and transforming into other organisms. The ability of a vaccine manufacturer to target the exact viral strain without knowing its mutagenic properties is equivalent to shooting a gun at a fixed target that has already been moved from its location. You would be shooting at what was, not what is!

Flu viruses, may mutate, change or adapt several times over a period of one flu season, making the seasonal influenza vaccine 100% redundant and ineffective every single flu season. Ironically, the natural immune defenses of the human body can target these changes but the vaccines cannot.

I have never encountered one pro-vaccine advocate, whether medically or scientifically qualified, who could answer even 1 let alone all 9 of these questions. One or all of the following will happen when debating any of the above questions:

- They will concede defeat and admit they are stumped

- They will attempt to discredit unrelated issues that do not pertain to the question.

- They will formulate their response and rebuttal based on historical arguments and scientific studies which have been disproved over and over again.

Not one pro-vaccine advocate will ever directly address these questions in an open mainstream venue.

Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA

Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes start October 28 & 29

Your body has been genetically modified by toxic chemicals.

Vaccination is the most likely cause of cancer, diabetes, AIDS, polio, and a host of other diseases. Vaccination was originally invented in order to counteract the devastating effects which refined sugar had on the health of the world.
There is a secret government that introduced refined sugar (along with slavery),
then opium and vaccination, and made enough money to take over the oil businesses,
and the media, and is now controlling our lives as can be seen from the following history.

In the battle for the world between the Carnegies and the Rockefellers,
the Rockefellers had won

1890 Andrew Carnegie writes a series of eleven essays called "The Gospel of Wealth", a treatise which essentially stated that free enterprise and capitalism no longer existed in the United States, because he and Rockefeller owned everything, including the government, and that competition was impossible unless they allowed it. Eventually, says Carnegie, the young children will become aware of this and form clandestine organizations to fight against it. Carnegie proposes that men of wealth form a synthetic free enterprise system based on cradle-to-grave schooling.

The people who advanced through schooling would be given licenses to lead profitable lives. All licenses are tied to forms of schooling. This way, the entire economy can be controlled and people have a motivation for them to learn what you want them to learn. It also places the minds of all children in the hands of a few social engineers. (German System).

Is the picture clarifying yet?

1981 George HW Bush becomes Vice President of the United States (to 1989).
Makes a speech to the Bilderberger Group in Washington, after which he states that he owes all he is to David Rockefeller.

1898 Rockefeller interests state prime goal of control of medical education in USA

Now you have the idea, then here is more detail

1665 London swept by bubonic plague. It was noticed that people who lived without sugar escaped harm. Over 68,000 die.

1763 Epidemic of smallpox in France wipes out a large part of the population. It was immediately attributed to inoculation, and the practice was prohibited by the French government for five years.

1790 Edward Jenner buys a medical degree from St.Andrews University for £15.

1791 Edward Jenner vaccinates his 18 month old son with swine-pox. In 1798, he vaccinates his son with cow-pox. His son will die of TB at the age of 20.

1798 John Robison publishes Proofs of a Conspiracy in which he describes 84 German masonic lodges and says that the Illuminati still work covertly behind the Scenes. Copy is received by George Washington.

1801 First widespread experimentation with vaccines begins.

1802 The British government gives Edward Jenner £10,000 for continued experimentation with "smallpox vaccine." The paradigm that vaccines provide "lifetime immunity" is abandoned, and the concept of "re vaccination" is sanctioned.

1822 The British government advances Edward Jenner another £20,000 for "smallpox vaccine" experimentation. Jenner suppresses reports which indicate his concept is causing more death than saving lives.

1857 Vaccination in England enforced by fines.
Smallpox epidemic begins in England that lasts until 1859. Over 14,000 die.

1871 In Birmingham, England from 1871 to 1874, there were 7,706 cases of smallpox.
Out of these, 6,795 had been vaccinated.

1871 In Bavaria, Germany, vaccination is compulsory and re-vaccination is commonplace.
Out of 30,472 cases of smallpox, 29,429 had been vaccinated

1884 In England, Dr. Charles Creighton is asked to write an article for the Encyclopaedia Britannica on vaccination. After much research internationally, he concludes that vaccination constituted
 "a gross superstition".

1884 In England, more that 1700 children vaccinated for smallpox die of syphilis.
(Note - syphilis is now called AIDS)

1884 Dr. Sobatta of the German Army reports on the results of vaccination to the German Vaccination Commission, which subsequently publishes data proving that re-vaccination does not work. Deaths from vaccination are routinely covered up by physicians.

1887 Dr. Edgar M. Crookshank Kings College, is asked to write a report about the cowpox outbreak in Wiltshire. The result states that "the credit given to vaccination belongs to sanitation".

1898 Rockefeller interests state prime goal of control of medical education in USA

1901 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research founded.

1904 John D. Rockefeller issues "Occasional Letter No.1" detailing plans to mold the people,
reduce national intelligence to the lowest common denominator, destroy parental influence, tradition and customs, and eliminate science and real learning, "in order to perfect human nature".

1909 New York Press, January 26,  publishes a report by W.B. Clark which states,  "cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced”.

1922 By 1922, more than 100 radiologists died from X-ray induced cancer


 1970 US Dept of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) reports "as much as 26% of children receiving ruebella (german measles) vaccination in national testing programs developed arthralgia and arthritis. Many had to seek medical attention and some were hospitalized."

1970 A study by Pittman reveals Pertussis vaccine can induce hypoglycaemia due to increased production of insulin. (Ref: DPT shots). Study is corroborated in 1978 by Hannick and Cohen and by Hennessen and Quast in West Germany. Result: Pertussis and DPT vaccines can cause diabetes.

1972 The first mass-marketing of "poppers" (amyl/butyl nitrates). (Effect of lowering of immune system of users. Combined with use of antibiotics (lowers T-cell count) and anti-parasitic/amoebic drugs (reduces immune system), sexually transmitted diseases, drug use and government-sponsored vaccinations - the first "AIDS" cases in the gay community would appear within 8 years, allowing the Nazified United States to do covertly what they did overtly during World War II - begin to get rid of undesirables.

1972 WHO Bulletin No.47 refers to creation of an immune virus (see 1969) and suggests that a useful way to study the effects would be "to put it into a vaccination program and observe the results". It is theorized that WHO used the smallpox vaccination program in Central Africa for this study, since the spread of HIV infection coincides precisely with the most intense and recent smallpox vaccination campaigns. Information on the Central African countries most infected with HIV precisely matches WHO figures indicating the number of people vaccinated in these areas. The virus requested would selectively destroy the T-cell system. (1972 Federation Proceedings of WHO).

1972 Dr.Louis J. West, director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, proposes to use an abandoned Nike base for the Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence. In a confidential letter to Dr. J.M. Stubblebine, Director of Health in the California Offices of Health Planning, West wrote that "studies could be carried out there for model programs for the alteration of undesirable behavior." West reveals the desired use for implants and the inclusion of hyper kinetic children and those with chromosomal abnormalities in the study. Dr. L.J. West, working with M.Singer and R.J.Lifton, founded the "Citizens Freedom Foundation" in 1974, which changed its name to the "Cult Awareness Network (CAN)" in 1985/86. The CAN group would figure prominently 20 years later in the Waco Massacre of the Branch Davidians.

1972 British Journal of Psychiatry #120 reveals that "psychotic disorders may be caused by viral infections." (Ref: viruses induced by vaccines).

1975 Federal Drug Administration Bureau of Biologics concludes that Diphtheria toxoid (vaccine) is "not as effective an immunizing agent as might be anticipated." They admit that Diphtheria may occur in vaccinated people,  and note that "the permanence of immunity induced by the toxoid is open to question."

1975 Japan stops using Pertussis vaccine following publicity about vaccine-related deaths.

1975 Dr. John Yiamouyiannis publishes a preliminary survey which shows that people in fluoridated areas have a higher cancer death rate than those in non-fluoridated areas. The National Cancer Institute attempts to refute the studies. Later in 1975, Yiamouyiannis joins with Dr.Dean Burk, chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute (1939-1974) in performing other studies which are then included in the Congressional Record by Congressman Delaney, who was the original author of the Delaney Amendment,  which prohibited the addition of cancer-causing substances to food used for human consumption. Both reports confirmed the existence of a link between fluoridation and cancer.  (Note: Obviously Dr. Burk felt free to agree with scientific truth only after his tenure at NCI ended, since his job depended on toeing the party line).

1976 According to a letter from the British Association for Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children, published in the British Medical Journal of February 1976, "two years ago we started to collect details from parents of serious reactions suffered by their children to immunizations of all kinds. In 65% of the cases referred to us, reactions followed "triple" vaccinations. The children in this group total 182 to date. All are severely brain damaged, some are paralyzed,and 5 have died during the past 18 months. Approximately 60% of reactions (major convulsions, collapse, screaming) happened within 3 days and all within 12 days.

1976 Dr. Jonas Salk, creator of the polio vaccine, says that analysis indicates that the live virus vaccine in use since the 1960's is the principle, if not sole cause of all polio cases since 1961.

1976 More than 500 people receiving flu vaccinations become paralyzed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

1976 After declining steadily since 1922, cases of Pertussis (whooping cough) suddenly begin to rise significantly between 1976 and 1980, during the same time vaccination for Pertussis was increased. The number of reported cases has risen each year since 1977. Reasons are said to be "unclear" why school age children make up the bulk of the cases.

1977 A Blue Ribbon Panel is convened to investigate the reason for the drop in the general IQ of the United States. Seventy-nine theories were advanced, but none of them satisfactorily explained the drop in mental capacity of the US population. The idea that vaccines could be part of the problem was not brought up. Y.L. Warten, 1977. (The Prussian education system is also part of the problem, for those volkschuelen).

1977 The British government is pressured by the publicity following the new data about Pertussis and DPT vaccinations.

1977 The University of Glasgow in Scotland, Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Gordon Stuart, publishes a study analyzing 160 cases of adverse reaction and neurotoxicity following DPT vaccination. In 65 of those cases, reactions to DPT shots included convulsions, hyperactivity and severe mental defect. In a stern statement, Stuart says, "it seems likely that most adverse reactions are unreported and/or overlooked."

1977 The British government conducts the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study (NCES) which tests the connection between vaccinations and neurological disease.

1977 (Mar) Jonas and Darrell Salk warn live virus vaccines produce some disease.

1978 According to Charlotte Parker of the University of Texas Department of Microbiology, the nature of the organism Bordetella Pertussis means that different lots of vaccine made from the same strains sometimes show different properties.

1978 In the United States, the FDA finances and conducts a study at UCLA from January 1, 1978 to December 15, 1979 called "Pertussis Vaccine Project: Rates, Nature and Etiology of Adverse Reactions Associated with DPT Vaccine". The results of the study were published in Pediatrics in November 1981; the unpublished contractors "Final Report" was submitted to the FDA on March 18, 1980 (a year earlier) and contained revealing data. The study found a higher incidence of adverse reactions to the DPT shot than any previously reported in literature. After the study had run nine months, the FDA convened a Pertussis Symposium, at which it was revealed that "the most striking finding in this preliminary analysis is the high frequency of persistent crying, episodes of convulsions and collapse following DPT immunization."
Because of these findings, the study was curtailed from the planned examination of 50,000 vaccinations to only 17,000. The UCLA-FDA study also found that systemic reactions in the central nervous system were present in 50% of the vaccinations. Because of this potentially damaging information, the FDA placed an arbitrary time limit of 48 hours within which reactions had to occur, despite ongoing data which indicates that serious reactions occur after that time limit, in order to limit the statistical data and conceal the extent of the problem from the population. (See 1981). In 1988, an FDA-sponsored follow-up study of the "18" children with neurological reactions concluded "no significant neurological impairment." A 1988 re-examination of those same children by an independent researcher, paediatric neurologist Ronald Gabriel, not associated with the FDA, proved that the FDA lied - only 4 of the 18 were normal. The results were presented at a May 1980 meeting of the Institute of Medicine. Results indicate that encephalopathy is followed by subtle learning, behavioral and neurological problems. (Note: See the book Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: the Medical Assault on the American Brain, by Harris Coulter, 1990. The FDA is continuously involved in criminal conspiracy and racketeering along with pharmaceutical and chemical companies in the United States.)

1978 In England, Griffith studies pertussis vaccine reactions in children, noting a case in which a boy experiences brain damage 3 days after vaccination and dies 27 days later due to injection of triple vaccine.

1978 Trials of Hepatitis B vaccine in New York City on non-monogamous males between 20 and 40 years old. Homosexuals receive a different vaccine.

1979 Two paediatricians in California report brain swelling associated with DPT vaccine administration.

1979 New rubella vaccine introduced. See 1988.

1979 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) funds a study which represents the first significant "attempt" to evaluate reactions to the DPT shot. The study is conducted at the University of California (UCLA) and was published in Paediatrics in 1981. After studying 16,000 DPT and DT vaccination cases, they concluded that the Pertussis (P) element of the DPT shot was the element causing reactions. They also found that the incidence of all DPT reactions was much higher in the population than had been suspected or reported in the scientific literature. Despite these results, even in 1994 physicians promote Pertussis vaccine with confidence, pay little attention to identification of high risk children, and do not carefully observe contraindications. Parents are legally required to vaccinate their children with Pertussis before entering them in school. (See 1982)

1980 Issue of Mutation Research shows that children re-vaccinated against smallpox had "chromosomal aberrations in their white blood cells", leading to the conclusion that smallpox vaccination is mutagenic.

1981 At the headquarters of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the director of the OSHA office of carcinogenic identification, Dr. Peter Infante, pointed out that a Current Intelligence Bulletin (CIB) on formaldehyde was "an important document assessing formaldehyde's cancer causing potential". The top bureaucracy at OSHA were embarrassed at the release of the truth, and tried to dismiss Infante. On July 27th, Infante writes Dr. John Higginson, director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), disagreeing with the IARC decision to conceal the carcinogenic nature of the substance. Formaldehyde is a common component of vaccines.

1981 Britain conducts the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study, and finds that there exists a significant correlation between serious neurological illness and Pertussis vaccination occurring within 7 days of the shot. In the US, the FDA limits statistical data to 48 hours in order to conceal damaging data and eliminate data on deaths and damage occurring after that period of time.

1981 Japan begins use of a new childhood Pertussis vaccine, recommended to be given as 4th and 5th dose. US vaccine used for 1st,2nd,3rd doses.

1981 New England Journal of Medicine (11/26/81) publishes a study showing that tetanus vaccines cause T-cell ratios to drop below normal, with the greatest decrease after two weeks. The altered ratios were found to be similar to those found in AIDS victims.

1982 A reporter at WRC-TV in Washington, DC breaks a story on Pertussis vaccine reactions in the documentary "DPT: Vaccine Roulette", which generally informs the American public that their children are at risk from Pertussis vaccinations. (See 1988)

1982 34th Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology releases a study which is published in Neurology magazine indicating that out of 103 infants who dies of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), 66% had been vaccinated with DPT prior to death. Of these, 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination, 13% within 24 hours, 26% within 3 days, 37% died within 1 week, 61% died within 2 weeks and 70% had died within 3 weeks. It was also found that SIDS frequencies have a bimodal peak occurrence at 2 and 4 months of age - the same ages when initial doses of DPT are administered to infants. Study done at the University School of Medicine at Reno, Nevada. Dr. William Torch.

1982 Homosexuals in Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Los Angeles and San Francisco get Hepatitis B vaccine.

1982 E.M. Taylor and J.L. Emery write "in our experience, most unexpectant infant deaths have a multi factorial nature. We cannot exclude the possibility of recent vaccination/immunization being one of several contributory factors in an 'occasional' unexpected infant death (SIDS)."

1982 Study by Geschwind and Behan on Autism reveals the finding of an association between autism, celiac disease, dyslexia, stuttering, migraine headaches, developmental disabilities and left-handedness (all features of post encephalitic syndrome). The study caused a sensation because of scientific inability to imagine the connecting thread among the disparate conditions. The connecting thread is the childhood vaccination program.

1983 Bellman, Ross and Miller publish a study of 269 cases of infantile spasms which returns to the establishment position that "DPT vaccines do not cause infantile spasms, but may trigger their onset in those children in whom the disorder is 'destined to develop'".

1983 Stanford University Study on Pertussis Vaccine. Lawrence Steinman and colleagues at Stanford University School of Medicine perform a study which reveals that children with allergies may overreact to Pertussis vaccine.

1984 The British Epidemiological Research Laboratory publishes a study relative to Pertussis vaccinations, saying "Since the decline in Pertussis immunization, hospital admissions and death rates from whooping cough have fallen unexpectedly."

1984 The 1984 Connaught Laboratory package insert for DPT vaccine cites a 1978 Scandinavian study linking the vaccine to the development of haemolytic anaemia and warns that this is a contraindication. By 1991, they would remove this warning from their package inserts in order to conceal this data. This kind of anaemia is typified by weakness and periodic loss of consciousness.

1984 Wyeth Laboratories package insert for DPT vaccine states, "The occurrence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrom (SIDS) has been reported following administration of DTP vaccine" and that "approximately 85% of SIDS cases occur in the period 1 through 6 months of age, with the peak incidence at age 2 to 4 months." Two years later in 1986, the Wyeth insert stated, "SIDS has occurred in infants following administration of DPT" but went on to state that "one study showed that there was no casual connection". (Note: One wonders who paid for and did that specific study)

1984 CDC acknowledges that 60% of those receiving hepatitis vaccine are HIV.

1985 The Assistant Secretary of Health, Edward Brandt, Jr.,M.D, testifies before a Senate Committee, "every year 35,000 children suffer neurological complications because of DPT vaccine." (May 3, 1985).

1985 A U.S. Government study shows an awareness of the potential of genetic engineering. "The rapid advances of genetic technology, in which the U.S. is the leader, offer the predictable likelihood of new agents being developed for which no vaccines or counter agents are known or available". Ref: Report of the President's Chemical Warfare Review Commission, 1969.

1985 Haemophilias Influenza type B (HIB) vaccine approved for general use in US.
The Hib vaccine is often referred to as the "meningitis" vaccine, but meningitus has several causes.

1985 Book about DPT vaccinations DPT: A Shot in the Dark is published, revealing aspects of collusion between government agencies, the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry.

1986 In Kansas, 1300 cases of Pertussis reported. Over 1100 had been vaccinated.

1986 150 lawsuits pending against DPT vaccine makers.

1986 The book entitled The Truth about AIDS - Evolution of an Epidemic, written by Fettner and Clark, provides documentation on the origin of AIDS and its relation to the biomedical evidence regarding ELF and the destruction of the human immune system.

1986 Robert Gallo is interviewed at the National Cancer Institute, where he says, "HTLV-III is the sole cause of AIDS. You don't need any co-factors!"

1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Administered by the US Claims Court in Washington, DC, which does recognize an association between the DPT shot and infantile spasms. The court awarded $2 million to a body in 1989 relative to a reaction to DPT vaccine.

1986 Employee of Boeing Aircraft allegedly finds the document Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars in an office copier. The document discusses social engineering of civilization to obtain total control, the technology for which supposedly originated in England during World War II.

1986 National Health Survey finds that between 1969 and 1981, the prevalence of "activity-limiting chronic conditions" in children increased by 44%, from 2.9 million children to 3.8 million children. Almost all of the increase happened between 1969 and 1975. Most of these conditions are readily associated with post-encephalitic syndrome. Childhood respiratory disease during this period increased 47%,childhood asthma increased 65% (with deaths from asthma increasing), mental and nervous system disorders increased 80%, personality and other non-psychotic disorders (behavior disorders, drug abuse and hyperactivity increased 300%, diseases of the eyes and ears (especially otitis media) rose 120%, and cases of hearing loss rose 129%. All of these increases were identical in both high and low income groups. For the same period of time, levels of disease not associated with vaccine damage remained unchanged.

1986 Connaught Laboratories package insert for their DPT vaccine reads "some data suggests that fever is more likely to happen in those who have had local reactions, and that local reactions are more likely to occur with increasing numbers of doses of DPT."

1987 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) releases a study indicating that the Hib vaccine shows an efficacy (effectiveness) rate of 41%. Children were found to be five times more likely to contract the disease than those not vaccinated.

1987 CDC now refuses to give out figures relative to hepatitis vaccinations and HIV+ to justify their claims.

1987 The Philadelphia Daily News carries a story that Colonel David L. Huxsoll, chief of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) told a meeting of Soviet scientists that Soviet charges that the U.S. military created the HIV virus constituted "disinformation".

1987 Sixty-six Japanese victims of Pertussis vaccine receive huge damage awards from the Japanese government.

1988 Lederle Laboratories package insert for DPT vaccine reads "Pertussis vaccine has been associated with a greater proportion of adverse reactions than many other childhood vaccinations. Local reactions are common after administration of DTP, occurring in 35-50% of recipients. Febrile reactions are more likely to occur in those who have experienced such responses after prior doses."

1988 US tests a cellular Pertussis vaccine on Swedish children. Five children die, up to five months after vaccination. Deaths in the US that occur within hours or days of a whole-cell vaccination are quickly dismissed and rarely investigated.

1988 Discovered that ingestion of 100mg (.004 ounce) of sugar reduces the immune functions in the body by 50% within one hour. Other studies confirm that excessive sugar consumption may increase the incidence of infections and reduce the body's ability to defend against disease. Ref: Eat for Health, William Manahan, M.D, Tiburon Press, 1988; Robert Mendelsohn, M.D, "The Risks of Immunizations", 1988, Peoples Doctor Newsletter, Inc.

1988 Two scientific studies find that new rubella vaccine introduced in 1979 was found to be the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Epstein-Barr virus), an immune disorder first reported in 1982.

1988 Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D, publishes material indicating that Dr. John Seal of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease believes that "any and all flu vaccines are capable of causing Guillain-Barre."

1988 New "conjugated" Hib vaccine approved for use in children at least 18 months old in the United States. Hib = Hemophilus Influenza Type B.

1991 Second Immunization Conference in Canberra, Australia. Dr. Viera Scheibnerova reports that "vaccination is the single most prevalent and most preventable cause of infant deaths"

1991 Annual Conference of the Society of Homoeopaths Manchester, England, September 91, Richard Moskowitz, M.D. Revelation that the English National Health Service pays a "bonus" to doctors with documented vaccination rates above SPECIFIED averages.
1992 Lancet, Journal of the British Medical Association, reports (3/7/92) that the oral polio vaccine used in the mid 1970's to treat recurrent herpes was contaminated with a number of potentially dangerous retroviruses, and may have seeded HIV among Americans".

1992 Article in the Washington Post, Nov 2, "On Vaccinating Safely" and Dec 14th press release by the National Vaccine Information Center indicate release by the FDA of a report acknowledging more than 17,000 adverse events - including more than 350 deaths - following vaccination, all in a 20 month period ending July31, 1992. Reported events number far less than actual events, so number is actually larger, perhaps 170,000 or more.

1992 From 1988 to 1992, over $249 million has already been awarded due to hundreds of deaths and injuries caused by mandated vaccines. Thousands of cases are still pending. The permanent injuries from vaccines include, but are not limited to, learning disabilities, seizure disorders, mental retardation, and paralysis. Many of the awards for pertussis vaccine deaths were initially (and wrongfully) misclassified as Sudden Death Syndrome (SIDS).

1992 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 87% of all cases of polio in the United States between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the vaccine. The CDC also said that every case from 1980 to 1989 was cause by vaccine.
1993 More than 25 percent of all measles cases are occurring in babies under a year old. CDC attributes this to growing number of mothers vaccinated between 1960 and 1980. When natural immunity is denied by vaccination, measles immunity cannot be passed on to babies.

1993 Dr. Robert Gallo, "co-discoverer of HIV" reveals in the June issue of Bio Tech that the protein "p24", which is generally accepted to be the proof of HIV existence, is in fact found in all retroviruses that live in the body and do no harm. It is not unique to "HIV" retrovirus. The detection of "p24" is the basis for the ELISA test. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (1988 V318,p448-9) revealed that antibodies to p24 were detected in one out of every 150 people.

1993 Epidemic of Pertussis in Massachusetts, 218 students, 96% of whom were vaccinated against Pertussis (whooping cough).

1993 Clinton administration announces plans for a National Childhood Vaccination Program. 103rd Congress introduces S732,S733,HR1460, legislation that would attempt to vaccinate all children in the United States, while severely limiting exemptions parents could claim. The bills also seek to set up a national vaccine registry to track down parents who resist.

1993 Seattle Times reports that all polio in the US is caused by vaccines.(6/10/93).

1993 CNN News announces that a couple win $2.9 million in a vaccination lawsuit.

1993 Media program (8/11/93) asking parents to order "Hepatitis vaccinations" for children.

1993 Senator Edward Kennedy introduces a bill S.732, calling for a national computerized registry of US children under six years of age, together with at least one parent. "Childhood Immunization Bill". The Kennedy legislation calls for children to receive "smart cards" at birth, followed by vaccination tracking and total surveillance. Clinton proposes "national medical ID".

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