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Deliberate Use of Refined Sugar to Assist Degenerative Disease"as refined sugar consumption increases, the incidence of fatal disease increases to match it"Copyright 1996 Leading Edge Research Vietnam: A Case on Point for Undermining of a Population You can immediately see the effect that consumption of refined sugar has on a population, and since these effects are known, the distribution of refined sugar to a population constitutes a criminal act. In Vietnam the U.S. Government instituted a very successful program of selling the Vietnamese processed polished rice (which you can see at the supermarket) as a replacement for their whole grain rice which contains the B vitamin (thiamine) complex. Immediately the general health of the Vietnamese began to suffer, especially when they were exposed to American processed foods and soft beverages. The combination of white rice and white sugar was a lethal combination for the Vietnamese. U.S. medical officials in Vietnam in 1971 pretended to be stumped, and decided to announce that a mysterious disease was being coming rampant and a vaccine had to be found. Warnings were broadcast over radio and television and millions of leaflets were dropped. The Vietnamese government was then stuck with the bill for blood plasma and IV fluids which the U.S. Government airlifted in to "solve the problem". I remember it because I was there when this was going on. Refined Sugar, Diabetes and HypoglycemiaDietary causes are not the only cause of a malfunction of body insulin production, but dietary relationships are what we will focus on here. Government Ignores Symptoms of Sugar ConsumptionUS Dept of Health and Human Welfare Ignores Neurological SymptomologyAccording to a September 1973 letter from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (an organization that exists, like others, to ensure the exact opposite), unpublished data shows that out of 134,000 people interviewed in 1973, 66,000 (49.2%) reported the symptoms of hyperglycemia (sweating, shakiness, trembling, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, headache, weakness, and occasionally seizures and coma). According to the Journal of the American Medican Association in 1973, "the majority of people with these symptoms do not have hypoglycemia". The fact they they do not state what they have is significant, yet they cannot claim to know unless they really know what is happening and they are not telling anyone. Since the HEW study remains unpublished the AMA can claim not to know about it, and say that the claims of widespread hypoglycemia in the United States are "not supported by medical evidence", since the HEW study reported statistical epidemiological evidence. The patients reported the evidence, not the doctors. Therefore, it is not "medical" evidence. Diabetes and Sugar: Denmark as a Case in PointHippocrates never described a case of diabetes. The only country where actual statistics relating to diabetes and the consumption of sugar is Denmark. In 1880, the average Danish citizen consumed over 29 pounds of refined sugar annually. At that time, the recorded death rate from diabetes was 1.8 per 100,000. In 1911, consumption more than doubled to 82 pounds per person, and the death rate from diabetes rose to 8 per 100,000. In 1934, sugar consumption rose to 113 pounds per person and the death rate from diabetes rose to 18.9 per 100,000. Before World War II, Denmark has a higher conscumption of sugar than any other European country. It is interesting that one out of five people in Demark also have cancer. In Sweden, annual consumption per person of refined sugar rose from 12 pounds in 1880 to over 120 pounds per person in 1929. One out of six people in Sweden has cancer. The conclusion is inescapable: as refined sugar consumption increases, the incidence of fatal disease increases to match it. Insulin Market as a Financial WindfallThe discovery of synthetically produced insulin meant that the pharmaceutical industry had another financial windfall, and the surge in refined sugar production in the United States in the 1920's ensured that the profit would escalate dramatically. Taking too little or too much insulin can cause insulin shock. In 1924, low levels of glucose in the blood were declared to be a symptom of excessive insulin. Dr. Seale Harris of the University of Alabama began to notice symptoms of insulin shock in many people who were neither diabetic not taking any insulin. These people were diagnosed as having low levels of glucose in their blood (diabetics have high levels of glucose). Dr. Harris pointed out that the cure for low blood glucose was self-government of the body by giving up refined sugar, candy, coffee and soft drinks. Needless to say, neither the medical establishment nor the food industry was amused by this fact, because patients with hyperinsulin situations could never be made to be dependent on the medical system when they could take care of the problem themselves by watching their diet. Furthermore, in 1929, Dr.Frederick Banting, the discoverer of insulin, informed the medical establishment that the way to prevent diabetes was to cut down on "dangerous" consumption levels of sugar. In the 1930's researchers in the United States discovered that Chinese and Japanese who take rice (natural, not polished) as their principle food had very little diabetes. They also noticed that Jews and Italians had a high incidence of diabetes, as their sugar intake was correspondingly higher. Other statistics in the United States show that the outbreak of diabetes dropped sharply during World War I when sugar was rationed (except it was not rationed to the soldiers who were doomed anyway and the military incidence of diabetes went up). Refined sugar was introduced to Japan after the U.S. Civil War, and the Japanese used it as a medicine. By 1906, 45,000 acres of sugar cane were cultivated in Japan. As the Japanese consumed more sugar, the onset of "western" diseases increased. When we eat, the process of digestion converts food into glucose, which is carried in the blood to the pancreas, where the increased blood glucose level stimulates the production of insulin to balance the glucose level. The insulin is carried in the blood to the liver, where excess glucose is coverted to glycogen, which is then stored in the liver. A decrease in blood glucose, on the other hand, stimulates secretion of cortical hormones in the adrenal gland and hormones in the pituitary gland (ACTH) which raise the blood glucose level by converting some of the stored glycogen in the liver to glucose. In a healthy body, the blood glucose level is maintained by the interplat of insulin, cortical hormones, and ACTH. Sugar Overstimulates the Pancreas and Can Create DiabetesConsumption of refined sugar products (as well as honey and fruits) overstimulates the pancreas, causing over-production of insulin, coverting too much glucose into glycogen, depressing the blood glucose level and producing a condition of hyperinsulinism, or hypoglycemia. As the pancreas tires of producing insulin to counteract the consumption of sugar, the blood sugar begins to rise significantly. When the insulin supply becomes inadequate in this manner, the liver cannot effectively convert excess glucose to glycogen. This condition is known as diabetes. The fact that the recommendation exists in the medical community for a diabetic to consume glucose tablets or sugar cubes when they feel an incident of insulin shock coming on is incredible and counter to established scientific data on the physiological operation of the human body, yet the public mutely accepts this in a blind trust of those "who know better than we do". Mass media commercials continually create the atmosphere that the public is a collective bunch of imbeciles, and one that suggests that the medical community and the pharmaceutical companies only care about the welfare of the public. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare should be renamed for what it really stands for, based on its activity and accomplishments over the years: The Department of Disease Production, Mind Control of the Young and Sociological Dependency. In 1960, Japanese doctor Nyoiti Sakurazawa noted, "no Western doctor can cure diabetes, even thirty years after the discovery of insulin. Physicians have continued to recommend insulin, condemning diabetics to walk with an insulin crutch for the rest of their lives, yet on the 25th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, the inefficiency of insulin as a treatment or cure for diabetes was publicly admitted. In the meantime, millions of diabetics have paid millions of dollars for this ineffective remedy. The number of diabetics is increasing every day. Once they begin taking insulin, they can expect to feed the pockets of the doctors and pharmaceutical corporations as long as they live. In 1964, Sakurazawa said, "I am confident that Western medicine will admit what has been known in the Orient for years: sugar is without question the number one murderer in the history of humanity - much more lethal than opium or radioactive fallout. Sugar is the greatest evil that modern industrial civilization has visited upon the countries of the Far East and Africa (genocide)...foolish people who give or sell candy to babies will one day, to their horror, find that they have much to answer for." Sugar Trafficking Was the First Drug TraffickingIn 1991, according to the 1993 World Almanac and Book of Facts, the United States exported $12.1 million dollars of sugar and imported $713 million dollars worth of sugar, much to the delight of the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and the detriment of the population. Increased sugar consumption and the resulting symptoms of hypoglycemia have also contributed toward an increasing number of accidents on the highways of the world - the carnage continues. Consult the composite chronology on this web site to research how sugar as a population modifying drug has been historically handled, and by whom. It is some of the same people who later were involved in opium trafficking and today traffick in heroin and cocaine worldwide. Get it yet? [1] REFERENCES[1] Abrahamson, E.M., "Mind Body and Sugar", Journal of the American Medical Association, 83:729, 1924 Himsworth, H., Clinical Science, 2:117, 1935 Fredericks, C., "Low Blood Sugar and You" Campbell, G., Nutrition and Diseases, 1973 New York Times, "Ailment Striking Young in Vietnam", July 22, 1973; Dufty, W.,"The Sugar Blues", 1975 Deerr, D., The History of Sugar, Strong, L., The Story of Sugar, Collum, E., A History of Nutrition, Roberts, H., "Sugar Unmasked as a Highway Killer", Prevention Magazine, March 1972 Medical World News, January 1972/March 1973 Price, W., "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" Academy of Applied Nutrition, 1948; Dope Incorporated and the Unseen Hand. Body This page is mirrored at : Google Sites
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