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Mechanism of Excitotoxin Effect on the Brain

caused by aspartame and monosodium glutomate

Copyright 1996 Leading Edge Research

Processed human foods contain three primary brain cell toxins: glutamate, aspartate and cysteic acid. They are called excitotoxins because they “excite” neurons due to their chemical similarity to neurotransmitters. Natural variations of glutamate and aspartate are in fact found normally in the spinal chord, and are subject to a very delicate level within the body. Excess levels are immediately removed by counterbalancing mechanisms that transfer excess glutamate back into surrounding glial cells, which surround the neurons and supply them with energy. When the concentration rises above a critical level, they become neural toxins to cells containing receptors for them. Excessive glutamate levels will not only kill the neurons with the receptors for glutamate but will also kill any neurons that happen to be connected to it, even if that neuron uses another type of receptor. 

This fact is very important relative to the contribution glutamates and aspartates make toward development of both Alzheimer’s syndrome and Parkinson’s disease. Experimental evidence has shown that within 15-30 minutes after being exposed to excessive levels of glutamate, such as that acquired by eating processed foods, neurons suspended in tissue culture swell up like balloons. The organelles begin to degenerate and the chromatin begins to clump. Within three hours these neurons are dead. However, when lower doses of MSG are used for two hours, and then removed, the cells remained viable for 18 to 24 hours, after which they suddenly died. Apparently, glutamate acts as a trigger that opens the sodium channel on the cell membrane and allows calcium to enter the neuron, triggering an enzyme called phospholipase C within the cell, which then triggers the release of arachidonic acid, damaging the cells interior. 

The arachidonic acid is attacked by two enzymes called lipoygenase and cyclo-oxygenase, further triggering an explosive release of free radicals (superoxide and hydroxyl radicals) which brings on cell death. The normal concentration of antioxidants in the brain is not enough to handle the excess free radicals produced in this way. 

Since humans concentrate ingested glutamate in their plasma in higher concentrations than any other animal, this fact must figure into the equation as to why glutamates have been increasingly added to human processed food, despite scientific evidence presented to Congress, in order to achieve the desired neurological degeneration in line with both Malthusian population reduction mandates, allopathic fund generation and neurological behavior modification programs.

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