You will
see by reference to previous chapters that the
term "Telementation" is used by me in the sense
of "mentative influence at a distance," the word
being derived from the Greek word Tele, meaning
"afar off"; and the word "mentation," which I
use in the sense of "mental activity."
You will
also remember that the word "mentation" implies
activity of the Mind-Power, which I hold to be
universal in its character. You will also
remember that the action of telementation
depends upon the production of induced mental
states by mentative currents.
induction, you remember, operates along the same
lines as magnetic or electrical induction, that
is, a mental state may be reproduced in another
mind by mentative induction operating by means
of mentative currents.
I have
explained how mental states may be induced by
suggestion, as well as by mentative currents,
and shall not allude to this phase at this
place, but shall consider mentative induction in
its phase of manifestation by means of mentative
currents. This mention of technical terms may
seem somewhat "dry" to you, but you should
acquaint yourself with the intelligent use and
meaning of the terms, for thereby you will be
enabled to hold the ideas firmly in your mind.
are "pegs" upon which you may hang thoughts and
ideas, so that you may find them when you need
them. Otherwise they are scattered around in
In order
that you may more fully understand the wonderful
phenomena of telementation, I think we would
better take another look at the fundamental
principle or Mind-Power itself. By understanding
the nature of the force employed, you may better
understand its effect and laws of operation. You
will remember that I have postulated the
existence of a universal Mind-Power, which is
imminent in, and manifested in, all form of
life, energy and mind.
I have
also held that all personal manifestations of
Mind-Power, in ourselves and others, are but
centers of power in the great Ocean of Universal
Mind-Power. You will remember also, that I have
claimed that the brain was not a "creator" of
Mind-Power, but rather in the nature of a
"converter" or "transformer" of the universal
Mind-Power into usable forms and phases. "Well
so far, we understand the matter. Now let us
pass on to the consideration of the mentative
In the
first place, the currents must be set into
motion somewhere and somehow. Where and how? Let
us see! We must see that the mentative currents
have their origin, or rather, their initial
impulse, in and from the mind of some
individual. How? In and from his brain, of
Because the brain is the "transformer" or
"converter" of the Mind-Power into usable shapes
find phases. What is the nature of the brain's
action! Science, as well as the occult
teachings, informs us that in all
brain-processes there is a "burning-up" of brain
substance and nervous matter, just as there is a
corresponding "burning-up" of the elements in an
electric battery. The process is very similar in
both cases.
brain and battery "convert" or "transform" an
energy already existing in a universal form,
which energy cannot be created, added to, nor
taken away from.
And both
use up material in the process. And both
generate "currents" of force which are capable
of affecting changes in other substances, etc.
Science shows us that there is a production or
generation of heat in the manifestation of
Mind-Power in the brain.
temperature of the brain rises when it is
employed in active thought-work, or other forms
of mental activity, or excitement. And even the
temperature of a tiny nerve increases when it is
used. This fact has been fully demonstrated by
causes the brain to manifest this energy? Mental
states! What is a mental state? You know what
"mental" means--and "state" means "a condition."
So a mental state is "a mental condition" Then
upon what do mental states, or "conditions,"
depend, and why do they vary!
Upon the
degrees of vibration of excitement of the mental
apparatus! Mental apparatus? Must a thing have a
Mental Apparatus, before it can manifest mental
states, original or induced?
Yes! but
remember this, everything has its
mental apparatus, even down to the atom, and the
particles that compose atoms; everything "feels"
and "responds to feeling," even among the most
material forms--Science states this
emphatically; and everything that "feels" and
"responds," must manifest desire and will, if
only in an elementary way, and must have mental
apparatus in order to do this; there is mind,
and the machinery of mind, in every atom, and
all that is evolved therefrom. This is not my
personal statement alone, but is the last word
of Modern Science, as voiced by her most
advanced advocates.
of excitement," I have said. What is a
vibration? It is a state of intense, rapid
movement of a particle. Science informs us that
everything is in vibration, always; and that the
differing nature of things depends upon their
respective rate of vibrations. And what is
"excitement," as I use the term? It means
"aroused activity." So, then, there is to be
found a condition of "aroused vibrational
activity" underlying all mental states? And this
aroused vibrational activity communicates motion
to the mentative currents, and starts them
toward others in, whom they induce similar
mental states. That is the story in full.
Then if
we have a mental state of "aroused vibrational
activity" of an individual, how is it passed on
to other individuals without direct contact? By
mentative currents or waves! What are mentative
currents or waves, and how do they operate?
Now we
are right up to the question with a full
understanding of what it means. Then let us
answer it in the light of modern Science.
There is
a great misapprehension in the minds of the
majority of people about "currents" and "waves"
of light, magnetism, electricity, heat, etc.
They are aware that waves of heat and light, for
instance travel over millions and millions of
miles from the sun to the earth, and are then
felt here, although originating there millions
of miles away.
know this fully, but they seem to think that the
heat and light are substances that actually
"travel" in waves over the distance. But this is
not the teaching of Science, which, on the
contrary, holds that light and heat do not so
travel, but that the original heat and light
vibrations set up "waves in the ether."
ether is a suppositious fine form of matter,
filling all space, even between the atoms, as
well as between the worlds--nobody knows
anything "actually" about the ether, but Science
has been forced to postulate its existence, in
order to account for certain phenomena.
holds that these "waves in the ether," once set
into motion, travel on until they come in
contact with matter capable of taking up their
this kind of matter is found, it takes up the
ethereal vibrations, and reproduces them in the
shape of heat and light In other words, the
original light and heat of the sun does not
"travel" to the earth to be then experienced by
the latter, but, on the contrary, the original
solar heat and light set up the "waves in the
ether," which travel along until the earth is
reached, when meeting with the proper material
they are reproduced or "transformed" into heat
and light vibrations similar to those of the
original impulse, and we of the earth feel the
heat and see the light.
and magnetism are reproduced in the same way. It
is just like the sound vibrations setting up
electrical vibration in the telephone, which
travel along and then are retransformed into
sound vibrations again at the other end of the
line. When you think of this, please remember
that the receiving-end vibrations are "induced."
There is
something else just as much generally
misunderstood. People think that these "waves"
actually travel, just as they think that waves
in water travel, when we drop a stone in the
pond. But they are mistaken in both instances.
The force of the motion of the stone produces
the elevation of the water, that you call a
Then the
motion is passed on and another wave is formed.
Then another, and another, until you have a
series of waves that apparently travel toward
the shore. But the waves don't travel. They
merely communicate their motion to the particles
of the water next to them and a continuous
moving effort is exhibited. The real motion of a
wave is "up and down" only.
Place a
cork in the water and then create waves and you
will see that while the wave motion travels
outward, the cork merely bobs up and down and
does not move with the waves. Here is how
Science illustrates the motion: It bids you take
a rope and tie one end of it to a post or wall,
etc., the loose end being retained in your hand.
Now slacken the rope a little and begin to
agitate it up and down. You will then see a wave
motion generated, a series of waves passing over
the rope from your hand to the post or wall.
And yet
you know that the rope itself has not traveled,
but has merely moved up and down. It is not a
matter of travel, but of communicated
and induced motion. All waves are alike in this
respect--light-waves, heat-waves,
electrical-waves, magnetic-waves and mind-waves.
All communicate vibrations, which move on in a
wave motion.
these heat and light waves are "waves in the
ether," which ether is a material thing. Do I
hold that Mind-Power waves are the same? Not
exactly. I hold that Mind-Power is higher even
than the finest ethereal substance, and that it
pervades the latter.
And I
hold that we are all centers in a great Ocean of
Mind-Power. And, therefore, I claim that the
mentative currents and waves are really currents
and waves in that Great Ocean of Mind-Power. And
the vibrational activity set up in your mind, my
mind, or the minds of thousands, pass on their
vibrations to the great ocean of Mind-Power, and
produce "waves" or "currents" of energy, which
travel on until they reach the mental apparatus
of other individuals, in which they tend to
reproduce the original vibrations or mental
states--by induction, remember.
In other
words, I hold that these "waves" and "currents"
are like the ocean's waves and currents--not
only of the ocean, but also in it. My idea of
the mentative currents or waves are that they
are not only manifestations of the Universal
Mind-Power, but also that they travel in the
Ocean of that universal principle. And that
great Mentative Ocean is full of currents, and
waves, and eddies, and swirls, and whirlpools,
and gulf-streams, and other forms of activity.
to yourself a great Ocean of Mind-Power. If you
are unable to grasp the idea, then do the next
best thing, and think of this mental ocean as a
great sea of energy. Or if you prefer, think of
it as the great Universal Ether filling all
At any
rate, the picture must show this Mind-Power
filling all space, even in between the atoms and
even in the atoms themselves. Perhaps
you had better commence by forming the picture
of all space as being empty of all forms and
shapes, and containing nothing but this pure
Mind-Power-- an Ocean of Mind-Power must be
thought of as an energy or force, capable of
setting into operation all kinds of
manifestations when started.
think of a tiny center of power being formed in
this great Mind-Power Ocean--a little whirlpool,
so tiny that the strongest microscopes can
scarcely distinguish it. Then see countless
numbers of similar whirlpools being formed in
this Ocean. These little whirlpools we will call
centers of power. They combine and shapes begin
to appear.
Atoms of
matter appear, being composed of combination of
these tiny centers, which thus become larger and
greater centers. Then come combinations of these
atoms and the various forms of matter result,
for all substances, you know, are composed of
atoms, in various combinations; all the atoms,
seemingly being composed of little particles
called electrons, which seem to be like tiny
units of force, but which are attracted and
repelled by each other, and seem to have their
"likes" and ''dislikes,'' thus showing the
elements of mind within them.
And then
these shapes and forms of matter become more and
more complex, and the centers of power more
potent. And the forms of living things begin to
appear, mounting from the lowly microscopic cell
on to combinations of cells, in plant life, then
animal life, and then human life. And each form,
as it mounts higher, displays more and more
Until at
last we see Man with his wonderful mind, as a
great center of power. But, remember this
always, that all these shapes and forms, and
cells, and plants, and animals and men, have as
their inner essential substance this same
Mind-Power principle, of which the Ocean itself
is composed.
They are
Centers of Power in this Mind-Power Ocean, but
are composed of the same substance as the Ocean
itself. You may think of them as vibratory
whirlpools of Mind-Power if you like--and you
will not be very far out of the way if you do.
All things are centers of activity and energy,
in the Great Universal Ocean of Mind-Power.
centers of power are of varying degrees of
activity. We will call the strong ones
"positive," and the weak ones "negative." So
according to their varying degrees of power and
vibration, each center is positive to some
others, and negative to others still. Each has
its degree of positivity. Now think of these
centers as human minds, and you will be able to
fill out your picture in detail.
picture each one of these centers manifesting
vibrational activity, and thus converting and
transforming the mentative energy from the Ocean
of Mind-Power. And then see them sending out
waves, and currents of mentative energy, which
induce similar vibrations or mental states in
other centers.
Then see
some of the strong, positive centers, setting up
great rotating currents, resembling whirlpools
in the body of the Mind-Power Ocean, which
extend further and further out from the center,
and affect other centers far away from it. If
you will examine your picture more closely, you
will see that these rotary currents are
continually drawing to the centers the things,
and persons, and ideas that they are attracting
by reason of their particular rate of vibration,
while things of different vibrations seem to be
comparatively unaffected by the currents.
This and
other things you may see in your picture as it
grows clearer to you. And, in addition to these
currents, you see great waves traveling out in
certain directions, toward certain objects to
which they have been directed.
short, you see all the phenomena of the ocean of
water reproduced in this Ocean of Mind-Power.
You see the picture of the circulation of
Mind-Power. You see the forming and growing and
evolution of centers of activity and mentative
And when
you come to look a little closer at your
picture, you will see that each one of these
centers of energy seems to have two poles of
activity, one of which acts in the direction of
impelling, driving, pushing, forcing, urging,
directing, etc., the action being always
"outward"; and the other acting in the direction
of drawing, pulling, attracting, coaxing,
alluring, charming, leading, etc., the action
always being "inward." One seems to be a
masculine force, the other a feminine force. One
seems to act as Will-Power; the other as
two poles of Mind-Power possessed by each center
are called the motive pole, and the emotive
pole, respectively. I have described their
characteristics several times as we have
proceeded in these lessons.
once more, let me call your attention to the
meaning of the terms applied to them. "Motive"
means, of course, "that which moves, that which
incites to action." Emotive" means "that which
moves or excites the feelings."
You will
remember that "excitement" means "aroused
activity." So then, "emotive" means "that which
arouses the feelings into activity." And the
emotive side of the mind always has to do with
"feelings," and the "motive" with willing. And
the best results always arise from a combination
of both feeling and willing--desiring and
As in
all other things, a combination of the masculine
and feminine qualities and characteristics
produces the best results. Each has its strong
and weak points-- but together they are
irresistible along all lines of work, physical,
mental and spiritual. And now the broad outlines
of our mental picture have been drawn, and the
general details filled in.
But our
picture is more than this. It is a moving
picture in vivid action and spirited motion. It
will show us the varied phenomena of
telementation in a series of moving, acting,
realistic, thrilling scenes. And yet all will
occur on and in the picture itself, without
going outside of it for material. The mental
picture contains the material for an infinite
variety of action and combination--it is a world
within itself.
And now,
I will set the machinery into operation and show
you your mental picture of this Mind-Power Ocean
and its centers of energy in full motion and
activity. Kindly give me your full attention
while I describe the moving scenes to you!