30 - Mind-Building
I shall
now briefly run over the mental faculties most
necessary to be developed by the man who wishes to
gain the dynamic qualities. I shall add a few
words of advice regarding the development of each
of the said faculties.
CONTINUITY. This faculty has been so named by the
phrenologists, and defined as the faculty that
enables a man to "stick-to-it" until it is
done--that gives him patience to complete his
task--that gives him stability. Its lack makes a
man restless; changeable; shifting; disconnected;
scattered; unstable; and unreliable.
cultivate this faculty follow the three-fold
method, in the direction of concentrating,
dwelling upon, and sticking to a matter once
undertaken; doing thorough work; and fighting to
make a change.
VITALITY. This faculty is named by phrenologists
as the one that makes a person tenacious of life;
and which causes him to fight off death, sickness,
or weakness. This is a necessary faculty for the
dynamic individual to develop, for by so doing he
not only becomes stronger, but also imparts a
certain quality of strength and resistance to his
personality that will be felt by others.
As an
example, contrast the "fight for life" in an
animal of the cat family, and then the lack of it
in a sheep or rabbit-then think which of them is
more respected and regarded in the world of
animals. By all means cultivate that resolute
fight for life, that is manifested by all strong
creatures. Try the three-fold method along the
lines of holding on to life, and manifesting the
"will to live."
COMBATIVENESS. This phrenological faculty
manifests in the direction of resistance;
opposition; courage; boldness; defensiveness;
defiance; spirit; self-protection; determination;
"let me alone"; "get-out-of-my-way"; etc. It goes
with all strong characters. It is true that its
perversion renders one a nuisance and a
quarrelsome and brawling person, and such state is
to be avoided.
But its
absence makes of one "a human door-mat," and the
world proceeds to wipe its feet on him. The
dynamic individual must have this faculty
well-developed, and also well-controlled. It must
be the case of the "soft voice and the big stick,"
of which we have heard so much of late. The world
loves the brave man, and hates a coward. And this
means mental bravery, and mental cowardice,
principally, in these days of mental struggle. By
all means learn to stand up like a man and,
looking the world firmly and calmly in the face,
say in the words of the old verse: "Come one; come
all! this rock shall fly from its firm base, as
soon as I." Don't be a brawler, but don't be a
weakling. Avoid the rabbit and sheep mental
this faculty by the three-fold method, along the
lines of debate; argument; mental conflict; mental
resistance; asserting your individuality;
insisting upon your rights; self-confidence;
self-assertion; and "I Can and I Will."
DESTRUCTIVENESS. This name is not well-chosen, in
my opinion, by the phrenologists, but I shall not
attempt to change it here. It is used by them to
indicate the faculty that manifests in:
Determination to overcome obstacles; beating down
resistance; brushing away barriers; making
headway; pushing to the front; clearing away
underbrush; pushing through the crowd; holding
your own; etc.
perversion renders one a hated man, and one who is
not sufficiently regardful of the rights of
others, and whom it becomes the duty of society to
restrain. But, still it is a quality that is
needed by the dynamic individual, lest he allow
himself to be walked over with impunity; outraged;
and treated with contempt by the world; or which
will cause him to be pushed aside and imposed
absence also causes one to be overcome with
impotence when obstacles confront him, or
resistance shows itself. This absence causes one
to be a whining "I can't" person; and also causes
one to be too much subject to precedents,
pretended authority etc., and kills off his
originality. To develop this faculty, use the
threefold method along the lines of breaking new
mental ground; striking out into new paths;
breaking down barriers; overcoming restraint;
holding your own; pushing to the front, even if
you have to elbow the crowd, etc.
ACQUISITIVENESS. This term is used by
phrenologists to indicate that faculty which
manifests in: Getting; acquiring; possessing;
drawing to oneself; obtaining and securing desired
things, etc. It may be perverted into miserliness;
penuriousness; meanness; hoggishness, etc., but
nevertheless its proper use and development is
Unless one
has a desire to have and hold, he will not be apt
to make any progress in the world. One must want
to get things, before he will act energetically.
And so far as money is concerned, while I freely
admit the evils of an extreme greed and desire in
this respect, yet I am just as fully convinced
that a man must possess a certain amount of this
"money-wanting" quality in order to make him an
active center of force.
For when
one wants money, he really wants the things that
money buys. Money stands for nearly all that is
necessary for a man's well-being and sustenance.
Money in itself is nothing--and a man is a fool
who loves or seeks it for itself.
But it is
also a "symbol" of almost everything else, and
without it he can get practically nothing else.
So, just
as I think it justifiable and proper for a plant
to desire and seek, and draw to itself the
sustenance of the soil, air, water, and sunlight,
so do I think it proper, desirable and
praiseworthy for a man to desire, and insist upon
drawing to himself the proper sustenance of
life--and money means just that, to the sane man,
and nothing more.
The people
who decry this "desire for money," are principally
those who either
(1) have
failed to accumulate money themselves, by reason
of lacking the necessary qualities (the really unfortunate
ones do not join in the condemnation of the desire);
(2) those
who have inherited money of which they did not
know the labor, excitement, or satisfaction of
making for themselves, and who, therefore, grow
righteously disgusted at the money which they did
not have to use their heads or hands to acquire.
people are like those who take no exercise, and
get indigestion at the sight of a good dinner;
while those who have worked well come to the
dinner with s good appetite, and cannot understand
the "sick-feeling" of the others. It is a law of
Nature that makes both of these classes of people
"sick" at the sight of that for which they have
not worked; or
(3) that
class of "parasites" who live by hard work of
others, doing nothing themselves, and deeming
themselves far above those "muckers," or
"money-grubbers," who work, and toil and labor to
support these "parasites."
People are
all after money--every
blessed mother's son and daughter of them--in one
way or another. What is the use of denying it?
Some day
we may have better economic conditions--I pray to
God that we may--but until that time all of us
must chase the nimble dollar to the best of our
ability. For unless a man does this thing, then
shall he not eat; nor be clothed; nor have
shelter; nor books; nor music; nor anything else
that makes life worth living for one who thinks
and feels.
I feel justified in saying to you: Develop a
normal degree of acquisitiveness, if you
wish to amount to anything in the world's work.
Develop it by the threefold method, along the
lines of realization of what it means, and what it
will do for you, in this stage of the world's
economic evolution. But--Don't Be a Hog! To be
sure, "while you're getting, get all you can," but
give the other fellow a chance. "Live and
Let Live!"
SECRETIVENESS. This is the name given by the
phrenologists to that faculty that manifests as:
policy; tact; concealment; self-repression;
self-restraint; etc. Its perversion leads to
deceit; double-dealing; duplicity; lying;
false-living, etc. But a certain amount of it is
necessary, lest one fall into the error of
transparent-simplicity; loosemouthedness;
"blabbing"; lacking ordinary prudence;
indiscretion, etc.
this faculty by the threefold method along the
lines of tact; diplomacy; reticence; cautiousness;
politeness; etc., the main object being to acquire
the faculty of keeping your own secrets; keeping
your affairs to yourself; avoiding that
"leakiness" that has ruined so many men--and
this--"and women," I would say that my business
experience has taught me that in spite of the
alleged "secret-telling" of women, it is true that
the women stenographers in an office are far less
liable to disclose their employers' secrets than
are the men employees. And then again, while a
woman may have a tendency to "pass on a secret,"
still she knows how to keep certain secrets that
concern herself, or the man she loves--or the
child she loves--in a manner, and in ways that
cause a man's hair to rise in bewilderment.
CAUTIOUSNESS. This faculty manifests in
carefulness; prudence; watchfulness; foresight;
judgment, etc. Perverted it leads to timidity,
irresolution, etc. But a certain amount of it is
necessary. One should learn to use judgment and
reason--to "be sure he is right, before going
deficient in this quality, develop it by the
threefold method along the lines of care,
prudence, watchfulness, thought, use of judgment,
etc., and by "looking before you leap." If you
have too ranch of it, restrain by similar methods,
along the lines of boldness, daring; "don't
worry"; take-a-risk-on-it, etc., and a general
spirit of not crossing a bridge until you come to
APPROBATIVENESS. This faculty manifests in a
desire for approval; praise; flattery; fame; show
and ceremony connected with one's personality,
etc. It is seen frequently in a perverted sense.
Very few of us need to develop this quality--we
have enough, or more than enough of it already.
If you
wish to restrain this faculty, you may use the
threefold method along the lines of indifference
to pub-lie approval or opinion;
"what-does-it-matteranyway"? "they say; what do
they say? let them say"; "do not worry about
it--your friends will not care, and your enemies
will persist anyway, so what's the use"? "what
care I for the opinions of the crowd,
anyway?--they are 95 percent fools at the best";
etc., etc., etc.
Learn to
live your own life, and stand upon your own feet.
Other people would like to even "breathe" for you
if you would let them--but say "scat" to them, and
shake them off when they bother you. You've got to
live your own life, and why bother with the people
who are always telling you "you mustn't do it this
way--do it as I say," when their own lives are
glaring examples of the folly of "their way."
Pick out a
right object--follow a right course--and let the
crowd mind its own business, if it will--and if
it won't, forget it. You will find it ready
enough to shower favors upon you when you finally
succeed. And do not be deceived by its praise or
flattery--the same people who are singing your
praises today, will damn you tomorrow if occasion
offers. They are throwing roses at you
now--tomorrow they may throw rocks with equal
grace and delight.
Don't be a
slave to the crowd or its opinions--make yourself
master of it, if you would rule it. It is managed
through its selfish fears and interest, rather
than through its love. It has a mean trick of
turning on the thing it loves, and tearing it to
pieces, just as a female-spider devours her mate.
But when it fears--well, then, it lets you alone.
Not high
spiritual teaching, perhaps--but a bit of worldly
wisdom. Shake off the crowd from your heels--you
mind your own business, and tell it to do the
same. And look it in the eye while you are telling
it, too. It will understand you, if you don't
truckle to it. But never cringe to it--else it
will rend you to pieces.
SELF-ESTEEM. This is the faculty of self-respect;
self-reliance; self-love, etc. Perverted it means
tyranny; superciliousness; imperiousness; hauteur,
and other forms of egotism carried to extremes.
This quality is necessary to be developed,
One must
learn to respect himself; value himself; rely upon
himself; love himself; hold his head high; look
the world in the face; believe in himself; and
take his own place in the world, without false
modesty, or shrinking. Develop it by the
threefold-method, along the lines of realizing
just what you are--a centre of energy, power, and
strength in the Universal Ocean of Mind-Power.
Think of
yourself in the word of Black Hawk, the Indian
chieftain, who said to Jackson: "I am a Man!" Be a
"man among men," and insist upon the fact. Learn
to say "I Am." Feel that back of and under you is
the great Ocean of Universal Mind-Power, and
realize that you are of and in this wonderful
Believe in
yourself; love yourself; look out for yourself. I
tell you friends, I believe in you, every
one of you, for I know what you are and what you
have in you--and I want you to believe in
yourselves. I want you to say "I" without being
afraid. Don't be afraid to "Assert the I." Don't
be afraid to say "I." Say "I; I; I; I; I; I; I,"
until you begin to realize what a wonderful thing
that "I" of you is, after all. Recognize the "Ego"
as a centre of power, and stop all this
foolishness about being a "worm of the dust" Don't
be "meek and humble" like Uriah Heep. On the
contrary, stand up, with head thrown back, looking
the world straight in the eyes, without fear, and
say firmly and positively: "I believe in Myself."
You have
heard it said that "God helps those who help
themselves"--and He does, unquestionably. But this
is also true--God believes in those who believe in
themselves. And so does the world, because God has
made it so! So start in now, and say, early and
often, "I believe in Myself!"
You need
to develop it by the threefold-method along the
lines of "putting your hand to the plow, and
looking not backward"; sticking to your original
plans, despite the talk of others; resisting
tendencies to ''sidetrack" you.
This is
the faculty that keeps the will to the task, like
the chisel to the metal, until the work is done.
Be firm as a rock against which heat the storms,
but which yields not an inch, nor is it hurl a
particle. Have a mind of your own, and hold to
what you believe is right. See your object, and
march straight to it, firm in your determination
and purpose. By all means develop the faculty of
11. HOPE.
This is the faculty of expectation, and
anticipation. It gives us one of the three
features of success--''Earnest Expectation.'' You
must believe in your success and must "earnestly
expect" it--Cultivate hope and "earnest
expectation" by all means. Be not a mere dreamer
or visionary, through excessive hope--but
cultivate desire; then develop earnest
expectation; then will to act.
Each of
these features is necessary to the great three.
Develop it by the threefold-method, along the
lines of "looking on the bright side,"
visualization; "looking aloft"; not worrying; and
belief in the efficacy of earnest demand
accompanied by earnest work. Visualization is the
greatest incentive to hope and earnest
expectation. When you can see the thing done "in
your mind's eye," you have started to build in
earnest--the rest is a mere matter of detail and
MIRTHFULNESS. This is the faculty of humor. By all
means cultivate the sense of humor. It will save
you from more follies and cheerful spirit for it
will make life easier for yon, and will lubricate
the machinery of work and endeavor. It will also
make friends for you, and will tend to remove the
obstacles which the world throws in the way of
people who are sour, disagreeable and "grouchy."
Smile and the world smiles with you; frown and you
get a frown. Develop this faculty, by all means,
by the threefold-method, along the lines of humor,
joy, cheerfulness.
And, so,
now I have called your attention to the faculties
most prominent in the dynamic individual, I have
not spoken of his religious or moral faculties,
because these lessons are dealing with another
part of his make-up. But do not imagine that the
qualities named here have no connection with the
religious or moral life.
There is
nothing that I have recommended here that will not
apply as well to the minister as the business
man--to the priest as well as the salesman. The
same mental qualities that make a bad man "great"
and "strong" will make a good man "great" and
"strong." Morals are one thing and degrees of
strength another. Good men may be strong or weak;
bad men may also be strong or weak.
And in the
degree of "strength" will be the degree of
influence, for good or evil, that a man will
manifest. With this in mind, I think that it would
be a great thing for the world, if someone were to
distribute this book among the "good" men of the
world. The evil men have a knowledge of the
subject, already.
In closing
this chapter, let me remind you that these mental
states, cultivated and developed as I have shown
you, will manifest themselves in your outward
manner and demeanor, as mental suggestions to
those with whom you come in contact.
The symbol
will spring from the inner reality. And. they will
also manifest in the shape of currents of
Desire-Force and Will-Power, which will sweep far
and wide, as well as near and close, influencing
and affecting those within their field of
From these
mental states will flow a strong stream of power
which will tend to "draw" to you that which you
demand and desire; and which will also tend to
"force and compel" the things that you so will.
You are a great centre of power, which radiates
from you continually.
this, and endeavor to charge that force with the
best qualities and properties, that while you are
asserting your own individual rights, you will
still be doing something toward the great work of
strengthening the race, to the end that it may
produce more real individuals ready and capable of
playing their part in the great drama of life on
the stage of the universe.
This talk
is along new lines and is radical in the treatment
given the subject It is as "meat for strong men,
and not milk for babes." There is no "bromide" or
"pink-tea effects" in it. It is vital, radical,
and positive.
message is "Strength." All truth that is
worthwhile renders its possessor stronger--if any
teachings cannot stand this test, discard them.
Nature's Law is toward producing strong
individuals--fall in with it, and Nature will come
to your aid, for then you will be one of its
chosen ones.
Fall in
with the law of evolution--do not run contrary to
it. In the one case, you are nourished, supported,
strengthened and encouraged--in the other, you are
relentlessly crowded out by the operations of the
If you get
one-half the benefit from the study of this book
that I obtained from the writing of it, you will
be well repaid for your task.
It is as a
"live wire," charged with the elemental force,
energy and truth about certain occult natural
laws. It contains a message for you, which I trust
you will heed--for you need it. If you are an
individual, this teaching is just what you want.
And the same is true if you are not one,
but want to be one.
But, if
you are a weakling, and prefer to remain so,
instead of rising and claiming your birthright of
strength--your heritage of power; then by all
means remain as you are, and go on your own way.
these teachings for the others of your brethren,
who will not sell their birthright of power for
the mess of pottage of negative content, and
sheep-like passivity, but who are boldly claiming
their own, and demanding their rightful
portion--these strong brothers of yours, the
individuals who are the coming inheritors of the
I have
tried to infuse my words with the strong, vital
energy, which I feel surging through me as I write
out this message of strength to you.
I trust
that these words will act as a current of verbal
"electrons," each carrying its full charge of
dynamic power. And I trust that each word will act
to so fill you with the Mind-Power that gave them
birth, and will thus awaken in you a similar
mental state, desire and will, to be strong,
forceful, and dynamic-- determined to assert your
individuality in being and doing that which the
universal creative desire and will is hoping that
you will be and do.
I send to
you this message charged with the very dynamic
vibrations of my brain, as it transforms and
converts the Mind-Power into thoughts and words. I
send it to you--yes, you, who are now
reading the words--with all the energy, force and
power at my command, to the end that it may pierce
your armor of indifference, fear, and doubt, and
"I Can't."
And that
reaching into your heart of desire, it may fill
you with the very spirit of individuality,
conscious ego-hood, perception of reality, and
realization of the "I"
So that
from hence on your battle cry will be changed, and
you will plunge into the thick of the fight,
filled with the Berserker rage, like the Icelandic
hero of old, and shouting your positive cry of
freedom,'' I Can; I Will; I Dare; I Do!" you will
mow your way clear through the ranks of the horde
of ignorance, and negativity, and reach the
heights beyond.
This is my
message to you--the individual!