- The Nature of Mind-Power
At this
point I am confronted with the question that
naturally arises when one begins to consider an
unfamiliar object, subject, or principle--the
question of: "What is it?" "What is Mind-Power"
is a difficult question to answer, for it
implies a knowledge of the thing "in-itself,"
apart from its activities and manifestations.
And this
"thing-in-selfness" is something that the
candid, scientific thinker admits is beyond the
range of his thought and knowledge. Any attempt
to answer such a question must involve one in a
maze of metaphysical and philosophical
speculation regarding something with is by
nature unknowable.
And so I
may as well frankly state here that I do not
purpose "guessing" at the "thing-in-itselfness"
of Mind-Power. For, at the best, any attempt at
an answer would be merely a guess--for I do not
know, neither do I know anyone else who
I am
acquainted with the numerous speculations of the
ancient and modern philosophers and
metaphysicians on the subject--I have read and
studied them, and have rejected them as mere
theories unsupported by facts.
And I
have made and rejected a dozen or more theories
of my own on the subject--all vague, foolish
speculations. I have studied the best of what
has been written and thought regarding this
"thing-in-itselfness" of mind and Mind-Power, so
you see my ignorance is not the ignorance that
comes from lack of thought, or lack of
acquaintance with the thoughts of others--but is
rather the ignorance that comes as the result of
much thought, and much study of the thoughts of
others--the ignorance that is only realized
through knowledge.
these ultimate questions, the best thinkers
freely confess their ignorance knowing that, as
Nordau has said, they "have plucked that
supremest fruit of the Tree of Knowledge--the
consciousness of our ignorance." Like Pyrrhon,
some twenty-five centuries ago, they say "Uden
horizo"--"I do not decide."
We do
not know "things-in-themselves"--we cannot know
them. If we knew the ultimate truths regarding
the tiniest and most insignificant thing in the
universe, we would know everything that is-- for
that tiniest thing is connected with, and
related to everything in the universe, and that
which underlies the universe--and to know the
"thing-in-itself" of anything would be to know
the great "Thing-in-Itself" of The All.
All that
we can do is to know and consider things by what
they do; and how they act; and through their
manifestations and activities; and the results
and effects of the same-- rather than by what
they are in the abstract, or apart from their
activities, manifestations, and the phenomena
proceeding from them.
from their activities, manifestations and
phenomena, things are but abstract no-things so
far as our understanding is concerned--airy
"words" coined by the metaphysicians and
philosophers in order to provide food for
speculation, argument, and dispute without end.
And we may as well admit the fact that all
consideration of ultimate
things--things-in-themselves--inevitably leads
us to the conclusion that the only real
Thing-in-Itself is a SOMETHING, underlying all
things and yet a No-Thing, and which transcends
all of our experience, knowledge, reason,
thought, and even imagination. And therein lies
the folly of attempting to tell "just what"
anything is.
In view
of the facts mentioned, and which are held to be
correct by the world's best thinkers, how much
saner is it to devote our attention to the
consideration of things as known through their
activities, manifestations, and
phenomena--knowing them by what they do, and how
they act; by the laws and principles of the
activities and operations; rather than by
speculations concerning their nature as abstract
This is
the method of modern Science, as compared with
those of speculative philosophy and metaphysics.
But, "a little learning is a dangerous thing";
and "fools rush in where angels fear to tread."
And so we shall never be at a loss for ingenious
theories and "solutions" of ultimate problems.
We have
among as some who glibly inform us that they
know "just what Mind is!" Such add to the gaiety
of the nations, and therefore are useful and
interesting. Did you ever hear of the youth at
college, who when asked by his professor: "What
is electricity?" answered "Well, sir, I did
know, but I have forgotten!" The professor
answered, dryly: "Now, isn't that too bad! Here
is the only person in the world who ever knew
just what electricity is--and he has forgotten!
What a loss to the race!''
Why do
we not have courage enough to leave off this
making of the speculative soap-bubbles with
which we have been amusing ourselves, and learn
to answer honestly, "I do not know!" or,
at least like modern Science, learn to frankly
state: Here our knowledge of the subject ends;
tomorrow we may know more, but
sufficient for the day is the knowledge
thereof--and an inch of knowledge of facts is
worth a mile of unsupported speculation and
Thomas L. Harris has said: "The theorist who
dreams a rainbow dream, and calls hypothesis
'philosophy,' at best is but a paper financier
who palms his specious promises for gold facts
are the basis of philosophy; philosophy, the
harmony of facts, seen in their right relation."
now, having confessed your ignorance and mine,
let us proceed to a consideration of Mind-Power
as known by its activities.
In the
first place, let me say that I do not hold that
Mind-Power is identical with mind. Rather does
it seem to me to be correlated to mind,
particularly in the operation of mind known as
desire, will, and imagination.
If you
like, we may consider it to be the acting aspect
of mind. Mind has three aspects-- the aspect of
being, or substance; the aspect of thought, with
the subdivisions of reason, feeling, emotion,
desire, will, etc., on both conscious and
subconscious planes; and third, the aspect of
ACTING. And it is in this aspect of action that
mind is known as Mind-Power.
While it
is extremely likely that there is a certain
employment and manifestation of Mind-Power in
the ordinary processes of reasoning,
intellectual effort, etc., still Mind-Power
seems to be more closely connected with the more
elementary phase of mentation, such as feeling,
emotion, and particularly desire and will.
We know
that it is possessed by the lower forms of
animal and plant life; even the inorganic forms;
all of which existed and employed the force
before intellect and reason manifested itself in
man. And so I would impress upon you that while
Mind-Power may be called into operation by, and
still more certainly may be directed by the
intellect--still you must not make the mistake
of identifying it with that phase of mind or
attributing it solely to creatures possessing
the same. It is a far more elementary and basic
force, as you have seen in the preceding
in order that you may understand the operations
of Mind-Power you may as well get into the habit
of considering it as correlated to that which we
call WILL (as distinguished from intellect and
"will" I do not mean that phase or faculty of
the mind which decides, determines, or
chooses--although this customary use of the term
is quite correct as applied to one phase of
will. This deciding, choosing, determining
faculty is one of the attributes of intellect
and Self-consciousness superimposed upon the
elemental will in the direction of guiding,
directing, turning and restraining--it is the
Ego at the wheel, directing the Ship of Life by
the Chart of Reason, the motive-power being
will, or Mind-Power.
in the lower forms of life and activity simply
means yielding to the strongest desire, or
aggregate of strongest desires, or average of
strongest desires.
No, I
did not mean will in the above sense, but in the
more elementary sense of the term--the original
sense, for the word is derived from the root
meaning "to wish; to desire strongly." And, in
this elementary sense, the word "will" is used
to designate that primitive, original, universal
mental principle in life, which manifests in
desire for action, and in the response to that
desire. In this sense will may be considered as
Desire-Will, both being held to be phases of the
same thing--or rather the two poles of the same
desire-pole of this Desire-Will is connected
with that which we call emotion, feeling, etc.,
which arouses it into action. The will-pole of
this Desire-Will is connected with that
principle of mental activity which we are
considering under the name of Mind-Power--the
dynamic aspect of mind. I ask that you re-read
this paragraph, that you may fix this idea
firmly in your mind, for upon it depends the
correct understanding of much that I shall have
to say in this work.
Desire we find the first step toward Dynamic
Mentation. Desire precedes action of will which
releases the dynamic force of the mind--the
Mind-Power. Desire is the coiling up the
steel-spring of Will--there is always a state of
"tension" about desire--a state of "coiled-up
energy" caused by "feeling," "emotion" or
similar state which has been aroused by the
sight of, or memory of, or thought of, some
attractive object. The "feeling" inspired by the
attractive object coils up the spring of desire,
and this "coiled-up" energy supplies the
"motive-power of the will.
remember this, some desires are acted upon,
while others are rejected--neither men nor
things act upon every desire. There is
the other pole of the Desire-Will which must be
called into action--and this leads us to a
consideration of the matter of choice,
determination, or decision, which is so often
expressed by the term "Will," as I said a little
further back.
choosing or determining phase of will, is little
more than an empty name or term, so far as is
concerned the relation between desire and will
action in the cases of things and creatures
lower in the scale than man. For in these cases
this choice, determination, or decision is based
entirely upon the degree of "feeling," or the
degree of attractiveness of the objects
presenting themselves to the attention --the
strongest feeling, attraction, or
motive-interest winning the day. (Fear is one of
the strongest feelings influencing desire, and
acts usually as a neutralizer of other feelings
and desires, and is most potent as a motive
influencing choice or decision--in fact, one is
justified in regarding fear as the negative form
of desire, being really a "desire-not-to.")
With the
advent of reason, and intellect, particularly
when the self-conscious ego appears, new
elements are introduced, by reason of which man
is enabled to deliberate and weigh motives,
desires, feelings, emotions, etc., and thus the
will of man is held to contain elements lacking
in the general principle of will.
But the
aspect of will with which we are much concerned
is the aspect of action--the will-pole of
where desire passes into will is impossible to
decide--the chances are that they blend into
each other. But this we do know, that
"something happens" at a certain stage of the
mental operation, whereby the attention of the
thing, or ego, passes from the pole of desire to
the pole of will-- and then, one of two things
happens, i.e.,
either the "coiled-up" spring of desire is
released by the will, and the energy of desire
is transmuted into the energy of will, which
thus releases the Mind-Power or dynamic quality
of mind into action; or else,
(2) the
will refuses to be aroused, and desire slowly
uncoils her spring, and the tension is relieved,
gradually or at once. The will may be cultivated
and developed so as to refuse to release the
spring of desire into action--and in this
inhibiting quality lies much of that which is
called "strength of will"-- it often requires
more will not to do, than to do.
aspect of "action" is the true dynamic quality
of will. And with action all will is intimately
and inseparably connected. As Prof. Halleck
says: "Will concerns itself with action. The
student must keep that fact before him, no
matter how complex the matter seems." Action is
the "inner meaning" and reason of the will.
And it
is with this phase that we are concerned in the
present work. Action is the essential aspect of
Mind-Power--the latter exists for the purpose of
Acting. It is the essence of activity.
And so
you will see that this "universal dynamic mental
principle"--which I have called "Mind-Power," is
not that phase of mind which manifests as
intellectual, reasoning processes, but is that
phase of mind which is aroused by
desire-will--and which ACTS. It is manifest in
the universe among forms of life below the plane
of reason, as well as among those on that plane,
and therefore precedes Reason in evolution.
It also
manifests along unconscious and automatic lines,
and precedes the self-conscious stage of man. It
represents an elementary, primitive,
fundamental, dynamic mental force; and may be
thought of as a raw, crude, undeveloped force:
manifesting along the lines of instinctive
action or appetency, rather than along the lines
of intellect, reason, or the higher cognitive
faculties. It is something far more elemental
and basic than intellect. It is more nearly akin
to the elemental life forces which we personify
under the name of "Nature."
or not that which we know as reason or intellect
were evolved from an elemental Mind-Stuff; or
whether these higher forms of mentality are
something of an entirely higher and distinct
nature; or whether, as the occultists hold,
intelligence is the result of the influence of a
Spiritual Ego (something distinct from mind)
upon an elementary Mind-Stuff--these are
questions belonging to other phases of the
general subject of Being, with which we have
nothing to do in the consideration of the
subject before us.
I have
my own opinions and beliefs on these points, and
so have each of you--we may differ regarding the
same, but may still be able to examine the
subject before us as co-workers, in spite of our
lack of agreement regarding questions of
philosophy, metaphysics, or religion. We are
dealing with a natural force--a universal
energy--now and here, and should examine and
study its principles just as we would were it
electricity, magnetism, heat or light that we
were studying.
I am
inviting you to a scientific study, not a
metaphysical or philosophical speculation,
doctrine or theory. These latter things have
their own good places--but they have no place
here at this time.