Whilst most of our
friends and colleagues force
their minds to dwell on the
news, current affairs and
football, we are all aware that
this is just the side-show.
Total absorption in the
side-show precludes observation
of, and participation in, the
main event.
Like most main events,
the vast majority of souls are
merely spectators, with the
action being determined by a few
major players behind closed
doors, who then stage a
carefully orchestrated show in
order to demonstrate to
everybody that they are watching
the real thing.
That is as much as we
wish to say about the sideshow.
We now wish to promote
the main event, and we are going
to do this through drahla.
Drahla is a Tibetan word,
which is best translated as
"goodness". Our plan is to
spread goodness around the
planet, and we plead for your
energetic participation. For
those of our readers who have
visited Our House, the game is
already familiar, and is called
This game originated in
Tibet, as can be noted from the
name - it is the kind of game
used by lamas for centuries.
All we have to do is to
make a little effort to identify
those tiny uplifting moments
which occasionally lighten our
heart - the sight of a
kitten sleeping, or the sunlight
reflecting on the early morning
haze, or the sound of children
laughing... We are about to
start a new life, where we
concentrate only on the good
things, and every time we spot a
good thing, we are going to say,
out loud, so that everybody can
hear, "DRAHLA". We will be
contributing our bit to the
uplifting of the planetary aura,
and contributing a tiny fraction
towards the healing of the
planet and its people.
Our dream is that we can walk
down a street, and hear several
people say "DRAHLA". If only
half of the people found only
one pleasant moment per day,
then we would still have three
billion DRAHLAS per day.
Therefore, at Our House,
whenever we notice a small piece
of goodness we say, out loud, "DRAHLA".
brings one person's good feeling
to the attention of all present,
and allows us all to share in
the same good feelings. By
adopting this method of saying
Drahla, we all get to share in
more good feelings each day,
thus uplifting our average
Recurrent drops in mood, created
by bad news, or someone's
unfortunate circumstances, or
fear of impending problems, or
sickness or boredom or
loneliness, or guilt all lead to
the creation of blockages in our
otherwise healthy energy system.
The yogic answer is to be
able to hold consciousness above
the level of trivia, but for
most of us, achieving a glimpse
of a higher consciousness
occasionally is what we strive
Meanwhile, while the
world around us is up and down
like a prostitute's underwear,
we are trying to maintain a
steady balance of mood, so that
we can be in control of our
thoughts and actions. Once we
allow our energies to be swirled
about by the haphazard world
around us, then our balance is
gone, and we fall asleep at the
side show again, along with all
of our associates.
Every time we say or hear
we are able to draw a deep
breath and remember the
difference between reality and
So we therefore plead for
your help in lifting the planet
out of its present deep rut. If
everyone who reads this manages
a couple of "DRAHLAs"
per day, and manages to forward
this message to a couple of
other goodness-loving people,
then we might just add enough
weight to get this whole
consciousness change rolling.
What do you think?