Mind Power
by William Atkins Walker
We take
the greatest pleasure in presenting this latest
and best work from the pen of William Walker
Atkinson. It embodies the essence of years of
thought, study, and experiment on the part of its
author whose original research, discoveries, and
writings along these lines have given him his
worldwide reputation as an authority. It is his
A portion
of its material was used in two of the author's
previous works, viz., "Mental Magic," and
"Mental Fascination," both of which works were
published by ourselves. Both of the said works are
now practically out of print, and will be
withdrawn from sale by us, as they will be
superseded by this newer and more complete work.
foundation material has been edited; added to;
changed; improved; and corrected by the author, in
accordance with his increased experience and
knowledge of the subject. Obsolete matter has been
replaced by entirely new material, and the work is
now strictly "up-to-date". It is encyclopedic in
extent and character, every phase of the subject
being considered by the author and expressed in
words charged with his dynamic vitality. It
contains matter that well might have been expanded
into several volumes.
The Progress Company