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Welcome to the Council Chambers for First Fleet. This section of the site provides you with information on the command staff of this fleet. True all Commanding Officers and their Executive Officers are on the Council, however these 4 people are the highest ranking members of the group. The first link under the names of the officer provide you with access to a biography on that officer. We have taken a lot of time to create interesting biographies and we hope you take the time to read them. The Link that follows the biography gives you data on the ships that we Command. While these are our primary vessels it is not uncommon for these characters to be found on another ship for a mission. The final link opens a channel to us so that we can stay in communications with you. If you have suggestions for the Council and the Fleet feel free to express them to us. However we must ask that you do not spam us.

Commanding Officer of First Fleet: Fleet Admiral W. Teagarden

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-G

Executive Officer of First Fleet: Admiral K. Westphalen

Starfleet Headquarters

Chief of Staff for First Fleet: Rear Admiral X. Knight

Starfleet Headquarters