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Starfleet Tactical Force: Application for Enlistment

Simply Copy and Paste from the point stated and paste it to e-mail. Place "STF Application" as the Subject of the mail and submit it to the
STF Admiralty


USS Premonition NCC 121501-B
=/\= Role: Fast Attack Vessel, Battle Support =/\=
(sims on FRIDAYS at 10:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM PST)
Commanding Officer:
Captain Nanashi
Executive Officer:
Commander Jack

USS Avalon NCC 06742-B
=/\= Role: Gamma Fleet Flagship; Heavy Battleship/Special Forces Vessel Advanced sim =/\=
(sims on SATURDAYS (Mandatory) and TUESDAYS (Optional) at 8:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM PST)
Commanding Officer:
Commodore Alexander Hunter
Executive Officer:
Fleet Commander Johnathan Strife

USS Incursion NCC 93041
=/\= Role: Alpha Fleet Flagship =/\=
(sims on SUNDAYS at 7:00 PM EST, 4:00 PM PST)
Commanding Officer:
Captain Jessica Cordova
Executive Officer:
Major Suvok

USS Venture NCC 75446
=/\= Role: Exploration and Heavy Defense Vessel =/\=
(sims on SUNDAYS at 10:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM PST)
Commanding Officer:
Captain Angelena Dawnchild
Executive Officer:
Lieutenant John Wallaca

Please complete this Application to the best of your ability.

IRL (In real life) Questions:

What screenname/e-mail address do you wish the acceptance notice be sent to?

What is your first name?

What is your age?

How did you hear about this SIM Group? If a certain member recruited you, please give his or her screen name.

Could you make a screen name specifically for this SIM group?

What is your favorite Star Trek series? (Voyager, DS9, etc) *Note, this will help us with writing sims to see what kind of theme and settings you like*

Is this your first time in a sim?

If not, please list other SIM groups you have been apart of. If they are Star Trek SIM groups, please state your rank.

Character Questions:

Character Name:
(Please be original. Characters from any preexisting Star Trek series--such as Jean-Luc Picard, Tom Paris, or Ezri Dax--will not be accepted.)


(Please avoid: Borg, Jem'Hadar, Q's, Founders/Changelings, and other species who are invincible or have "superpowers". Betazoids are allowed)
*Ex-Borg is allowed with permission of the Admiralty, but note that this will slow application processing considerably.*

Brief Character History:

Do you agree to follow and abide by the STF Directives and enforce them as a member?

Using the SIM List at the beginning of the application, please list your top two sims you're able and want to sim with. Please do not choose a ship that indicates a closed roster.
3rd Alternative (Not required):

Please rank your favorite posts from most preferred to least preferred.
The posts for starships are:
Helm, Medical, Counselor, Engineering, Science, Tactical, Security, Operations, Mobile Officer, or Special Forces
For Special Forces (for use ONLY with the Avalon), the posts are:
Medic (18D), Engineer (18C), Weapons Specialist (18B), and Comm/Operations (18E).


The application will be reviewed by the Admiralty. You will receive a letter from the Personnel Coordinator giving you your ship assignment. Your CO will be contacted with the information you provided on this application. Please contact your CO as soon as possible for briefing.

Thank you for your interest in the STF!