You are here: STF Home > Credits
--Specifications for Pathfinder and Achilles class starships courtesy of Star Trek: Miranda.
--Images used to create STF main logo courtesy of Star Trek: Miranda and Star Trek Australia.
--Rank insignia courtesy of RPG Insignias, originally designed for Tango Fleet. Some modifications in Marine officer ranks were made by Fleet Admiral Gwynne.
--Some text of the STF Directives is used with permission of the Exploratory Crews of the Federation.
--Paramount owns the copyrights of Star Trek, its rank insignia, its ship classes, its races, and almost everything else we've based this simming group on. No infringement is intended.
If we've missed you in our credits, please notify the STF Commander in Chief, Fleet Admiral Gwynne. Our only request is that you have the sense to realize that it was most likely not intentional, so don't be rude or threatening. You'll only make yourself look very, very silly.