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Starfleet Personnel Record

Lieutenant Telsia Hunter

Name: Telsia Flare Hunter (T'ls'a of Hunter)
Serial Number: C12EN-06TE-5964K
Age (Terran Years): 21
Birthdate: Stardate 37193
Marital Status: Single
Height: 1.67 meters
Weight: 54 kilograms
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Lavender
Species: Xenexian

Current Rank:
Place of Birth: Hunter, Xenex

Languages spoken: Federation Standard, Klingon, Xenexian, Dominion (Basic)
Interests: Dancing, Martial Arts, Singing

2370 - 2378 Secondary education (middle school/high school)
2380 Starfleet Basic Training

Service Record:
Current Position: Special Forces, USS Avalon (NCC 06742-A)
Previous Position: Master at Arms, USS Avalon (NCC 06742-A)
Service Record:
2380  Starfleet Bootcamp Recruit
2380  Starfleet Tactical Training Student
2380-2381  Special Forces School Student
2381  USS Premonition Master at Arms
2381  USS Avalon-A Master at Arms
2381  USS Avalon-A Master at Arms
2381  USS Avalon-A Special Forces Detachment Commander
2381  USS Avalon-A Special Forces Detachment Commander
2381  USS Avalon-A Special Forces Detachment Commander
2381  USS Avalon-A Special Forces Detachment Commander
2381  USS Avalon-B Special Forces Company Commander

Being born on Xenex after the Danteri occupation T’ls’a was raised by her brother for most of her life. When A’xn’dr moved to Vulcan he had no choice but to take her with him. Like him, her name was almost unpronounceable; there for she decided to have her name changed to something close enough. Telsia.

While he was being trained in the ways of tactics at the academy she was in middle and high school. This time in her life was extremely difficult and T’ls’a disliked Vulcan children because of the very emotional nature, which she was so proud of, tended to repulse them. She, there for found other alien children and learned to relate to and one of them, a Trill named Kel Jaxa and she became fast friends.

After high school, Kel decided to enlist into Starfleet Basic Training. Both of their grades weren’t good enough to go to the Academy so this was a logical choice. In her platoon she was the best shot and the toughest fighter. Her ability had been honed after years of sparring with her brother and also having to defend herself from any thugs that had ever been around.

During basic training she distinguished herself enough to be taken to the remote jungle planet of Bersius IV to go through Special Forces selection. It was two months of hell. She was dropped off by herself, forced to survive and had only a compass and old paper map. It was a life altering experience, which also qualified her for Special Forces units.

Her first assignment, however, was assignment to the USS Premonition as one of her security personnel. This didn't go over so well. After having several run-ins with the local constabulary, she transferred to the USS Avalon-A. There she was allowed to train at her own pace and quickly made it through the crewman ranks. After a while, she was nominated by Commander Jonathan Etti- due to her heroic act of beaming aboard to stop the dreadnaught missile which was closing on Bajor- to go through OCS after which she was commissioned an Ensign JG and given the task of sorting and training the USS Avalon's new Special Forces divison. She has matured quite a bit in her few months on board and has become a stronger soldier and woman.

Family data:
Father, F'lar of Hunter, living in Hunter, T'mentha Province, Xenex. Age 70. Retired Captain in Starfleet. Diplomatic Liason to Xenex.
Mother, Na'o'mi of Calion, living in Hunter, T'mentha Province, Xenex. Age 60. Retired Xenexian resistance member. Keeper of Traditions of the 'City-State' of Hunter, Xenex.
Brother, Alexander Hunter (A'xd'r of Hunter), Commanding Officer, U.S.S. Avalon (NCC 06742-A). Age 31.
Sister, L'ar'na of Hunter, living in Hunter, T'mentha Province, Xenex. Age 16.
Sister-in-law, Corav Feala, Chief Operations Officer, U.S.S. Avalon (NCC 06742-A). Age 24.
Neice, Robin Sena Hunter/Britt, Civilian, U.S.S. Avalon (NCC 06742-A). Age 5 (1/2).

Personality Profile:
Telsia is the embodiment of passion, anger and fury. She has a tendency to get angry and use excessive force to solve problems. She enjoys dancing to Latin music and exercises vigorously at least every other day. She has a low tolerance for bull and will often lash out in anger at others when frustrated. She does like working in a team however and has an excellent grasp for squad tactics and close quarters battles.

Special Notes:
2378 Spent 3 days in prison for attacking a Vulcan classmate and severely injuring him for an insult she received.
2381 Recommended for the Crimson Valor Award for bravery. Reason: A then Crewman Recruit Telsia Hunter did knowingly, and willingly go above and beyond the call of duty by voulnteering to beam onto a dreadnaught missile that was threatining all life on the planet Bajor. Once aboard she disarmed the missile and stopped it 2000 kilometers above the Bajoran surface. Her performance brings honor upon herself, her ship and the STF as a whole. Status: Denied.