Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | -=[BEGIN SIM]=-
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Avalon is at high warp and is currently headed directly for the Dominion fleet attacking the planet. Her task force flies in a perfect formation being conducted from the CIC.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal leaned back in his seat, eyes glued to his station. He had laid the course in, and was now trying to concentrate on keeping his breathing in like, while remaining at peak readiness. This was almost like some sort of
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Feala watched the sensors from her console, bathed in the blood-red light of the bridge's red alert indicators. Her pistol-phaser was on the leg harness she'd been given when she came aboard, strapped to the pants
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Alex sits on the bridge, wearing class B's for once, his fingers steepled and looking directly at the viewer. His body was loose, but adrinealine was pumping in vast quantites through his body.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | déjà vu ... the Dominion ... again ... but somehow worse. He was loaded down with weaponry ... his Federation issue side arm, along with two Cardassian military issue phaser pistols which were concealed in his clothing::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | of her Class C. She took a moment to look over at Verkal before going back to the displays.::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Watching all her displays. Grumbling slightly over her readouts. There had to be some weakness. It was her job to find it.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][OPS] Are all battle preperations complete ::: his voice has a dark tone to it, sort of bland and fierce :::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::works in engineering preparing the offensive and defensive system networks for engagement. Almost casually, he reaches down to his belt to check his side arm before commencing with his work::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She nodded from her seat.:: [CO] They are.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Sits in the med bay.Unless she's called up this is her station.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Helm console bleeps.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal hit the console, peering down, and then speaking:: [ALL] We are now entering the Irdova star system.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Tactical console whines and a holographic image flies up infront of liel
Commander John Etti: | [XO] ::checks in with the fleet behind them adjusting the screen to focus on the ships::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Scowls her fingers tightening as the image came up her fingers manipulating the 3D view of the system.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The screen shows the three other ships drop out of warp and form up on the Avalon, with the Rittenhouse a Defiant-class vessel, taking point.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he looks over several status readouts and nods a bit at their data, he then quickly begins checking over the PDN for about the fourth time that day::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [LtJG Le'ssa Hunter] ::She was helping to coordinate the special ops members in their own area on Deck 26. As if they needed her help, she thought. They were trained for this sort of thing already, but this was her place.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The operations console bleeps as every crewstation lights up showing the energy of the other ships rise to maximum.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::his fingers again started to fly with nearly ludicrous speed over the controls as he readied the propulsion systems, hoping to evade as much fire as possible. This was looking to be a most ... unpleasant day::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::pushes himself in his chair causing it to roll across the floor to a seperate console and quickly begins tapping away at it::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, but forcefully, as she read off the result of the ongoing sensor scans.:: [CO][XO] The Dominion ships are in visual range. On screen?
Ensign Liel Andora: | [LTH] ::Her fingers flying over the display at second tactical. Her gaze on the images. It was a little unnerving being on the bridge like this and part of her was fully expecting to be sent away.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::he looks on at the upcoming battle field:: This will be a day to remember. ::he gets up and moves to the TL and takes it to the bridge::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][OPS] ::: he looks at Feala and says ::: Go ahead. ::: His eyes return to the screen as he looks down and curses :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::The finger that had been hovering over the viewer control was brought down, then, switching the display to a view of the fleet attacking the Iconda IV colony. Her eyes went to the front.::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::reads over the readouts from that console and sighs::{NOIP} Here we go...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: On the screen there are two carriers as seen before, but there is also the Dominion dreadnought they encountered in the dark zone.
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Keeps her fingers moving. Her head tilting a little bit. Liel wasn't done with the plans yet. As such they still had that one weakness.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [CMA][CO] ::Anatole quickly calls the TL and takes it to the bridge. He steps off and stands at attention:: Sir, Reporting for duty. Station?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: They're ripping up the planets defense ships. And the other ships hail the Avalon requesting orders.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::he let out a long sigh that seemed more annoyed than worried, and then sort of declared to all:: [ALL] If we get through this ... and destroy this ::Cardassian expletive:: kanar is on me ...
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][HELM] I am having trouble finding a weakness. I know it is here somewhere, but ... ::She shook her head. Liel just indicated she needed help. Verkal was always good at finding a weakness. They had been trained for it.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She smirked at Verkal's remark.:: [CO] Receiving multiple hails from our fleet, captain... they want your orders.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][CMA] Take the second tactical station ::: he raises his hand and points to the second tactical station. He then stands and presses a button on the operations pannel, bringing up the PA. ::: The dawn has come, death before
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | dishonor,.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][OPS] Open a channel to the rest of the fleet. ::: he stands, leaning against Liel's tactical pannel and looks back to the screen :::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he looks up at the PA, nods once and begins tapping at his console again::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] [TAC] Well, look at it ... it's huge ... and by the looks of things slower than a drunken Klingon. I'll try to keep us to it's rear as best I'm able ... ::that was all he could think of at the moment::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She tapped on the panel again, causing the acknowledgement tweet from the computer.:: [CO] Channel open.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC] ::Anatole walks towards the empty tacical station and mans it. He begins to scan the readouts coming up on his console::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [LT RH] ::Moves from the station turning it over to the CMA. Taking over on observation spot more than anything. She was more to medical herself. Her head tilted a little bit. Watching with semi blank eyes.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][FLEET] All ships, engage at will. Good luck. ::: He then looks at liel and then Verkal ::: You two know what to do... go for the dreadnaught first. It's our real threat... ::: He continues to lean on the pannel and smirks
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | softly :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She mumbled softly to herself.:: Here we go. ::With a few more taps, she called up battle system stats for damage control reports.::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Glances to Anatole with a slight nod. Her face slightly strained as she returned to prepping the launch sequences.:: There was only one way to get through the shield. ::She murmured softly. Her gaze steady as she routed
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][CO] I shall do my best ... ::he said, cracking his neck, and accelerating towards the massive enemy warship::
Ensign Liel Andora: | power through the Fusion Generatore into the phasers.:: [HELM] Tell me when you are ready. ::Co ordinating with him was always fun.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO]+T+[AENG] I hope you have your damage control teams ready.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}+T+{CO} Aye, sir. Ready and waitin
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Every ship in the fleet lets loose, the Venture's crew eager to settle the score. Her old XO, Alejandro Chapa is in command for this battle. The Rittenhouse takes on all of the fighters as it can.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Prepares the medical teams::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ACTION: The two heavy assault carries launch additional fighter squadrons, sending them out to harass the Avalon's support fleet. The true monster, the Ker'de'jorn started a slow pivot, as it's crew attempting to face down the
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he then taps his console again, looking to the damage control team leaders and giving them a quick nod::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [LTJGH] ::She broke from the coordination plans on Deck 26 and proceeded, with the team she'd been assigned to, to her post protecting engineering in case of boarding.::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Tenses. Biting her lower lip as her attention rivetted. The atom charging in the phasers would have to do for the moment. Liel waited for Verkal's cue that they were in rang and he was ready. Each milisecond seeming to make
Ensign Verkal Andora: | Avalon ... that same irksome ship that had had the nerve to actually damage them in their past confrontation. It started it's slow approach, shields glittering with incoming fire as it responded in kind, polaron beams and torpedoes
Ensign Liel Andora: | her more tense.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | started to lance out at the Avalon primarily
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::increases the power to the shields a bit. Not much. Humming softly.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal was desperate here ... he flew like a madman, trying to evade as much fire as possible, while using the Avalon's superior speed to bring them up behind the behemoth with the hopes of grabbing the tiger by the tail
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The ship rocks a bit as the shields take a hit dead on. They light up brightly then it subsides.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | in a way, and preventing their full firepower from coming to bare::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She grunted with that small jolt.:: [Bridge] Forward shields down 5%.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::quickly taps his console attempting to pool up reserve power for the shields, eh then yells to an engineer to check over the grid system just to be safe before going back to the internal systems::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Lets fire loose at full yeild. Then increased the compasity of the generator. Phasers and torpedo's launching with accuracy that behemoth was SLOW! She found that amusing in a frightening way.::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::WAtches waiting for those firings to disappate on the sheilds instead of slamming into the butt end of the Behemoth ship.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The torpedos impact on the Dreadnaught's dorsal shields. One fighter team strafes the venteral sheilds of the Avalon. And causes sparks to fly.
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::he watches as the battle continues from his seat:: [TAC] Target the Behemoths weapons and engines.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ACTION: The helm officer of the Ronin made a fatal error. The ship had passed too close to the behemoth's forward firing arcs. A strange signature, one giving off polaron emissions, but reading like a type 13 shuttle in size was
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][HELM] Keep us close, they can't hit us if we're right on top of them. Keep is close to their lightest defended shield arc.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC] :: The ship was as slow as molasses. Hopefully this would be an easy defeat. But---- there was always a twist on these missons he'd come to find out after his first few weeks on the Avalon.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She cringed. Come on, guys, she thought.:: [Bridge] The dreadnought's dorsal shields are down by point-four percent. Our ventral shields down to 87.7.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | detectable for a moment before vanishing under cloak. Then a second did the same thing. The twin metagenic breaching pod weapons had been targeted against the hapless Ronin
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::his fingers scramble over the console::{NOIP} Bah...this isnt getting off to a good start..
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][CO] Already doing so, sir. ::Her voice tight but she was smiling grimly. Firing again. Again the Phasers were filled with the generators power as well as their normal.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][ATAC] Target the fighters. If they get enough hits they can do worse than that Behemoth.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][OPS and HELM] Keep our strongest shields facing them. ::: His grey eyes look at Liel ::: [TAC] What type of shields do they have? ::: his eyes flicker back to the screen :::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][CO] I think I can pull that off ... ::he brought them in even closer, hoping to reduce their accuracy as much as was possible ... a few strands of hair were now out of place ... not a good sign::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC] Aye,sir ::his fingers move quickly over the console and targets the fighters. and begins to fire phasers at a rapid pace. He'd been itching for a battle lately---his wishes had been answered::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Nods in agreement with the XO. Setting up yet another round and letting loose. She was tense. Bringing up the shield readings.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ACTION: The aft weapons on the behemoth blaze at full power, polaron beams lance out from all four emitters, and heavy torpedoes came intermittently from the main aft launcher. Luckily they were close enough that accuracy was
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She nodded.:: [HELM] I'll try to even out the power distribution to compensate for anytime you need to face a bad side toward them....
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he gets up from his chair and moves over to another display, he then pulls an access panel away and begins modifying a few system circuits attempting to create a better power flow::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | negatively effected
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] [CO] Metaphasic regeneratives. ::She answers rocking a little bit as she set the next round and let it off aiming as always for weapons engines and yes for her life support. Disrupt the whole damn thing. But she was going to
Ensign Liel Andora: | take out that cloak as well.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: THe Avalon's dorsal shields still are impacted by the polaron torpedos, and the ship shakes violently, sending sparks from the science and Helm consoles :::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][CO] Tri layered... ::She added gripping the edge of the console to keep her feet deciding to shove a blast up a barrel so to speak. The torps and phasers fired off again as she searched for a good strong shot from the aresenal
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ACTION: The Ronin's shields flare for a moment, before the ship starts to lose power. The crew energy dispersal warheads helping the internal shielding to contain the deadly gasses.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She gasped a bit and put an arm up to shield herself from the sparks.:: [Bridge] Dorsal shields to 44.34%. ::She signalled for a repair team for those sparking consoles.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC]::Falls to the ground with a thud and grabs onto the console helping himself back up:: [NOIP]Someone reroute more power to sheilds or they're going to tear us appart
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::grumbles as the ship shakes and the shield status alarm goes off::{DTL} GEt on that pronto! We need the shields at full as fast as you can get them there!{DTL2} As for you , check on that damage report and see to it
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal winced, pulling back from the explosion, and trying to brush out a small flame on his arm, before getting back to his singed station, trying to hold his course::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [LCDRFSCI][ALL] The Ronin's crew is dying ::: She shouts over the other sounds on the bridge ::: [XO] They're losing life support!
Commander John Etti: | [XO] ::grabs onto his chair as the ship shakes and he looks to hunter:: [OPS} Status of their engines?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][XO] ::She worked to display the results of the other ship's status readouts.:: Engines at full. Layer one of the port shields at 88.4%.
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Waits for the rerout but fires still. Phasers focused even tighter and more intense. She turned the beams into cutting knives going instead for a small dangerously intense hole. Grinning. She fired the "hot shots" toward
Ensign Liel Andora: | engines, cloaking and weapons.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She bit her lip worriedly at the mention of the Ronin losing life support, not sure they could risk beaming them over mid-battle.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][OPS] Tell them to get out of here. [TAC] Give the Ronin cover fire so she can get out.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::still rumages inside the access panel, attempting to gain better power distribution::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ACTION: [Jem'hadar wing commander]+T+[ALL SHIPS] "FOR THE NEW GOD!" Could be picked up over all frequencies as three of the attack fighters went to full speed, and with weapons blazing went on a kamikaze run against the Avalon's
Ensign Verkal Andora: | port nacelle
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Takes the order in stride those suddenly extremely tight knife like beams shifting to give cover still aiming for the systems that would drive it over.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC] ::He continues to target the fighters---locking onto them firing at a rapid pace.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She tapped her console and hailed the Ronin.:: +T+[Ronin] This is the Avalon. You have orders to pull out of the battle, we'll give you cover fire. ::Her voice was getting tenser, but she was trying to keep an even tone.::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][ATAC] Get them... Don let em through, sai. ::She was running her hands fast.::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Another tight cutting beam of energy and torpedos backed by the generator.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ACTION: Much of the Ronin's crew was dead by now, their bodies eaten away by the metagenic gasses ... however the survivors who had managed to bring emergency power back on line started to limp away
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Avalon shakes and reverberates violently. Everyone flies from their seat. Smoke starts billowing down in Engineering :::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][TAC] There's ... to much ... everything ... ::he choked out as he landed on the floor ... fighters, beams, torpedoes, playing pin the tail on the dreadnought ... even he could only do so much::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::feels something heavy fall on him, he turns halfway to see an engineer had fell on him during the last impact, he eases him off seeing he was unconcious::{Engineer} Get him to sickbay..::he quickly moves over to a console
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | and begins venting the smoke::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Flung from her seat. She picked herself up, feeling a slight pain in her knee and calf that would have to be looked at when it could be spared, and went back to her chair for the report.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC][TAC] They're moving to ----:: and is then moved from his seat..ending up on the floor once again trying to grab his consul but is too disorented he waits a couple of more seconds to try again::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Flies over and lands under the bridge plaque. His shoulder cracks as he lands and blood runs from his forehead down the right side of his face. He gets back up and sits in his command chair ::: [ALL] Damage report!
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::he pulled himself off the floor, and spat out a good bit of blood. His jaw had taken a rather nasty blow on the deck, as he clung to his station, trying still to hold position and avoid the worst of things, at the same
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She coughed.:: [CO] Port nacelle is... ::She tapped a few times.:: Not giving any readings. Sensors are down. No, wait... ::Tap, tap.:: It's gone.
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][ATAC] Stay on your feet! ::She growled her shoulder poped from the effort of holding the console which she was low over.:: [CO] I see only one option... ::She said slowly.:: I need to know how bad their shields are...
Ensign Verkal Andora: | time trying to get a notion of just what had happened to the propulsion systems ... ::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC]::Brings himself back to his seat trying not to think about the pain in the back of his head that left it ringing from being flung like a rag doll from his seat:: [TAC] Can you get more power to the shields...maybe we can all
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | stay on our feet.
Commander John Etti: | [XO] ::flies toward helm and moves back to his chair as he hears the report:: [OPS] Are you sure? ::knows she has never made a mistake but can't believe this:: [CO] This is not going good.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: A different klaxon sounds.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [LTJGH] ::She coughed several times from the smoke in engineering, ordering the team to stay low and under the smoke.::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Taps the generator adding to the sheilds. She groaned a little bit. Taking the barest moment.::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::looks around the charred engineering deck::{NOIP} Not good...
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ACTION: The bridge of the Dreadnought things were what one might expect, a group of fanatics posturing, and snarling over their soon to be victory. Of course the weapons fire kept up ... but for some reason, they no longer seemed
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][XO] Absolutely sure. [TAC] Their shields are at 80%.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | to be attacking with their past fervor.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC][CO] Sir, I recomend we divert all our fire power toward the Dreadnought.
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::lifts his head as he hears the new klaxon, his hand moves to his phaser ready to pull it out as he looks around the bridge:: [Bridge] Arm Yourselves
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::her voice came as a tight hiss below all the noise. Her gaze suddenly riveted. She took readings on the "bridge" area of the dreadnought. Still firing in earnest at the demon ship.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][ATAC] I'd like to hope we were... ::: looks to Liel ::: [TAC] What the hell is going on?
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][TAC] Can you get through that with anything? ::he asked, trying to hold control of the ship which had become a bit more difficult to pilot with all the damage::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] Intruder alert Dec kfour secotion one!
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She reached toward her leg holster and removed her phaser with her right hand, still keeping an eye on things with her eyes and using her left hand to tap at the panel when needed.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][XO] Etti, that's my quarters!
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::She had teams immediately disbatched as she continued to fire. Her face tight.:: [CO] Sir... the cannon...
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::begins trying to help the wounded as well as repair any damaged systems::{DCT3} I know there are alot of injuries here and we are stressed, but we need to be sure that the ship stays together to prevent more casualties. Get
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She whipped around in her seat, the professionalism all gone.:: [CO] Robin!
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | on it
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: His surprise can be seen... then, lavender eyes disappear in a lavender transporter beam.
Commander John Etti: | [XO][CO] On it. [TAC] Liel send a security team to reandevous with me there. ::quickly moves to the TL:: [TL] Deck 5
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::The teams were sent. She rocked a little bit. Continuing to fire rerouting power to weapons and shields. Her readings on the generator made her scowl.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC] ::He locked onto the Drednought and fired at their main weapons trying to reduce their effectiveness:: [TAC] Any more available power for weapons Liel?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [LCDRF][CO] Captain! ::: she reaches out in vain, as if she could have held him there, preventing him from being spirited away :::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][ALL] ::long string of expletives:: This is not good ... not good at all ... ::he pulled both his Cardassian phaser weapons, and looked around with a sneer on his face::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC][ALL] What the hell just happned?
Commander John Etti: | [XO] ::raised the phaser and set it to a high stun and opens the TL door firing at every person he sees who is not wearing a SF uniform::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][ATAC] Already done. ::She whispered. She went to the heavy stuff.:: We've been boreded by way of the captains quarters....
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Le'ssa and a special forces team are already on deck with Etti.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She turned back around and sat with a dreading stunned feeling for a moment that seemed to last for an hour.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ACTION: The fleet cloaks, as if they had just taken what they wanted away from this whole battle. The Dreadnought was however leaking a good deal of plasma as it slipped away. The fleet was not willing to leave without giving their
Commander John Etti: | [XO][LTLH] Good to see your already here. Lets gets these guys hard and fast. ::fires at nearest Jem'hadar missing by inches::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | Federation nemesis a present however, as throughout the ship, approximately 50 Jem'hadar were transported, five of which to the bridge. Not enough to take the ship, but clearly enough to be a dangerous distraction
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::sighs as he looks around the debri strewn engineering deck and kicks a piece of wreckage::{NOIP} Nothing like the perfect end to a perfect day...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [LTJGH][XO] On it. ::She raised her Type III and fired, intending to wipe the Jem'Hadar form the ship.::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][OPS] Give me readings! [HELM] Can we follow them! They are wounded. +T+[CO] Captain! ::But she had to stop to fire on the invaders her aim unerring as it was in simulation.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ACTION: These were not normal Jem'hadar ... they were bigger ... faster, stronger, and meaner if that was possible. That, and they had the same slight green tint as the one they'd seen in the dark zone. Using heavy polaron rifle
Ensign Verkal Andora: | weapons they proceeded to lay withering fire out onto anyone they could get a clear shot at
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Liel's voice brought her back to a desperate awareness.:: [TAC] They haven't ::She raised her right hand and fired, her aim suffering a little from using the hand she wasn't used to.:: fired on us since the last
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Resets her phaser to kill firing off fast and accurate. Moving to avoid being hit herself.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | report!
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::continues fireing seeing no effect sets it to a medium kill setting and continues fireing:: +Tap+[CO] Alex, you still have that Bat'leth in your quarters sharpened?
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal used his phasers on maximum setting to simply vaporize one of the Jem'hadar on the bridge as he let out a cruel little laugh:: [TAC] I'm having a few problems with the helm controls ... ::which was a massive
Ensign Verkal Andora: | understatement::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [ETC] ::: Runs up, dropping a pin from a flash-bang and tosses it infront of the Jem'Hadar. He cries to his team ::: Banger out! ::: he closes his eyes during the time it takes for the grenade to explode, putting out a bright flash
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | and a deafining sound. :::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Keeps firing on the invaders her fingers creeping up on to.:: [OPS] Find both Robin... make sure she's okay.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC]::Grabbed his phaser and set it to kill.Blasting a Jem'hadar as he fired toward him. The 'super soldier' was vaporized::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal reset both weapons, hoping to get at least one alive, and using a high stun, aimed his twin phaser pistols at it's chest, hoping to bag at least one interrogation suspect::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [LTJGH] ::Le'ssa followed suit with the increase on the setting and turned, taking out a Jem'Hadar she'd seen dangerously close to John in her periphreal vision. Without watching to see if he would get back up, she scowled.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ACTION: Those on the bridge had been neutralized ... and neutralized with extreme prejudice, which was indeed what was called for. Still a few teams roamed about the ship, attacking anyone they came across
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Le'ssa and the team take out the last of the Jem'Hadar. The room is oddly quiet...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [LTJGH][XO] I'm going to search the place for my sister. That had to be their target. ::She moved toward the nearest door, then the next, then the next.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC][TAC] Can you get an secuirty team up here? Just incase some more decide to pay us a visit?
Commander John Etti: | [XO][LTJGH] Aye. I will be on the bridge. Let me know if you find her. ::moves back to the TL holding his phaser out::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][TL] Deck 1 Bridge
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [LTJGH] ::Finally she ran out of rooms to check, cursed, and slapped her commbadge.:: [XO] She's gone.
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::listens to the humm as it opens up and looks around for hunter.:: [OPS] Wheres the Captain?
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::rocks slightly. Trembling she tried to get read outs.:
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][ALL] I think that one's still alive ... if someone can get it locked away in the brig it might be wise to interrogate it ... ::he glowered at the fallen creature before sitting at his station, working the controls with one
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::a slight worried can be heard in his voice though he tries to be calm and controlled::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She spoke quietly.:: [XO] They took him.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | hand and holding a phaser with the other::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][CO] No. [OPS] Status on the ENignes.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [LCDRF][ALL] I'm detecting plasma trails...
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC]::Liel worked rapidly. Security was sweepting the ship.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Fontane's words brought her back to her console, and she overlaid the plasma trail with the image on the viewscreen, showing them their "trail.":: [LCDRF] That?
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::looks around the bay her teams already sweeping the ship calling her to the worst cases. She searched for Robin and didn't find her.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][OPS] Contact the Venture. See how they are handing on.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][XO] Port nacelle is disabled ... those mindless cretins rammed us! ::he snarled checking over his systems. He could not abide the notion of a friend being captured:: I can only get impulse power ...
Commander John Etti: | [XO][HELM] Then impulse will have to do for now. [OPS][LTJGH] Get a trajectory set up from those plasma trails. As soon as you get one give the coordinates to Verkal. [Bridge] I don't care what it takes. We will get him home.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [lCDRF][OPS] We can track them, but could we keep up?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She shook her head.:: [HELM] Not disabled, Verkal. Gone. Floating somewhere among all the debris out there. ::She opened a hail to the Venture.:: +T+[Venture] Avalon to Venture, how are you doing?
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::works hurriedly on system repairs as he looks over his shoulder to a system readout indicating all active systems, he spies warp power offline within the list and grumbles::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::So as not to talk over the hail, she just shook her head to Fontane. Not without that nacelle, they couldn't.::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Gets readings on the remaining Arsenal and the sheilds. Crew count. Her shoulder hurt but she ignored it.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::over hears the chatter:: [TAC] Liel, the dominion doesn't know about the Scorpion do they?
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][XO] Bringing us to full speed now ... ::he hit the controls, trying to pull as much speed as he could from the shattered systems:: [TAC] My dear ... I was trying to put a good face on things ... those white guzzling bits of
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][XO] The Scorpion. No... ::her eyes narrowed and brightened at the same time.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | scum better not have harmed them ... ::he looked back to Etti, an eyebrow going up:: [XO] The ship is operational
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][HELM] Looked like they were green to me.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: USS Venture's new captain, Alejandro Chapa, a young man no more than 36 comes on screen.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][TAC] Green? I thought they called it white for a reason ... ::this was strange ... too strange::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CAC]+T+[Avalon] We're almost fully functional, Avalon. We'll be fine
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Makes her way onto the bridge Medical tricorder trying to find the worst of injuries up here.Resetting Liel's shoulder healing burns::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [LCDRF][OPS] We can't leave them to die.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC][NOIP] Sounds like we took the worst beating. ::He says as he scratches the back of his head and feeling the warm drops of blood streaming from the back of his head that he'd just now noticed::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][XO] We use the scorpion then? ::She looked to him pointedly.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [LCDRF][TAC] ::: she looks at Liel cryptically ::: Can the Scorpion cloak?
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Moves Feala in her seat after scanning her resetting the bones.::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he continues working but does so quietly, he says nothing but his mind runs laps within him::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][LCDRF] I agree. ::She breathed deeply again.:: With your ::She cringed at Brigid's work.:: permission... agh. I'd like to be on the team that goes after them.
Commander John Etti: | [XO][TAC] Yes it is the only thing we have now with decent weapons and no Starfleet brand nor connection.
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Sighs shaking her head a little.:: [LCDRF] She can but not actively. That is the system is their and can be hooked up in a matter of minutes if needed.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::heals the break onces it's set.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [LCDRF][XO] You know the Flyer can cloak, Jonathan. Even if the ship is cardassian on the outside, nothing assures us that we could get close enough
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [LTJGH] ::Le'ssa shook her head bitterly from the back of the bridge.:: [NOIP] I knew we would fail to keep them from the Gamma quadrant.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][LCDRF] No, we most certainly cannot ... ::he was burned ... but pain was another thing he was trained to deal with. He spat out a little more blood, and glowered. He hated this ... and he'd fly that little Hideki into that
Ensign Verkal Andora: | infernal warship if need be::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Moves to Verkal healing his burns.:: [NOIP] Captain hunter knows too much and they have Robin. ::Thoughtful as she finished looking to everyone else. Moving to the ATAC and healing him as well. Looking slightly stressed.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]:thinks about this for a moment and then decides:: [LCDRF] Prep the flyer. We will take her. I want her ready in 15 minutes max.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [LCDRF][XO] Roger, you'll have it done in five...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The ship's hardest hit areas are engineering and the bridge. Peices of rubble, however are everywhere.
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC][XO] Who is going in the flyer? ::She said loud enough to be heard her fingers dancing the controls taking the generator to minimal.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She looked to John hopefully. She wanted to go. She had to go, had to know what was going on with the most important people in her life.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][XO] Do you want me to prep the Scorpion? ::he sounded very much like he didn't want to stay behind on this one::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::sighs as he looks around the heavily damaged main engineering::{NOIP} Sad to see such a fine ship in such a state...
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC]::An away mission.He'd hoped to go. Although he probably wouldnt be chosen since senior officers would probably be the only one's attending::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][HELM] nay, We are taking the Flyer. It is better suited for this kind of mission.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC] Seniority rears it's ugly head once again ::He thought to himself::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][XO] Very well
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::makes a small mind change and taps his comm:: +[ALL]+ Senior Officers report the confrence room Now.
Commander (ret.) Selphie Strife: | [SAS] ::: appears on the bridge, with a medical kit. having been tossed around in jon and her quarters :;
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Looks up then down. Liel said nothing more. A slight gesture drew Neris's attention back to the pannels. Asking him to take over the readings on the weapons and sheilds.:: [ATAC] Do not mess with the generator controls.
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::She had to train him on that. Making her way to the conferance room.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She stood and cringed at the weight on the bones that she hadn't even realized had broken until Brigid set them... then followed the others toward the conference lounge.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::the Cardassian put away the last of his phaser weapons, and setting the ship to auto pilot for the time being. He slid into the conference lounge and took a seat, wiping a bit more blood off his face, his features stony,
Ensign Verkal Andora: | remote, and cold::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][ATAC] You better come in too.
Commander (ret.) Selphie Strife: | [SAS] ::: she tilts her head to the side and looks at her fiancee' ::: [XO] What's going on? Can I be of any help?
Commander John Etti: | [XO][SAS] Yeah, I would rather your not by i know i won't stop you.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Nods a little to Strife in greeting the Chief Medical Officer had a few burns herself from dogging about the ship. She walked into the conference room and dropping into the chair.::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::contiues working and feels a trickle coming down his forhead, he reaches up and touches the spot, pulling his hand away covered in blood::{NOIP} Must have done it when the engineer fell on me ::he shrugs and wipes it on his
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | uniform jacket::
Commander (ret.) Selphie Strife: | [SAS] ::: she nods, seriously, not quite what's goin on. she has been out of the loop for too long. she walks in and looks to see her old chair occupied by Corav. clearing her throat, softly, she sits at the junior end of the table
Commander (ret.) Selphie Strife: | ::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::enters the room and looks to the crew::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC] ::Walks to the confernce room and takes his assigned seat::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She kept still in her seat, her forehead resting on her palms and her elbows resting on the table.::
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | [CMO] ::Tries not to play with the resonance from the beatazoids in her head. Her blood being slightly diluted to be 1/4 she had little control over her own empathy. Crosses her arms a little.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [LCDRF] ::: enters the conference lounge, sitting at the science chair :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: From the windows, pointing directly aft of the ship, everyone can see the damaged pylon that once held the port nacelle.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][ALL] Well, if we all weren't depressed enough ... ::he stated in a dead tone, remarking about the rather unappealing view they had of the damaged ship::
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Doesn't bother to look.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::moves his eyes over the crew before him waiting for their response.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][ALL] Okay. As you know the captain has been taken. We have two choices. let him handle this or go after him. I am going after him. There is little chance that it i will make
Commander John Etti: | it back with this mission. I would like to ask all of you, not order you, to accompany me on this mission. I want this to be your choice. The risk is too high for me to order it.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::makes his way to the conference room::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::quietly, still not moving.:: [XO] I'll go.
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | [CMO] I don't think it was just the Captain. I think they took Robin too... ::She said slowly.:: I think we all... want to go... ::She said slowly.:: But that isn't possible. The ship needs to maintain some sort of command while the
Ensign JG Brigid Lea: | others are away.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC][XO] Im in sir.
Commander (ret.) Selphie Strife: | [SAS][XO] I know I'm not really starfleet anymore, but I've done a lot of this kind of work... you know that. I'll go.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::enters the conference room, taking a seat, giving a small apoligetic smile as he does so::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][CMO] While we are away teh Avalon will be in space dock undergoing repairs.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][XO] Well, considering that whole thing with the red cloth ... I believe technically, at least based on tradition the captain is part of my family ... of course I will go ::he said in a still dead tone. There was no chance of
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [LTJGH] ::She had been leaning on the wall of the conference room, silent until now.:: [CMO] Yes, they did take Robin. ::Then she looked to Etti, slightly apologetic for interruption.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | him passing up on aiding Alex ... that seemed to be the Avalon thing to do, as it were::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::looks up::{XO}
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | Unless you think I should stay and watch over the ship. Ill go, I know Im the new guy around here but you may need an extra repairman*
Commander John Etti: | [XO]:: he tries to smile to Selphi although he knew she was qualified he didn't want to see her on this mission, he nods to Le'ssa:: [AENG] I would be glad to have you.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC][NOIP] So we're all going?
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::turns to face LIel::[TAC] Liel? it is your choice. No one here will think badly of you.
Commander (ret.) Selphie Strife: | [SAS][XO] ::: reads his mind almost instantly ::: Don't think like that. I was running black op missions behind Dominion lines when you were still at the academy. I can handle myself
Ensign Liel Andora: | [TAC] ::Lifts a brow slightly.:: Who can shoot a person better than me? ::She asked.:: Of course I'm in.
Commander John Etti: | [XO][ALL] Okay. Everyone, meet me down Shuttlebay 2 in 10 minutes.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][TAC] Me ... ::he snickered:: if only with a phaser pistol ... ::he had to tease her a little::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She sighed, this one not so down and disheartened as the last one, and stood.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][ALL] Dismissed. ::he walks out of the room as he thinks of the unpcoming mission and tries to figure out why.::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::nods and looks around the room, wipes more blood off his forehead and rubs it on his jacket before standing up to collect a toolkit::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::he just stood, and hit his comm badge. He always used the Scorpion as his personal transport service. He didn't feel right about using the Avalon's systems for site to sites ... but since the Hideki was his, at least in
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She was going to walk right past Murphy, but stopped.:: [CMO] Hey Brigid, would you mind having a look here?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: In another system...
Ensign Verkal Andora: | part he did not mind using it as such:: [Scorpion main comp] Site to site transport, Avalon shuttle bay, number two
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Vorta][Robin] Hello, my dear... how are you today? ::: he is evil looking by nature... :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][AENG] You should get that looked at before you go anywhere....
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}{OPS} Pardon me?
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::looks confused::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She sighed and stood on her tiptoes, gently touching some of his hair that had been matted by blood.:: [AENG] That's a really nasty cut. ::Her voice was still dull.:: They'll have a medkit in the Flyer.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Vorta][Robin] I do hope things were not too rough for you ... I know how hard ... ::a false, cruel smile spread across his face:: relocation like yours can be. Are you ... all right? ::he tilted his head to one side::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [LCDRF][OPS] ::: rests a hand on her shoulder, comfortingly ::: Don't worry. We'll get him back...
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::nods::{OPS} thank you, Ill get a engineering kit and head to shuttlebay too
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin][Vorta] ::: her eyes are big and puffy with tears. fear is smitten across her face as she examines his face ::: I... I want my daddy...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She nodded to Fontane, and with that she exited onto the bridge and crossed to the turbolift, heading for the shuttlebay with the others.::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he headed off, his face looking blank as though his mind were elsewhere
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The crew of the Avalon offers small glances of sympathy and great words of encouraging bravado to Feala, as she walks to the shuttle.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Vorta][Robin] I am sure you may see your daddy soon. All you need to do is offer your help to our God. You, young one are very special ::he smirked, leaning into her, his eyes seeming to glow with malevolence::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he retrieves an engineering kit and site to site transports to shuttlebay 2. Once he arrives he takes a look around before shouldering the case containing his tools::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin][Vorta] ::: her eyes puff up and she begins to breath deeply and slowly, she attempts very much to be brave ::: You're a bad man...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She offered weak little smiles to those who tried to cheer her up. It wasn't helping much, but she did appreciate the effort. She stepped onto the flyer.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Etti steps onto the flyer as do all other 'crew' who are attending.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he stepped up to the flyer and looked it over closely::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Vorta][Robin] You see ... our God ::clearly he saw this God as the God of all, the little girl included:: wants your help. ::he leaned in, his face warm, and gentle, and yet in the same light sickeningly threatening. The perfect
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he then steps onboard and looks for the engineering console::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | diplomat if one considered fear to be the most effective method to gain results:: I am not ... bad at all ... I simply serve an all powerful, wonderful, kind God who wishes to help you, and your daddy. The two of you must however
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin][Vorta] ::: she huffs, and puffs, whimpering ::: What do you want from me?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She sat down at the operations seat in the flyer's command area.:: [HELM] We ready to get out of here?
Ensign Verkal Andora: | learn to trust, and indeed serve your God without question. ::he smiled:: First of all ... you must go through a few small tests ... ::this meant her DNA was part of the goal ... of course they had that ... but there seemed to be
Ensign Verkal Andora: | something else at play::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [ATAC] ::Steps onto the the flyer and looks around, and grabs a seat at the main Tactical station::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][OPS] About as ready as we'll ever be ... ::he spat out a little more blood, the wounds starting to close:: just tell me when all is said and done when you want me to fly this ... thing ::the ship was an odd one at that::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::takes a seat at the secondary helm station and looks over to COrav::[OPS] Open shuttlebay doors. [HELM] Preflight check complete?
Commander John Etti: | [XO][TAC] Prepare to cloak as soon as we leave the Avalon.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::takes a deep breath and he begins looking over the shuttle status panel::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She sent a request for the shuttlebay crew to open the doors, and a moment or two later, saw the doors opening before them.:: [XO] Done.
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [TAC][XO] Aye sir.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][XO] Well I've not had nearly enough to drink before taking off on a mission like this, but my blood/alcohol level's sickeningly low ratio excluded we are ready to go ... ::he chuckled darkly::
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}{NOIP} Good to go according to this...
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he unshoulders the tool kit and suddenly remembered the cut on his head, he then began to look for the first aid kit to fix it::
Commander John Etti: | [XO] ::grins:: [HELM] ALright. I will take your word for it. Take us out full impulse. Once we are clear of the Avalon take us to warp 7.2
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin] ::: considering for a second, she did what she could... she ran. She scurried off the bio table and into an airduct :::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][XO] Taking his away now ... ::he finished the docking clearance code inputs and the like before lifting off, and heading for the open bay doors. One nice thing about being in charge of shuttle deployment was it was so
Ensign Verkal Andora: | to ask yourself for clearance to launch::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [TAC][XO] Preparing for cloak sir. On your word....::He wait for the order to raise the cloak::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Vorta] Robin ... return here at once! ::he shouted down the airduct:: Your father will not be pleased ... ::he tried to get the little girl back, before standing up, and looking to a pair of Jem'hadar guards:: Well you incompetent
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he shrugged not seeing the kit and went back to monitoring shuttle systems::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][TAC} Cloak.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][Comp] Computer, new tactical display C-alpha. ::The display would appear on a smaller monitor over her head.:: Overlay readings of plasma residue in red with any other visuals displayed on C-alpha.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | buffoons ... FIND HER! ::he snarled, as the two ran from the room, and searched for a way to get at the child moving through their life support systems. The Vorta knew this sort of ... screw up as it were could cost him his life::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [TAC][XO] Cloaking ::and he cloaked the ship with the press of a couple of buttions.:: Sir, the cloak is holding.
Commander John Etti: | [XO][OPS] You can a course?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She sighed again and indicated via her console that she wanted a nav chart up on the new display. It appeared with the red overlay.:: [XO] Absolutely.
Crewman Recruit David Murphy: | {AENG}::he continues to press the keys on his console and looked toward the front of the shuttle::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal's fingers did their nearly magical little dance as he plotted in the course, trying to follow along the plasma trail::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::smiles which will be a rare occasion on this trip:: [OPS] Good, send it to Verkal and Lets get underway.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The shuttle slips into warp, following the plasma trail. It leads them to a nebula. After a while, they come upon the ship, showing signs of external repair....
Commander John Etti: | [XO][OPS] Are the shields up on that?
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][ALL] Why hello large, wide, and hideous ... how are you today? :: he muttered about the ship, as he matches speed with the vessel, trying to avoid detection::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She scanned them "quietly," sacrificing scan strength and speed for staying covert.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][XO] Doesn't look like it. They're repairing.
Commander John Etti: | [XO][OPS] Good. Passivily scan to see if you can find Robin or Alex. ::gets up and moves to the back and pulls out a crate::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Meanwhile...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Thinks to himself as he looks into the face of a Jem'Hadar, suspended from an overhead by his wrists, "I am not having a good day" :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She continued passive scans for any Xenexian or Xenexian/human life signs, expecting it to take some time if it worked at all from their distance. She hoped their cloak would hold in the nebula.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Corav detects that they are on the ship. One on deck 23 and one on deck 45
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [TAC][XO] Sir, cloak readings are normal and still holding.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Jem'hadar] ::the very large, menacing creature looked at Hunter with an icy, oddly determined look as he tore a panel off the wall, and with his bare hands ripped out a conduit, the lights within the room flickering:: [CO] The New
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She had just leaned back in her eat when the console bleeped madly at her. She jumped forward and read off the scans.:: [XO] I have them. Deck 23 and deck 45.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | God ... my God, and your God demands that you capitulate with his wishes. I am to obtain from you information. You WILL grant this in service of your God, or you will pay a price for your insolence! ::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | he held the conduit uncomfortably close to Alex's face, letting a few stray spars land on his skin:: DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR!?! ::he half asked, half shouted::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: even on the inside he wasn't intimidated ::: [J'H] Your God? ::: he winced a bit as a spark hit him ::: Well, maybe you didn't do your homework... but, I'm an atheist.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Feala's operations console blinks.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Jem'hadar][CO] Atheist? Well then, worthless, heathen, infidel scum ... I shall use pain to bring you into the light that is the New God! ::he yelled, pushing the conduit for a moment into Alex's stomach, ensuring he took a
Ensign Verkal Andora: | horribly painful, but not life threatening plasma burn:: Your God, and make no mistake, he IS your God demands you capitulate, and you will ... no matter how long this takes. You WILL yield to His will!
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][XO] We're... getting a hail? ::She frowned, her brow tensing. Who knew they were here?:: Audio only.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Screams in pure pain. He wasn't a god, he felt all the pain rush through him. But when it was over, he simply laughed it off, and cursed :::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][OPS} HUh?!
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][XO] That's right... open the channel? ::Her finger hovered over the panel.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][OPS] Aye. ::straightens his outfit::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Tap.:: [XO] Channel open. ::She listened, wondering who this was.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Voice][OPS] ::: static ::: -ommy?
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::waits for for someone to talk and looks to COrav:: [OPS] Corav, didn't that sound like...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Her heart jumped. Robin. She looked at the commander as if asking permission to respond.::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::nods and gives her the "Becareful of what you say" look.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin][OPS] -ommy... please, please ::: her voice sounds in tears, but is contained to a desperate whimper :::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Jem'hadar] I am a true believer in our God ... the New God ... and I will punish your insolence, and burn away your lack of faith! ::he barked, clearly a few improvements on the zeal of these creatures had been made as he pressed
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][Robin] ...honey, is that you?
Ensign Verkal Andora: | the conduit next to his exposed arm pit ... again another nasty, painful, but not life threatening burn:: all this can end, when you agree to serve your God!
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin][OPS] Mommy, I'm alone... I'm in the vents... please.. hurting daddy.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal heard this and almost felt sick ... that little girl ... that child on such a ship ... he was old, cold, and callous, but the notion that the child whose hair he'd stuck a flower from his collection into was in such
Ensign Verkal Andora: | place just ... for lack of a better term, hurt::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][Jem'Hadar] ::: He screams once again, louder than before and looks at the Hadar ::: If... you do that again... I swear... I'll kill you
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][Robin] We're going to try, honey... stay quiet where you are and don't go anywhere unless you think someone's going to find you again.
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::angers wells up in him that they are doing this to Robin:: [OPS] Can you get us close to where she is by transport?
Commander John Etti: | [XO][OPS] THis cloak can hold up for a little while.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Jem'hadar] That is one of your many weaknesses. I know you will die here if you fail to serve your God, as will your child, whom we also have at our ... tender mercies ::he said in a proud tone:: I do not fear death like you as I
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][XO] I think so. ::She stared at the deck schematics she'd been able to scan through, and then looked behind her to Verkal, Etti, and Neris.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin][OPS] ... one second.. ::: some typing can be heard. The operations console bleeps a bit more :::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | know OUR God will protect me if I am faithful, and will reward my service. You could learn much from me. No matter ... know the Vorta speaks with your child ... and pray to your God, to my God that she learns faster than you! ::he
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::tils his head with confusion/shock as the sounds he is hearing:: [OPS] You mean to tell me she knows how to work one of those consols?
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She watched the console.:: [Robin] Oh, honey, you're brilliant. Thank you. ::She turned back with a grin to John.:: [XO] Their shields are down.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | pressed the conduit again, this time to Alex's side, right below his rib cage::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][OPS] THis might be asking much, can she deactivate their weapons?>
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Feeling the anger well up inside of him, Hunter pulls himself up at his wrists, he brings his feet up and with a double kick disconnects the green tubes and wraps his legs around his neck ::: [JH] You can threaten me... but
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::grabs another pattern enhancer to transport robin out as soon as they find her.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][Robin] Honey... did you hear that part? Can you do the same thing to their weapons?
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | leave my daughter out of it ::: He twists his body as much as he can and breaks the jem hadar's neck :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin][OPS] I... I think I can try...
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: With a push of a button, all of the ships shields, weapons, engines and life support goes off line.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Jem'hadar] ::Alex would find the creature was "killable" as it were, but a good deal more difficult. The creature landed a few frantic blows to his leg, none of them terribly damaging, before falling down, dead::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [TAC][XO] Sir, their weapons sheilds and life support are all down, they're sitting ducks! ::grins::
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::looks over Corav shoulder as the consol gets the info:: [OPS] Well this should get interesting. I hope hunter can hold his breathe. [ALL] Ready to beam out.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She stood from her console and nodded a ready.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Vorta CO] Why have my systems gone off line? ::he asked in a manner that just oozed threats as his subordinates on the bridge got the notion that this problem needed to be isolated quickly, and set to work. Failure was in no way
Ensign Verkal Andora: | an option ... if they wished to live::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM][XO] Ready as I shall ever be ... ::Verkal sighed, pulling his phasers yet again::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Then after looking at everyone else to see whether they were ready, she tapped a button and beamed them to coordinates she's already put in.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: with two distinct pops, huner dislocates his wrists and a few other joints to allow him to fall from the restraints :::
Commander John Etti: | [XO}::grabs his phasers and shimmers onto the Dominion ship seeing Robin:: [Robin] Robin are you alright? ::he asks with extreme concern::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [TAC] ::His body dissolves and rematerializes on the Domion beohemoth. He reaches for his phaser still set to kill.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin][OPS] ::: Holding a small laptop LCARS system she bounds into Feala's arms :::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Vorta CO] I am finding your lack of results most disconcerting ... ::he said this to those on the bridge in a manner that was so calm, so dead that even their like felt the push on fear, and they managed to move faster,
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: There are two distinct stomps on the grating above the team...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Feala grabbed at her phaser as well, then turned toward Robin, being nearly knocked back by her leap. She wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | frantically trying to locate the source of this shutdown::
Commander John Etti: | [XO][OPS] Corav, head back to the Hunter with Robin. NOtify me if they get anything back online.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Someone taps etti's shoulder.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][XO] Yes commander. ::She tapped her commbadge.:: +T+[Hunter] Corav to Alexander Hunter, two to beam out.
Commander John Etti: | [XO]::turns around quickly phaser pointint at whoever taps his shoulder::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: blood dripping from his mouth, and phaser burned to hell, the Xenexian manages to make a V with his fingers. He's holding a polaron rifle ::: [XO] Yo
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal whipped about, twin phasers aimed toward the one who had poked at Etti, before seeing who it was, and lowering them::
Commander John Etti: | [XO];:quickly lowers his phaser seeing hunter and straps the other enhancer to Hunter's arm:: [CO] Dang Alex, you look horrible. Let's get out of here. +[OPS] We found the Captain. Get us out of here.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She blinked as she set Robin down next to her station and sat down, then input the transport commands.:: +T+[XO] Energizing.... ::She smiled, pure happiness showing through, at Robin.::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][Robin] I'm so glad you're safe.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Vorta CO][Ker'de'jorn bridge] If that problem is not corrected within the next five minutes, I will have all present executed in the name of the New God ::his tone was very clear indeed::
Commander John Etti: | {XO]+Tele+[Ops] Beam hunter away from Robin. I don't want her to seem him like this.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin][OPS] ::: Not wishing to be seperated, she clings onto Feala's waist and puts her computer down. On the screen, maps, diagrams of the entire dreadnaught are displayed :::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal was more than happy to have the two prisoners and to be off this ship as soon as was possible ... even the air on board these dominion abominations stank::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She hadn't heard the telepathic command, but figured he would need medical attention anyway, so had sent him to the small medical area. She tapped, energizing the transporters.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: Winces in pain, looking at the parts of his uniform which were fused by heat to his skin. He was barely able to hold back tears. Some special forces soldier he was... :::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO]+T+[HELM] Get us out of here...
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [TAC] ::Repostioned himself at the Tactical Station after he was beamed back aboard.::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM]+T+[CO] Welcome back to the land of the living as it were ... and I believe I can do that ... ::he said almost gleefully, as he powered up the warp systems, trying to them as far, and as fast as he could::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO]+T+[HELM] I hope we're out of range...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She smoothed over Robin's hair with her left hand, as if petting her almost.:: [Robin] Stay here with me for a few minutes, okay little bird?
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM]+T+[CO] Well, with the cloak, I can only hope, and perhaps wish ... Robin seems to have caused them a problem in any event ... ::he chuckled, as he took the ship to higher speeds still::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Verkal and Feala notice a flash of light and then a violent rumble, knocking the Alexander Hunter off course temporarily.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO] ::: a slight smirk forms across his face as he lays down :::+T+[HELM and OPS] I guess we were.
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [Vorta CO] ::to make his point, he tore a polaron rifle away from one of the Jem'hadar on the bridge, and shot the Vorta who was at the operations station, and spoke to all present:: [Ker'de'jorn bridge:: I am NOT in any way
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Feala chewed at her lip and looked to Verkal as if asking him if he would take her for a moment.::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [TAC]+T+[Co] Sir, cloak is holding,dont worry.Welcome back too. Neris out ::and he taped his combadge to sever the connection::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | willing to allow failure ... ::he snarled as his underlings sped up even more so::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: The Dreadnaught disappears in a flash of light. A core explosion, courtesy of the CO.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Robin] ::: Crying from her ordeal crawls into Verkal's lap and almost instantly falls asleep. :::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::he reset the course back to the Avalon, shaking his head, and hoping that was all of it. He used his free hand to drape over the little girl's shoulder, and whispered softly to her:: [Robin] It is all right ... you and
Ensign Verkal Andora: | your father are safe, and we are headed back to the Avalon ::he resisted the urge to say "or what is left of it" at the end of his sentence::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She gasped at the quick negative bleeping from her console, and just gaped before she whispered an awed curse. With another little glance to Verkal, she got up and used the excuse to report this to head back to
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | see Zander.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: His uniform is practically fused to his skin in some places and he's burned very badly.
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][OPS] ::: his voice is weak... tired, that is. He's not really in danger of dying, he just hurts like hell :::
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [TAC][HELM] ETA Verkal?
Ensign Verkal Andora: | [HELM] ::Verkal patted Robin, trying to console her as he pushed the vessel as hard as he felt was safe, trying to return to the Avalon to get Alex some treatment, and to just get as far away as was possible from the nebula. His
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][OPS] Hey... ::: it was simple, conveyed a greeting, and he was too tired to say much more :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::Her heart fell a bit, happy to see him still living, but distraught at his condition. She managed a little smirk.:: [CO] If you ever make me worry like that again... ::She laughed a little, holding back tears, and reached
Ensign Verkal Andora: | head turned slowly to the tactical officer:: [TAC] About another 15 minutes ... assuming the Avalon has stayed put ...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | for his hand.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][OPS] I really didn't have a choice... ::: he smirks half heartidly ::: And I found someone interesting...
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][CO] Yeah?
Crewman Apprentice Anatole Neris: | [TAC][HELM] Good. ::a slight smile as he glanced at Verkal.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [CO][OPS] ::: Gestures to another little girl, sitting in tattered rags in the corner of the med bay :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She turned to look to the girl.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | ACTION: Sure enough, a girl, about robin's age, is cowering in the corner of the med bay.
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS] ::She looked back to Zander, concerned, and let go of his hand in order to crouch next to the little girl.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Girl] ::: cowers away, in slight fear :::
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | [OPS][Girl] Hey... my name is Feala. What's yours? ::She was careful to keep her distance from the girl in case contact would frighten her.::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | [Girl] ::: She only looks at her in fear... after a moment she whispers ::: Devra... Andora....
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | -=[PAUSE SIM]=-
Lieutenant JG Corav Feala: | ::AA::
Ensign Verkal Andora: | ::AA::
Fleet Captain Alex Hunter: | -=[END SIM]=- |