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Leadership of The Pirate Republic
The leader of the Pirate Republic is the Dread Pirate King. He is the founder of the Pirate Republic. He has a inner sanctum of Dread Pirate Lords who work as his Pirate Board.
Supreme Leader: Dread Pirate King J.D. Eller
Members of the Pirate Republic Council
The Council of the Pirate Republic is the general ruling body within The Pirate Republic. All Council decisions are presented to the Dread Pirate King for approval or veto. The General Council can override the decision of the Dread Pirate King with a 75% majority of its members.
Council Members
Chairmen of the Council:
Admiral Cheryl A. Harris – Director of Naval Operations (PRN)
Air Chief Marshall Stephen B. Brown – Director of Space/Air Forces Operations (PRSAF)

Deputy Chairmen of the Council:
Director of Marine Operations (PRM)
DIrector of Army Operations (PRA)
Council General Members

Director of Records & Personnel: Staff Captain Diane M. Carpenter (PRN)
Director of Public Relations: Major General Chris Brinkman (PRM)
Director of Finance: Vacant
Director of Recruiting: Vacant
Director of Foreign Affairs: Vacant
Director of Alchemy (Science): Dread Pirate Staff Brigadier Robert W. Barnett II (PRM)
Director of Re-Education: Staff Captain David J.B. Hicks (Sharkspear Read) (PRN)
Director of Supply & Logistics: Vice Admiral Gary A. Bartle (PRN)
Director of Security Services: Brigadier General William A. Hlas (PRM)
Vice Council
The Vice Council of the Pirate Republic is made up of Stronghold and Starship Commanders. They vote on minor issues inside the Pirate Republic and then pass on their finding to the General Council. The Vice Council can also send new issues to the General Council on at least a 51% vote of the Vice Council’s members.
1st Pirate Fleet Commander: Unassigned (DPK Eller in Temp Command)
2nd Pirate Fleet Commander: Rear Admiral (LH) Cecil D. Davis IV - Florida
3rd Pirate Fleet Commander: Fleet Captain Franklin D. Rogers - Florida
4th Pirate Fleet Commander: Unassigned
5th Pirate Fleet Commander: Unassigned
6th Pirate Fleet Commander: Unassigned
7th Pirate Fleet Commander: Unassigned
Staff Members of the Pirate Republic
Director of Psychological Affairs: Captain Ruth A. Brown (PRN)
Director of Emergency Response Services: 
Director of Medicine:
Director of Carpentry (Engineering):
Director of Communications: Lieutenant General Stacy Bartle (PRM)
Director of Religious Services: Cardinal Fleet Captain Esther Russel-Fenner (PRN)
Dread Pirate King's Staff
Judge Advocate General: Fleet Captain Franklin D. Rogers (PRN)
Senior Pirate Wench: Senior Warrant Officer Cathy Dailey (PRN)
Chief Task Master: Senior Warrant Officer Amanda Dailey (PRM)
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