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Strongholds of The Pirate Republic
Storm Haven
The Pirate Republic Headquarters
CO: Dread Pirate King Jerome D. Eller
Protectorate Zone: 1st Fleet of the Pirate Republic
Chick Here to Enter Storm Haven

Storm Haven is the Headquarters of the Pirate Republic and where both Councils meet to discuss the issues presented to the Pirate Republic. Located on the planet Port Royal.

Storm Haven is actually three Castles within a 5 km area.
Castle Storm Haven:
The King's Residence and where the councils meet, resembles a modern version of Neuschwanstein in Bavaria (Germany) on Earth but on a much larger scale.
Castle of Laws:
Houses the Members of the Council and Vice Council when they are in session. Castle of Laws resembles a modern version of Herrenchiemsee Castle in Germany on Earth.
Castle Ludwig:
Houses VIPs of The Pirate Republic and guest Dignitaries from other systems. Castle Ludwig resembles a modern version of Linderhof Castle in Germany on Earth.
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