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Thundercat Allies
Page 2

As a general rule, the humans are better at this ally thing than the creations of Third Earth, but there are always exceptions.  Also as a general rule, the humans tend to be amazingly annoying, self-centered, self-abosrbed, and over confident.  Typical of the species, I believe.  Glad I'm a tiger.

Willa, Nayda, and the Warrior Maidens: Treetop Amazons
Finally, a group of Thundercat allies who actually provide some kind of support in return.  Ruled by Willa, the Warrior Maidens are suspicious of all males but have accepted the Thundercats as worthy allies.  They fight with bow and arrow, are knowledgable about various gases they can use against opponents,  are as agile in the trees as Monkian, and for the most part they mind their own business.  They are also quite familiar with the surrounding terrain and have helped the Thundercats several times with useful knowledge.  When in trouble, they usually try to combat it themselves before turning to the Thundercats for assistance.  If it weren't for the superior technology of the Lunatacs and mutants, the Warrior Maidens could probably take the two groups out on their own.  My one complaint against them is their voices.  I don't know what it is about them, but when Willa or her sister Nayda opens their mouths to speak, I cringe and run.  One other problem: if their society is solely maidens, where do they come from?  I guess I can't expect a cartoon to address such a mature issue, but still...
 Mandora: Everyone's favorite overzealous cop
Whenever this gal shows up in an episode, you know you're in for a strange 30 minutes.  To begin with, Mandora herself is pretty odd.  I haven't quite figured her out, yet.  She's a very by-the-book cop working for something called Control, but she's a dirty fighter if it comes down to it.  I guess principles go out the window in a tight spot.  You never know quite what to expect from this policewoman.  She's also obsessed with patroling what seems to be out of her jurisdiction.  Maybe I'm expecting too much from a cartoon, but where does she get authority to enforce Control's rules on Third Earth?  On what does she base her jurisdiction?  We tigers are very consciencious about things like law and fairplay, and I don't see any in Mandora's enforcement.  I've tried to approach her about this problem, but she always manages to avoid me at the last second.  Maybe I'm out of training.  I'll have to work on that...
 Hachiman: Sword-Swinging Samurai
Hachiman is definitely not my favorite Thundercat ally.  I'm not sure why, but something about him rubs my fur the wrong way.  As far as his character goes, he's an honor-bound warrior who seems to be from Ancient Japan in some episodes and a resident of Third Earth in other episodes.  Don't ask me to explain it, because I can't.  He also has a sword known as the Thunder Cutter.  This blade is very similar to the Sword of Omens and can only be used for good.  Well, sometimes there are exceptions to the rule, but for the most part it can only be used for good.  Hachiman can be a very useful ally to the Thundercats, but sometimes he just gets them into trouble.  He seems to have a holier-than-thou attitude and if his honor is at stake, he doesn't hesitate to rush head-long into a dangerous situation.  And he doesn't seem all that bright, either.  But despite all this, Hachiman is more or less a regular character on the Thundercat show.  I guess there are some things you just have to learn to live with.
 Captain Bragg: Con-Man Extrodinaire
Here's an interesting character.  He makes several appearances, but his first is in the infamous episode "Circus Train."  He drives the Circus Train.  I suppose he has his uses.  After all, he did capture the Lunatacs and mutnats, but Slithe and Vultureman would have turned him into fish food if it hadn't been for Wiley Kat.  He lucked out in much the same way with Luna and Amok.  Alone and by himself, he's really not a very powerful ally.  He's more annoying than anything else.  In fact, his episodes are annoying.  His crow is annoying.  His train is annoying.  I really don't like this man. (Bet you hadn't figured that out.)
 Mumm-Rana: Evil's (and Good's) Worst Nightmare
Does Mumm-Ra have an archnemesis aside from the Thundercats?  Yes, he does!  Meet Mumm-Rana.  She lives in the White Pyramid and is the Ever-Living source of good.  Actually, she doesn't claim Ever-Living, she claims Ever-Good.  Sounds kind of smarmy if you ask me, but whatever.  She also has a very smarmy change sequence when she goes from her mummy form to Mumm-Rana the Ever-Good.  She only appears in a few episodes and we should all be grateful.  Her voice is annoying, her change sequence is annoying, she herself is annoying, and she really doesn't do all that much.  Well, she does have a belt that Luna used for one episode and the belt made Luna a little less annoying than usual, so I guess that was a good thing.  But other than that, Mumm-Rana is just another liability the Thundercats have to look out for.
King Arthur: Never-Appearing Hero
There was an entire Thundercat episode dedicated to King Arthur, but King Arthur never made an appearance.  Strange? I thought so, too.  I suppose you now want to know where this picture comes from.  I guess I should say that King Arthur made a brief appearance as a past image in Mumm-Ra's cauldron and then Mumm-Ra became King Arthur.  The actual king never interacted with the Thundercats. But his sword sure did! Talk about a mess.  Mumm-Ra tricked the Lady of the Lake (all we saw of her was her hands) into giving him Excalibur and Excalibur proved to be stronger than the Sword of Omens.  Unfortunately, Excalibur can't be used for evil, so Mumm-Ra's plan didn't work.  Same ol', same ol'.
Merlin: Five Minute Magician
If you're going to throw King Arthur into a Thundercats episode, you might as well throw Merlin in, too. Only Merlin actually shows up as himself. But he only shows up for about five minutes. Sigh.  Oh well.  Merlin is very productive during his five minutes.  He repairs the Eye of Thundera, revives the fallen Thundercats, takes back Excalibur, defeats Mumm-Ra, and spews some smarm.  Not even Jaga can compete with that!  Yes, he's quite the magician.  Kind of funny looking, too, but who cares.  The same can be said for almost everyone on this show.

Page 1: Third Earth Allies
Page 3: Various Do-Gooders

Oh boy.  Well, so much for humans. More biographies.

So much for biographices.  Back to the main page.