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Thundercat Allies

Finally, here is everyone who really doesn't fit the description of Third Earth Creation or really close to being Human.  Most of those here fall in the category of helpless and draining allies, but there are some who attempt to pull their own weight once in a while.  Ya gotta give them credit.

Quick Pick: Convenient Turn Coat
This guy almost landed in the villain's section, but he didn't.  The reason?  He appears in two episodes and during that time is an ally more than he's a villain.  But he's a flakey ally at best.  He started off as a criminal and ultimately ended up helping both himself and Mandora get out of a tricky situation. (Mandora was supposedly catching him.)  In the second episode, Quick Pick was on the side of good for most of the time, though he was a huge coward.  In the end, Quick Pick became Mandora's assistant and rode around with her on the Electrocharger as part of his parole.  A very odd character, completely robotic, completely incompetent, but interesting for a laugh here and there.  At least he takes the focus off Mandora.
Scooper: Automated Coward
The Berbils gave Scooper to the Thunderkittens for their birthday.  And he immediately proves his worth by racing away from trouble when the Thunderkittens are captured by the Lunatacs.  True, he does warn the other Thundercats, but he certainly didn't leap to the rescue.  He can also dig fairly well.  Lion-O and Cheetara discoverd this on Thundera when Scooper uncovered the Jade Dragon for them.  The dragon ended up eating the two Thundercats and once again, Scooper failed to come to their rescue.  But he did sit around waiting for their return afterwards.  A loyal robotic canine.  What more could the Thundercats ask for? (Please note that this question is rhetorical and somewhat sarcastic.)
Jaguara: Mystical Sorceress who crawled out from under a rock
When Thundera is reformed, it has a giant gyroscope in the middle.  Why?  I couldn't tell you why, but it does.  The reasoning behind it continues to elude me.  Anyway, Jaguara is a sorceress, presumably of the Jaguar clans, and she watches the gyroscope with an idiotic robot called Screwloose.  When something goes wrong with the gyroscope, Jaguara and Screwloose take care of it.  This prevents Thundera from falling apart, a situation generally viewed as a bad thing.  Jaguara is supposedly ageless and doesn't really have ancestors.  She just kind of exists.  From her intelligence, or lack thereof, I've concluded she spawned from beneath a rock.  She can also fight, I think that's what she calls it, with mystical spells and wierd stuff like that.  And that's about all there is to Jaguara.  An unusual character introduced in an unusual last season of what had been a very good show.
Screwloose: Robotic Misfit of the Great Beneath
This is Screwloose.  No, he's not much to look at.  No, he's not a big help to the Thundercats.  No, he really doesn't do anything.  So why is he on the show?  Beats me.  Romantic interest for Jaguara?  Supposedly, he aids in running the large gyroscope beneath the surface of the Thundera.  The gyroscope holds the planet together.  Confidentially, I think Screwloose is lucky if he holds himself together for more than an episode, but that's only my opinion.  Screwloose is a very appropriate name for this robot.  He's definitely got a few screws loose, and is probably missing some, too.  Along with nuts and bolts, Screwloose is also missing whatever passes for intelligence among the characters added in the final season of the show.  In an additional cast of idiots, Screwloose scrapes the bottom of the intelligence scale.  Doesn't say a lot for the final season, but then, few things do.
Tor: Refugee in a toga
Much to the surprise of the Thundercats, when they began to restore Thundera they discovered that not all Thunderians had been killed in the planet's destruction.  You'd think they'd have considered the possiblity of survivors since Bengali, Pumyra, and Lynx-o had managed to survive, but maybe they had other things on their minds.  Anyway, this is one of the refugees who was given a name and actually played a part in some of the episodes.  Meet Tor, a Thunderian survivor in a toga.  Beyond that, there's not much to say about him.  He was one of the first surivors that the Thundercats encountered, but other than that, he was more of a convenient plot device than anything else.  Yeah for the last season.

Page 1: Third Earth Allies
Page 2: Humans (Or really close to it)

What an odd assortment of characters.  I want to see more biographies.

My mind is slowly turning to mush.  Back to the main page.