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Mumm-Ra and his Minions of Evil
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So who's out to get the Thundercats, guardians of everything that's cute and lovable?  LOTS of creatures.  The Thundercats seem to make enemies everywhere.  And these enemies have a way of coming back again and again and again and again and again and again and again... But by far their most dangerous adversaries reside in the Black Pyramid.  So here comes Mumm-R and his allies in evil.

Mumm-Ra: Ever-Living Servant of Evil
The Thundercats' primary enemy, this ancient Egyptian is an undead servant of four Ancient Spirits of Evil.  Most of the time he wanders around in his mummy form with very little physical power.  At other times, if he calls to his four powerful statues (representing the ASOE) he can say, "Ancient Spirits of Evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living," and his mummy bandages go flying, the robes come off, he grows a few feet, puts on a few extra pounds of muscle, and gets a black mini skirt.  He lives in a black pyramid in the Desert of Sinking Sands until the last season in which he relocates to New Thundera.  He has a pet named Ma-Mutt who has different powers at different times during the season.  Mumm-Ra can also look like other things, such as Jaga.  Sadly, this powerful enemy doesn't use his tricks often enough.  And when he does, the Sword of Omens defeats him.  The Thundercats would be absolutely nothing without their Sword.  (Although, Tygra and Bengali could give this nasty enemy a run for his money.)
Ma-Mutt: Canine of Fickle Powers
Mumm-Ra's only friend in the universe, this is Ma-Mutt.  He came along for the movie Thundercats Ho! and was how Mumm-Ra talked to his minions for a while.  The dog is loyal to Mumm-Ra, but did turn away from the mummy once when Mumm-Ra completely lost his temper.  This dog also possesses supernatural powers, but they seem to vary from episode to episode.  Sometimes he can fly.  Sometimes he can't.  Sometimes he can breathe poisonous gas.  Sometimes he can't.  Sometimes he can change forms on his own.  Sometimes he can't.  It's hard to tell exactly what Ma-Mutt is capable of because even he doesn't know.  But the Thundercats respect him as an enemy and the snarfs really don't like him, so he's good to have on the show.  Say, maybe he and I could get together and go snarf hunting...
Ancient Spirits of Evil: The Power Behind the Mummy
Within the Black Pyramid loom four strange-looking statues that have light up eyes.  What are these sinister and foul things?  They are the Ancient Spirits of Evil.  They provide Mumm-Ra with his power upon request and develop nasty attitudes.  Up until the Thundercubs series, they were content to remain statues with glow-in-the-dark eyes, but they suddenly developed the ability to interact with Mumm-Ra and Ma-Mutt on their own initiative during Thundercubs.  And after that series, they kept ordering Mumm-Ra around and eventually, they threatened him with destruction if he didn't destroy the Thundercats within a single day.  Let this be a lesson to all who think the statues they pray to are simply benign statues.  You never know when they'll suddenly spring to life and demand your enemy's destruction on short notice.

Page 2: Third Earth Villains
Page 3: Miscellaneous Villains

That was it?!  I need more biographies!

Okay, these guys are stranger than I am.  Take me back!