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A Universe Full Of Scum

Besides the main villains and all the unfriendlies of Third Earth, the Thundercats have managed to attract villains from across the galaxy.  This makes for some interesting and exciting adventures, but these adventures could have been avoided with just a little bit of common sense.  But when dealing with Lion-O...never mind.  I think you get the idea.

Grune: Ex-Thundercat with an Ego
Grune was a Thundercat at the same time that Jaga was a Thundercat.  The two were good friends for a while, but ambition took Grune too far and he turned evil, renouncing his Thundercat heritage.  Jaga was forced to battle his former friend and ultimately defeated him and banished the sabre-tooth.  Grune eventually ended up as a ghost on Third Earth and periodically shows up both on Third Earth and on New Thundera to trouble the Thundercats.  He constructed a mace of Thundranium, an element that weakens Thunderians, and used it against Jaga in a rematch of their original fight.  Why he can use Thundranium and the others can't, I don't know.  Maybe it's a blessing of evil.  Maybe it's a mystical spell.  Maybe it just happens when someone is sent off into space while trapped in a crystal thingy.  Maybe we'll never know.  (Twilight music plays...)
Safari Joe: Deranged English Hunter
Talk about a guy with problems.  This poor human shows up on Third Earth and decides that the Thundercats are ultimate game.  So he hunts them.  Great fun.  Only he doesn't hunt them for food or vengeance, he hunts them for sport.  And he doesn't even use sporting mechanisms to catch them.  He has his nice little robot instruct him in how to defeat the Thundercats.  Sigh.  I could say several things about this, but I won't.  No, I take it back, I will.  I'm a tiger, I hunt for food, I use sport techniques that allow my prey a chance to escape, I use my own cunning, and I survive.  Safari Joe doesn't even catch all the Thundercats with his little robot help.  Of course it blows up trying to show him how to get Lion-O because of that Sword, but still.  I would have found a way.
 Demolisher: Who wants to fight?
The Demolisher was an interesting villain.  Actually, he wasn't really a villain because he can't really be termed as evil.  But he was definitately not on the side of good, so he got shoved in with the evil-doers.  The Demolisher likes to fight.  He doesn't care who he fights, how he fights, how they fight, or anything else.  He just likes to fight.  He's always out and about, looking for a new challenge.  I'm not even sure what he is, but he's strange looking.  Nice glasses, too.  Beyond the fact that he likes to fight, I don't remember much about the Demolisher.  He just likes to fight.  Grrr.  Fight.  He probably doesn't delve into philosophy much.  I think I'm safe in saying that much.  Oh well.  Fight.  Grrr.  Fight.
 Captain Shiner: Merciless Mercenary
Here's a guy who can get even Mumm-Ra to pay up.  Sort of.  Kind of.  Mumm-Ra at least listens to him when he demands a high price.  Meet the famous mercenary from Thundercats HO!: Captain Shiner.  Nice guy.  Actually, he's not such a nice guy.  He's ruthless, he's cunning, he's quick on his feet, and he's not afraid to use force to get his way.    And listen to this!  He has a brain!  He's actually intelligent!  At last!  A worthy villain!  Okay, so Mumm-Ra's pretty tricky, Slithe can be underhanded once in a while, the Lunatacs have their moments, and Safari Joe knew enough to listen to his computer, but Captain Shiner is just smart.  He stays on top of things, he maintains control of the situation, and he doesn't let an unforseen change of events interrupt his clear thinking.  One complaint: he needs to take some anti-inflammatories.  The chipmunk looks like he just got his wisdom teeth out and forgot to take his medication.  Maybe his glands are inflamed.  Hmm.  Maybe he needs to find a cute little mercenary doctor.
Frogman: Aquatic Chameleon
Sometime between the destruction of Thundera at the hands of Jaga and its reformation at the hands of Mumm-Ra, Frogman became trapped underground and survived quite happily.  While drilling for water, the Thunderkittens let him loose.  Oops.  This conniving mutant-like creature has control over water.  And he can also change color.  He used this ability to elude the Thundercats.  (Tygra would have found him, but Tygra was stuck on Third Earth, grumble grumble grumble...)  I also think he has some kind of hypnotic powers, but I'm really not sure about that.  He gets Wiley Kat to like him.  But then, Wiley Kat doesn't really have a lot of judgement, so maybe Frogman just lucked out with his first Thundercat contacts. 
Captain Cracker: Robotic Renegade
Captain Cracker appears in a few episodes, but his status as a villain is poor.  He never really does anything substantial.  Sure, he tries to lower Mandora into a vat of boiling oil and sure he almost makes fish bait out of Lion-O and Snarfer, but other than that, he's there for annoyance purposes and little else.  He doesn't like QuickPick, I guess that's one thing in his favor.  He thinks of himself as a space pirate, but he's not very successful.  His ship is called the Jolley Roger, but he only has it for one episode.  In the other episode, he has a shack that the Lunatacs turn into a ship.  That was back in the good old days when shacks were more than just shacks and robots were...okay, so robots are generally stupid in this show, but at least he had a cool shack.

Page 1: Mumm-Ra and Associates
Page 2: Third Earth Villains

Where did these creatures come from?  Strange.  More biographies!

If I want strange, I can look in the mirror.  Take me back!