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Although their friendship had a rocky beginning, over the years they've known each other Chandler and Monica have grown to be very close and share a very tight bond. When they first met, Chandler disregarded Monica as Ross's "fat sister," but they later became friends and neighbors at an apartment building in "The Village" in New York. Monica later revealed in TOW All the Thanksgiving Flashbacks that she heard Chandler call her fat and ended up getting almost unintended revenge by accidently dropping a kitchen knife on his toe. At times they appeared closer to each other than to their own roomates, sharing secrets about things like Chandler's third nipple and that it was Monica's underwear on the telephone pole outside the building from the time she had sex with fun Bobby on the terrace. You could often catch them sharing a chair, or calling each other by pet names, and they were always consolling one another over relationship troubles. As long as we've known them they have been around to comfort each other and known how to help one another when they're down. An example of this is Monica's comforting of Chandler who feared dying alone in TOW Heckles Dies. In TOW Ross Finds Out, Monica takes on Chandler in order to help him shed a few pounds and get into shape. Another unforgettable moment between them occurred in TOW the Birth where Chandler offered to make a pact with Monica to marry and have kids if they weren't each married by the time they were each forty. However, Monica was a little too concerned with the fact that Chandler would think she might now be married when she was forty to see the kindness in his suggestion. Ultimately, after many years of incredibly tight-knit togetherness, the two expanded their friendship in London in TOW Ross's Wedding. Monica was upset because a drunk man believed she was Ross's mother and Chandler was upset because no one laughed at his jokes, but their drunken way to comfort each other was to sleep together. They kept their relationship a secret from Rachel, Ross, and Phoebe for several months (Joey had found out previously in TOW All the Kips) but they were eventually discovered. In the episode TOW Everyone Finds Out Monica and Chandler's relationship was revealed to the rest of the gang, and it was also in this episode that they said their first "I Love Yous." Chandler began to realize that he was uncomfortable commiting to a relationship, upsetting Monica, but he then tried to fix the problem by proposing to her because he was sorry. Obviously they didn't get married then, but Monica helped him realize that he wasn't ready to deal with his relationship problems by himself. Later on in the season they almost got married in Vegas, but decided that they weren't ready and that moving in together was a better plan. Ultimately, after a two year relationship, Chandler proposed and the two are currently engaged to be married on May 15th (episode airing on May 17th).

For more on Chandler and Monica including a huge picture gallery, visit My Friends Forever.

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