
The Chris Tate Appreciation Society

Devoted to Emmerdale's Chris Tate, played by actor Peter Amory. This site is entirely unofficial.

My thanks to everyone who has offered support in the production of this website:

The following webmasters, for pics, info, advice, etc.

Aza, webmaster of Hem till gŚrden - Emmerdale
Xenon, webmaster of Xenon's Fan Fiction Dungeon
Bill Sands, webmaster of The Unofficial Emmerdale Website
Trev, webmaster of The Woolpack
Jackie, webmaster of Jackie's Lair
Paul, webmaster of Beckindale
Mel, webmaster of Diane Blackstock Fan Page
Lynne, webmaster of Lynne's Frankie Site
Deb, a.k.a. Emily's Cardigan, who, despite having plenty of time to tell me all about Peter Amory, hasn't yet managed to get off her lazy Cornish arse and get a site up and running.
Joe Burns Ph.D, webmaster of HTML Goodies, where I learned how to do this.
And finally:
The people of RATUE Newsgroup, for keeping me entertained, informed, distracted, etc.
My Mum, Dizzy Marion, on whose computer and phone line I spend hours every day doing this (when she's not kicking me off so she can go to saddo chatrooms, that is...;-) ).

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