
The Chris Tate Appreciation Society

Devoted to Emmerdale's Chris Tate, played by actor Peter Amory. This site is entirely unofficial.

Fan Fiction

Welcome to the CTAS fan fiction page.

You'll find below a selection of brilliant stories featuring Emmerdale characters written by ordinary fans like you. All the pieces on this page feature Chris Tate (naturally), although not always as the hero of the tale!

So far, I've found two fan fiction authors who've written about Chris. They're Mel Dent and Xenon - you can read more about them below. If you know someone else who's written about the great one, or you've tried your hand at it yourself, then mail me; I'll be happy to post any Chris-based scribblings on the page!

Click to go to stories by:

Mel Dent Xenon

Mel Dent

Mel Dent is a member of the Chris Tate Appreciation Society and is a writer of fan fiction extraordinaire! She has written pieces about many of the characters in Emmerdale, notably Viv's Diary, a part-work which is available along with Mel's dozens of other stories at the Emmerdale Net Fan Fiction Page. Mel won't mind me saying that she's Viv's number one fan, and she has a website devoted to her and to the great Diane here.

Stories by Mel:

Some Enchanted Evening - Read this now!!! This is a love story about Chris and Charity; the kind of story about Chris and Charity that the CTAS wanted to hear. Mel wrote this exclusively for the Chris Tate Appreciation Society - you heard it here first. It's absolutely brilliant, I promise, but beware: it has some adult content.
Great stuff - thank you Mel, from the CTAS!

MacTate - An Emmerdale story with a familiar Shakespearian feel. I love this one!

Sleeping With The Enemy - This was written as the result of a challenge by CTAS member Rachel to write a story about a love triangle between Chris, Charity and Kathy. You'll like the way Chris gets his priorities sorted out in this one.

Playing With Fire - I did say that Chris wouldn't necessarily be the hero in all of these stories... Read Playing With Fire and get to know his bad side. It's dogsbody Terry who gets the girl here.


Xenon is an old hand at writing fan fiction, and not limited to just Emmerdale. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Quantum Leap are just a couple of other TV shows which Xenon has covered, and you can find the rest on the top-notch website Xenon's Fan Fiction Dungeon, which has a great little corner devoted just to Emmerdale.
I'm sure you'll agree that Xenon has a talent for getting inside Chris Tate's head, and both of the author's stories below come highly recommended.

Stories by Xenon:

The Re-Match - Written as a result of a challenge a while back (just after Kim's departure), The Re-Match gives Chris and Kim one final showdown... Who'll come out on top? You'll have to read it and see...

Charitable Intentions - I was absolutely enthralled when I read The Re-match in August of this year, and I couldn't resist writing to Xenon with a bucket-load of praise...and a fresh challenge. This time to paint Chris as some kind of a hero, reluctant or otherwise, something which the Emmerdale scriptwriters have never seen fit to do. I was delighted when Xenon wrote to tell me that Charitable Intentions was complete, and even more thrilled when I read it. Thanks Xenon - it's brilliant!

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