
The Chris Tate Appreciation Society

Devoted to Emmerdale's Chris Tate, played by actor Peter Amory. This site is entirely unofficial.

Join the Chris Tate Appreciation Society

Are you reading this page because you think that Chris Tate is a brilliant character?
Are you reading it because you think Peter Amory is an excellent actor?

If the answer to either of the above is yes, then you should join the Chris Tate Appreciation Society.

Why? Because joining is easy and absolutely free, and will earn you a much prized (!) certificate of membership and access to our members page.

It will also get you on the mailing list for news about the character, notification of updates on the site, and other assorted Peter/Chris goodies which I come across.

It will NOT result in us sending you spam of any kind, or passing your email address onto any third party.

So how do I join? All you have to do to join the CTAS is mail me, the webmaster, with your email address. Simple as that. Now get to it!

Click here to mail your request for membership.

Emmerdale© is produced by YTV and networked by ITV. This site is owned by Kate O'Hara and is in no way connected with YTV or ITV. Copyright © Kate*** 2000
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