
The Chris Tate Appreciation Society

Devoted to Emmerdale's Chris Tate, played by actor Peter Amory. This site is entirely unofficial.

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N = New photo since last update.
P = Pictures of Peter Amory rather than Chris, ie. out of character.
Q = Not great quality, but I'd thought you'd like it anyway.
F = Personal favourites which come highly recommended by the webmistress.
F A solemn Chris visits his father Frank's grave.
Q Bit of a strange look on his face here. I think this shot caught him in motion, but his expression has a certain charm.
Just a little nibblet of Chris, looking slanty-eyed and sceptical as ever.
A tense atmosphere in the kitchen at Home Farm - not Chris's best photo ever.
F A real oldy of Chris and Kathy looking - hang on - happy?!
Bitch! The lovely Kim lamps Chris with an ashtray.
F BITCH!!! The lovely Chris bleeds in the aftermath. (Favourite? He just looks so vulnerable...)
The guy gets nothing but abuse; it's Steve who's at it this time.
Hansdome Chris, patronising Kathy - no change there then.
F The world will never know why Chris decided to marry Rachel in THAT tie. Nice pic though.
Q The album photo.
Q More of Chris and Rachel. I'm not sure of the story behind this one - set me straight.
F A petulent Chris ventures out to take a look at the car Frank has had adapted for him. This shot preceded a tumble off the ramp which sent his wheels flying and landed him face down in the mud. Nasty joggers, BTW Chris.
Newlyweds Chris and Kathy take off Tate-style in a helicopter after the ceremony.
F A lovely family album snap of Zoe, Joseph and Chris.
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