
The Chris Tate Appreciation Society

Devoted to Emmerdale's Chris Tate, played by actor Peter Amory. This site is entirely unofficial.

Subterranean Fraternal Fun

Assorted pics of that whole kidnapping shenannigans..


N = New photo(s) since last update.
P = Pictures of Peter Amory rather than Chris, ie. out of character.
Q = Not great quality, but I'd thought you'd like them anyway.
F = Personal favourites which come highly recommended by the webmistress.

Masked psycho invades personal space of local businessman... It's gotten awful bright in that cellar all of a sudden.
One grotty Chris wonders what the blazes is growing out of Liam's head.
Q Eek! Three months in a cellar does wonders for the complexion.
"I REALLY need to get out more..." Yes Chris, and you need a wash too, by the looks of it.
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