
The Chris Tate Appreciation Society

Devoted to Emmerdale's Chris Tate, played by actor Peter Amory. This site is entirely unofficial.

Mr. Peter Amory Esq.

All of the reclusive actor's publicity shots and press appearances - all four of them, that is.


N = New photo(s) since last update.
P = Pictures of Peter Amory rather than Chris, ie. out of character.
Q = Not great quality, but I'd thought you'd like them anyway.
F = Personal favourites which come highly recommended by the webmistress.

N P F Smiles all round in this lovely shot of PA in his DJ.
N P King and Queen of the prom? Peter Amory and wife Claire King.
N P And that fine-looking couple again...
N P F Honorary member Jacky was lucky enought to meet the man himself at the 2001 fan weekend. She looked so good in this photo that she actually managed to make PA look like a minger (!), so I had to edit her out, but trust me, this is still a FANTASTIC picture...
N P There's a glimpse of the man in this old pic of a cast party.
N P PA and CK along with others from the cast in the audience at the National Soap Awards 1999 - Claire/Kim picked up the 'Best Exit' award.
P PA's old Emmerdale publicity pic, in which he sports a rather dodgy suit and a strange camp expression.
P A nice shot of a very happy chappy.
P F A new version of this is a lovely shot of PA and Claire King - scanned from a magazine article about how they met, including the words.
P OK, you could argue that this is a pic of Chris not Peter, but it's a publicity shot and three seemed too small a collection!.
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