version 6.0 [spinning around ft. kylie minogue]
// current sites // future projects // site stuff // whatever floats your hovercraft // updates 
      Whataver Floats Your Hovercraft!
This is my 'Sure... Fine... Whatever..." corner, meaning it'll be empty until I come up with something to put in here. The site history is one thing, plus a portfolio (previous graphics for other sites) of some sort and maybe fonts and a gallery. Who knows. 

Site Histoire
Out For A Walk was established by moi June 20th, 2001. It is my oldest site. The title is derived from a wonderful Spike ("Buffy") quote: "Out...for...a...walk...bitch." What else can I tell ya... Oh right. It used to be a "Buffy" links database, but oh well, I thought: What the hell, we have Sonja Marie already! LOL. So I made it my collective after I created other sites such as Neo and Unseen.