version 6.0 [spinning around ft. kylie minogue]
// current sites // future projects // site stuff // whatever floats your hovercraft // updates 
Okays, so I'm going to use this space here to ellaborate a little bit on my future site projects and ideas. I know my regular visitors are decent and they won't steal any of this. For those of you who happen to drop in and see a Golden Opportunity; tough. Think of your own crap. I haven't mentioned collaborations yet, since we need to work that out. They'll be listed when done (under current.html - hmpf). I have more ideas, but I'd hate to risk losing them. So I'm not mentioning LOL

© Sequence
The "Buffy" theme song fanlisting. I'm a big fan of the blasting guitar music by Nerf Herder and so is my partner in crime, @ve.  

© Luke Danes Fanlisting
The fanlisting for "Gilmore Girls" character Luke is next in line. He is so hilarious and dry, so I just had to do it. LOL. 

© Fred/Tara/Anya
A small tribute to the New gals from "Buffy" and "Angel". Not sure yet as to how, but might make it a clique of some level. 

© A Cordy Fansite
A site for and to the New and Improved Cordelia ("Angel"), which will be written in Cordy Journal Style. Will probably have her blog too. LOL. 

© The Eric Stoltz Fanlisting
One of my fave actors, this redheaded charmer. He has been for a long time, and now that we're in the 1998 season of "Chicago Hope" in Holland, I decided it was about damn time he got appreciated more. 

© The Role Play network
Yeah, it's copyrighted. Recently, I came up with a plan. A good plan. A plan to let people star as their fave character from their fave show in a blogging roleplay. And now, I'm setting up the Network, where you can sign up as a group (Role Play) or as a soloist (one character blog). 

© Serendipity
My poetry/creative writings site. Content is ready (dur, the poems are written), the layout was too but I changed it again. LOL.