version 6.0 [spinning around ft. kylie minogue]
// current sites // future projects // site stuff // whatever floats your hovercraft // updates 
     Welcome to Out For A Walk!
Well, this is it, people. Version 6.0, for real this time. It features Kylie Minogue. I am seriously going to show you all the rejected versions. It's a whole helluva lot, and it was about time I got my mind made up. As much as I truly loved the Liv Tyler version, which lasted over 2 months, I felt the need for over a month to change Out For A Walk into something different, classy and completely new. Anyways, to navigate around here, you can click the uh 5 Kylie images above and kind of scroll around. For questions and comment, you can email me at I check it at least once a day. 

MAR 17th 2002
It's not working. The domain thing, that is. So Out For A Walk is not going anywhere and neither am I. Oh well. That's fine. I can't have everything. Updated the Elf fanlisting and Introducing, so you might wanna check that out.

MAR 11th 2002
Uhm... I registered the domain yesterday, so I'm just waiting for the go-ahead... so that it works. LOL. Need to upload everything to my host and connect the host to the domain. So... Anyways, all the sites that aren't hosted yet are going to move with me. This site will excist, only not as Out For A Walk. It'll all be on the domain itself. Blah Blah Woof Woof is the only hosted site that is moving along with me. Until I get that all set up anyways (cuz it will be a 'blog only' type site now). Also, set up Face & Ghost, the blog for moi and @ve :)

MAR 8th 2002
Well, things couldn't get any worse. I was getting ready to FTP everything I needed to (to update and stuff...) and nothing works. Nothing. It's horrible. On a happier note, I'm ditching Angelfire for good. I'm getting my domain this weekend. I'll keep ya posted.

MAR 4th 2002
My new fanlistings aren't doing as well as I'd hoped, but that's okay. Time will tell. Uhm, I'm so happy, by the way, cuz this site passed its 2000 mark!!! We have 2012 visitors, everybody! Some new layouts are coming up too, by the way. Now, back to school. Hmmmm. Oh Gosh, Rivendelicious also passed the 2000 mark! This is excellent!

FEB 28th 2002
Okay, so I had to revamp Honestly Okay again since I felt like the layout sucked big time. And something went wrong uploading it all. But I think it's okay now, I hope you'll like it. Time to add a counter then.

FEB 27th 2002
Well, have some new projects going again. One of them is Honestly OK, the Jessica Alba (Max in "Dark Angel") fanlisting. It'll go online today. Got an offer to get Girl Next Door hosted already, so I'm psyched about that. Other updates of the day: no idea, I'm writing this upstairs (I don't have internet in my own room grr arg) - oh, but this new version will be online today! How's that?

FEB 25th 2002
Well, I have finally made up my mind. Been looking everywhere for the perfect Kylie Minogue pictures, but no one posted them online anywhere, so I picked these instead. And they are fine. I have a new align code, so that takes a whole lot of getting used to. Damn!
Updates made today... Achtung, Baby!: the fanlisting collective is now up and running as part of this site. this is where you'll read specific member updates for my fanlistings. Rivendelicious: we have a new layout! Girl Next Door: take a peek at my latest site, the Meg Ryan fanlisting. still hoping to get the official approval. anyways, it's looking good!

FEB 22nd 2002
Updated Rivendelicious with 39 members today :) and guess what, guys? i have loads new sites and projects coming up, including the Meg Ryan Fanlisting, which is done and only needs to be uploaded ^.- So looking forward to showing you that... And the rest will be updated monday. Now it's the weekend, I can bring to ya a bunch of new sites... and it'll rock!