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Kristen Bell - aka Veronica Mars

Birthday: July 18, 1980
Birth Place: Detroit, Michigan

Kristen Bell as Veronica Mars
"I like to think of myself not as a pessimist, but as a realist. If you look at the world through a telephoto lens � how could you be otherwise? My best friend was murdered, my mother walked out on our family, the kids at school think I�m a traitor, and, courtesy of the work I do at my Dad�s detective agency, I get a peek into depths of dishonesty and depravity the city of Neptune has to offer. Of course, the girl I am today doesn�t bear the slightest semblance to who I was just a year ago. I was�happy (well, in an ignorance-is-bliss kind of way). I was the daughter of a respected sheriff (with the house in the hills and everything). I was dating one of the most popular boys in school (which by association, made me one of the most popular girls). I�d give anything to have Lilly back. I�d give anything to know why my Mom left. Yeah, I was happier then, but like Neo, I guess I�ve taken the red pill, and there�s no going back. Now I�m capable of doing something the old Veronica would never have dared. I�m going to find the truth."

Enrico Colantoni as Keith Mars

"A year ago, my Dad was the best sheriff this ungrateful town had ever seen. But after he targeted Jake Kane as a suspect in his own daughter�s murder, everything he�d done for Neptune was forgotten. Abel Koontz confessed to Lilly Kane�s murder and Dad was seen as the man who hounded an innocent bereaved father. Losing a job and a wife would have crushed most men � but he�s doing okay. He runs his own private detective agency now. So he still gets to catch the bad guy. And he�s still got me, for what I�m worth� Dad likes to pretend that we�re moving on with our lives, but I know that, secretly, he can�t let go of the Kane investigation. At night, when my head is swimming and my heart is racing, I think about how much harder this past year has been on him. I know that everyone makes mistakes, but my Dad was a good cop."


"Mom left about nine months ago. She was pretty upset with Dad for turning our lives upside down. I guess I could understand if she wanted to divorce him. Because those things happen everyday, right? Everyone just learns to deal. But aren�t mothers supposed to want to take their kids with them? I wouldn�t have gone; would never have left dad, or let the people of this town drive me away. But it would have been nice if she�d at least asked me to go with her. Deep down, I know she didn�t want to take off like she did � something or somebody must have forced her out of our lives. But if Mom is really that scared of being found, how can I ever hope to find her?"

Percy Daggs III as Wallace Fennel Teddy Dunn as Duncan Kane

"Wallace claims that he was one of the cool kids at his old school back in Cleveland. Fact or fiction? You be the judge. Exhibit A: The first time I saw Wallace, he was naked and duct-taped to the school flagpole (courtesy of the P.C.H. Bike Club). Exhibit B: He works at the Sac-N-Pac. I don�t have a problem with that. But cool�hardly. And the most damning bit of evidence? Wallace counts as his best friend Neptune�s #1 social leper and class pariah. There Wallace is at my lunch table every day, enduring my bitter social critique of the 09ers, patiently nodding his head to tales of my non-existent love life, and always, always, being a good friend. To Veronica Mars. Very, very uncool."

Amanda Seyfried -- Lilly Kane

"My best friend. Murdered October 3, 2003."

Teddy Dunn as Duncan Kane

"Duncan Kane is the closest thing to royalty that we have in Neptune. He�s smart, he�s rich, and he�s got those brooding good looks that make a girl want to rip out her own heart and toss it at him � just to save him the effort. Being Duncan Kane�s girlfriend means being at the top of Neptune�s social food chain. A year ago, that was me, the Queen of the 09ers � the Jen to his Brad. Back then, Duncan didn�t care that I didn�t live in the right neighborhood, drive the right car, or vacation on my family�s 150� yacht. And then it was over. How is it that I�m able to find missing people, uncover secrets that are desperately being hid, and I still can�t figure out why Duncan stopped caring about me?"

Jake Kane -- Kyle Secor

"The founder of KANE SOFTWARE, Southern California�s answer to Microsoft. As they say, he draws a lot of water in this town. Jake Kane expects his son Duncan to follow in his impossibly gargantuan footsteps � full scholarship to MIT, Rhodes Scholar, Captain of blah, blah, blah. As a result, Duncan goes out of his way to be his own person (by this, I mean pissing his Dad off). I know that my Dad doesn�t trust Jake Kane, but I can�t help feeling sorry for him. His family has been living under a cloud ever since that terrible day last October. Is there anything Jake could have done to stop Abel Koontz, his disgruntled former employee? Or was my father right? Did Jake Kane have something to do with Lilly�s murder? I shudder when I think about Lilly�s last moments. Whose cold, heartless eyes did she look into? For Lilly�s sake � please let them not have been her father�s."

Lisa Thornhill -- Celeste Kane

Duncan and Lilly�s Mom. Jake�s wife. I�ve tried to get inside the head of this woman more than a few times. Certainly, I can understand why she wasn�t too thrilled to have her beloved son Duncan dating me, the hopelessly middle-class daughter of a public servant. Even before my Dad practically accused her husband of murdering their daughter, I can�t recall a single encounter when I wasn�t greeted with the furrowed brow, the puckered lips, those tight, freaky neck muscles � if this woman has to go in early for her first facelift, I actually may feel a twinge of guilt. I can�t blame her for being bitter. Celeste lost her daughter. Then again, I lost my best friend. In some cotton candy alternate universe, I�m sure we�re giving each other a great big bear hug. In the real world, however, Celeste Kane�s fear and loathing for one Veronica Mars remains one of life�s unsolvable mysteries.

Michael Muhney -- Sheriff Don Lamb

Brutus. Judas. Benedict Arnold. Linda Tripp� to this rarified company I�d like to add the new Sheriff Lamb. I think that Dante put these folks in the 9th circle of hell, head-first in frozen excrement. How do I hate this man? Let me count the ways. For starters, he was my father�s deputy, and not only did he refuse to back Dad up during the Kane investigation, but he actually petitioned for the recall. So, he thinks Dad was wrong. Fine. Whatever. But Dad took him under his wing, covered up all his dumb mistakes (and there were plenty). Apparently Lamb knows even less about loyalty than he does about law enforcement. And last year, when I went to his office with Rohypnol in my system, and the sick certainty that something terrible had happened to me � Lamb went into frat-boy mode, and treated it all as a joke. So whenever the opportunity arises to show this town what a dangerously incompetent fool they�ve placed in the sheriff�s office, I�m always more than happy to do my part. But it�s not a personal vendetta. Honest.

Cristian Clemenson -- Abel Koontz

Sits on death row for the murder of Lilly Kane. Motive: he was Jake�s former business partner who felt he had been stabbed in the back after helping create the software that built the Kane fortune. Revenge, pure and simple � it made sick sense to everyone that he would kill Jake�s beloved daughter. Scheduled to die next spring, Abel has shown absolutely no interest in his appeal process. He won�t do interviews and he won�t cooperate with anti-death penalty advocates. A man wracked with guilt, hell-bent on dying? Or what if Abel is merely the deranged victim of circumstance? My Dad and I are the only ones still interested in Abel�s case. Once a killer confesses � end of story. But if Abel is lying, that would make him either insane or suicidal, or both. I don�t know what to believe.


For an administrative hard-ass and occasional puppet for the sheriff�s office, Clemmons isn�t such a terrible guy - just a man in desperate need of a hobby, and perhaps a little action. As luck would have it, my locker gets �randomly� searched on a monthly basis nowadays. Clemmons is convinced that I�m some sort of criminal mastermind. Sure, I bend the rules from time to time, but come on�This school has it�s share of users, dealers, plagiarists, kleptomaniacs, and a handful of hardcore delinquents. I guess I understand Clemmons� predicament. Busting the 09ers could get him fired and busting the PCHers could get him killed. Which leaves him with me, public enemy number one. Kinda flattering, when you think about it.

Jason Dohring as Logan Echolls

Your first impression of Logan Echolls is not going to be favorable � envision the most obnoxious, self-important jerk that ever crawled out from under a 24-carat rock. But it�s not entirely Logan�s fault. His father is movie star Aaron Echolls and Logan�s childhood was peopled with nannies, bodyguards, over-zealous fans and paparazzi. There�s really no way to get from there to normal. He was Lilly Kane�s boyfriend and the two of them and Duncan and I were so tight� it�s like remembering a dream to think back on those days. That�s right � Logan and I used to be friends. I�m not proud of that, but there�s too much photographic evidence floating around for me to deny it. Lilly was the glue holding us together; an awful lot of things died with her.

Francis Capra as Eli "Weevil" Navarro

I�ve got to give this to Weevil � he�s a man of his word. If he says that he�s going to beat you senseless, rearrange your body parts, or render you unrecognizable to friends and loved ones � well, you had better make sure that your health insurance is paid up. Weevil is almost eighteen, a watershed year for the criminally-inclined. He lives someplace inland (that�s Neptune-speak for the �wrong side of the tracks�) with his Grandmother and a houseful of younger siblings. I guess that makes Weevil their male role-model � kinda scary since Weevil is also the leader of the PCH Bike Club. He and his merry band of juvenile delinquents pride themselves in spreading a little bit of evil and chaos in this otherwise postercard-perfect beach community. I wouldn�t exactly call Weevil my friend, but thanks to the ironclad gangster�s code of ethics, we maintain a workable coexistence.

Daran Norris as CLIFF McCORMACK

The PCH Biker Club�s public defender of choice. Cliff is also MARS INVESTIGATIONS�S most loyal customer. Like all good lawyers, McCormack will never let ethics stand in the way of a good defense. He likes working with petty, sleazy criminals and getting them off the hook. After all, any hack can successfully defend the innocent. When my Dad was sheriff, the two of them butted heads on a pretty regular basis. Cops and public defenders. Now, working together � too bizarre. If I was up for a crime. And penniless. And with absolutely zero options for a top-notch attorney. I�d let McCormack defend me. In a heartbeat.

Sydney Tamiia Poitier as Mallory Dent

The thought of most teacher's private lives usually elicits yawns or shudders. Journalism instructor Mallory Dent is probably one of the only ones who has a "gee�I hope my life turns out to be like that" kind of life. A little adventure, a few late nights, a really hot boyfriend. Just a hunch. Though she must have been in the popular crowd in her own student days, she doesn't suck up to the 09ers. And she hasn't let on that she's heard any backstory about me or the Lilly Kane investigation. Of course she has, but a very commendable attempt to give me a clean slate.

I suspect she's one of the only adults in this town who could survive an intense background check and still emerge squeaky clean. Too bad she's not running for public office. Instead, she's decided to dedicate her life to geeks, 09ers, and myself. Is she nuts? I mean, teaching is really an odd decision. After having spent 16 or 17 years in one school system or another - who would turn around and go right back in. For the rest of their lives. Fortunately for me�Mallory Dent.

Paris Hilton as Caitlin Ford

A trophy wife-in-training�Caitlin clearly prides herself on being Neptune High's ultimate prize. Beautiful, popular, loaded with money, huge flirt, and a big fan of the bad boys. Caitlin supplanted Lilly as the school's reigning queen. But Lilly knew that all the surface stuff was just a fun game, whereas with Caitlin, you scratch the surface and, well, you know, just more surface.

But just the way they say that most people are two paychecks away from poverty, Caitlin was just one sleazy working-class encounter away from 09er exile. Whereas my punishment always included a healthy dose of harassment and taunting, Caitlin's being treated to a good old-fashioned Amish shunning.

Maybe now that she's no longer surrounded by shallow elitist peer pressure, she'll surprise me with hidden reserves of decency and individuality. Yeah, right.

Aaron Ashmore as TROY VANDEGRAFF

I always suspected that getting involved with Troy would be a stupid, stupid mistake. Yes, there actually is a downside to being hit on by a cute, smart, flatteringly persistent guy. One - he's an 09er (but not at the despicable end of the spectrum). Two - he's friends with Duncan, which is, like, eighteen different shades of weird. And three - a relationship is really incumbent on his bringing me back into the 09er fold. A plan destined to fail. Hating Veronica Mars has become a passion in some circles - it usually takes a winning regional football season to unite students in the manner in which I have provided. Honestly, I can't see them giving it up.

And now that I've experienced the eye-opening view from outside, getting back in has as much appeal as going to a Van Clemmons family reunion. So, where does that leave me with Troy? For now, just a few rare heart-pumping moments of normal teen life.

~Quotes come from UPN Veronica Mars

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