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Southeast Louisiana GS Council

3 C flour
3T dry milk
½ T salt
1½ T baking powder
2T sugar
¾ C shortening

Mix together all ingredients except shortening. Add shortening by cutting it in with knives or pastry cutter. Mix until shortening makes tiny round balls. Store in a marked container with the following directions.

Makes about 16

Add 2 C water to 6 C pancake mix. Add one egg (or 3T dry eggs) and 2 T dry milk. Heat a little oil in skillet until hot before pouring.

Makes about 16 biscuits.

Add 1/2 C water to 2 C of mix. Knead well. (This can be done in a plastic bag to avoid messy fingers.) Bake in a dutch oven or box oven in a covered pan or doughboys. (Sorry I don't know what a doughboy is. I'm just copying this.)

Bannock or Griddlecakes

Make mix same as biscuits but instead of forming into buscuits place in bottom of pan and cook on grill or camp stove.

Coffee Cake

Use same measurement as the biscuits but add 2 eggs. Top with butter and brown sugar and nuts or fruit. Bake in dutch oven box oven or a #10 can in glowing embers.

Blueberry Muffins

Add 3/4 C milk to 2 C mix. Stir in 2 t vanilla. 1/3 C sugar and mix well. Fold in 1- 14 oz can blueberries (drained and rinsed). Bake in muffin cups at 400 degrees.

Cook in box oven or Dutch oven.

Combine 2 C grated cheddar cheese, 1 can jalepeno peppers (seeded and finely chopped), mix well, set aside.
Blend together 1 C yellow cornmeal, 1 C unsifted flour, 4 t baking powder, 1/2 t salt. Add 1/2 stick oleo, 1 C milk, 1 egg. Beat until smooth. Stir in 1 12 oz can corn (drained). Pour 1/2 batter into a hot grease dutch oven. Sprinkle on cheese and pepper. Pour remaining batter, spreading mixture to cover cheese. Cook over hot coals 20-30 minutes. Do not burn.

Soft Prezels

1 pkg yeast
1 T sugar
1½ C warm water
4 C flour
1 t salt
1 egg
1 T water

Dissolve yeast in 1½ water in a large bowl. Mix flour salt, sugar in a large bowl or zipper bag. Mix 3 cups of flour mixture into yeast and water mixture. Knead until will blended and then add the remaining flour mixture. Shape into pretzels and place in your grease Dutch oven. Coat each pretzel with a mixture of 1 egg and 1 T water. Let rise for 15-20 minutes then bake with coals on top and bottom for about 12 minutes, remove from coals and continue baking until golden brown.

Now where to?

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