Lissa's Crap!Welcome to my art page, it takes quite a while to scan and load up and save all my art.. so please be patient with the coming of this page. One day it will be greatness! =) Anyways, just have fun and be sure to tell me if i have any skills whatsoever, THANX! Enjoy.
![]() he he, you may be wondering about that title, but my bestest sister in the world got the privalage of naming them all. She's way cool. All of you should kiss her feet one day. Anyways, Soon she'll be on the friend page and you can see her beautiful ass. he he. ANYWAYS! Okay, this little fella I drew in like 6th grade, my first art class ever. So just look at him and laugh. But dont worry i did get better! or, have! or.. um something! YEAH! SOMETHING! lol. |
![]() Here's my first ever computer drawing attempt. LOL. There I am. Dead sexy as always. HA HA HA! Okay, sorry, i have no mouse drawing skills what so ever! Ha. |
Here is my kitty cat Casey, and i did this with construction
paper, skills yes i know! LOL. Anyways, all i did was
take the little sharp thingy and cut out the spaces that
are white, then i put a white peice of construction paper
behind the blue peice. SKILLS! This was done, i think the
summer between my 7th and 8th grade years. Everyone clap. lol. |
![]() LoL, allrighty, my sister may be just a smigin odd. LoL. But she's still cool. Anyways, here's something i did around my 6th and 7th grade years, once again cut off. Anyways, my medium was map pencils. And for those of you who cant tell, it's the little 7 up dude and the Honey Comb guy. LoL. From the good old days! |
![]() okay, Jamay told me why the dot's there, lol. She said she didn't like Pie and Yummy side by side so she threw in a dot. And um, the reason for the Pie part is because i showed her how i made it, it was a pie shape thing, then drawn over and over again, Kalidescope design. Anyways, this is my Freshman or Sophomore year, and painted in Acrylic Paint. Once again cut off a little bit by the scanner, but OH WELL! |
![]() Here's my favorite peice, that i have scanned. It took me forever, YESS those are dots. Little tiny black dots, and the real picture is like 16 inches by 24, so it's alot of dots! Anyways, i did that by looking at a Tyra Banks Milk add for those of you who can't tell. Anyways, if you want to see a larger version, i have it in my files, but i couldnt make it small for this. Anyways, there is more to her body that got cut off! But there she is in all her glory! =)and oh yes, this was done with a black fine point pen, first drawn in pencil and done My Sophomore Year! Cool Beans. |
Don't ask about this name, cuz i dont even know! LoL.
Anyways, here is just a SMALL part of a name collage
i did my Sophomore year in High School, but our scanner
is too little to show it all! Anyways, it's done with
markers.. for those of you who care. |