Liss and May - Me the one on the Left.
I'm a Junior
at Smithville High School
and I live somewhere between Smithville and Bastrop
Tex-ASS. (he, he, LOL!!!)
and my felephone number IS...
None of your BUSINESS..
The addy of this site is:
Email me at
Hey.... Welcome to Lissa's Ville, AGAIN =o)
.... I dont have much to say.(I allready said it all on
my Welcome page.. he he).. so I'm just going to let you
read my poetry... If you like it... PLEASE let me know..
if you dont.. then TO HELL WITH YOU! No.. just kidding
...BUT, I really do wanna know what everyone thinks..
good or bad.. I wont be offended, I swear... Thanks so
much for coming and everything... Enjoy...
~~~~~~~~~~Poems.. by Lissa~~~~~~~~~
Pain..written April 15th, 1997
I love you with all my heart,
And now I am broken.
I ache so much.
When will it end and we'll be together once again?
I feel like someone stabbed me,
I cant understand.
I keep on thinking if I think of something else it will go away,
Then it clouds my mind.
I am destroyed!
You are so wonderful.
You don't deserve this life.
Why can't we just be free with no restrictions?
I can't even walk straight,
I throb with pain.
I think I will feel better someday...
But what if i never do?
THINKING....May 27th,1997
You may not be what you think you are,
but what you think, you are.
I think I try to think I am myself,
but I don't suceed.
The world around me are what they want to be.
I think I should not care what they think.
The bum on the block can only think of what he once thought he could be.
I think I think an awful lot.
Then thinking is a thought.
~~Untitled...May 23rd,1998~~
People running through the darkness..
Thinking they will find something,
all they ever really find is petty games and bullshit
which fills their pointless lives.
Some of them think they have found light and can see through the debris..
But in reality the people who are thought to know nothing
know the harshest truthes...
That no one will EVER truely find light.
**Zoe...Dont know when I wrote it...**
You are that which I love
and as you carelessly stroke your paw
and lie there purring not questioning the norm
or trying to fit in
or hopeing to be the girl whose done it all.
I respect you and wish someday like you to know exactly what i want
and to embrace it.
Yet I lie somewhere between the norm and the outcasts..
for now.
><><>>CNUE...written March 12th, 1999<<><><
I am that which doesn't make any complete sense.
When you are lost you feel as though the big no one who is going to find you doesn't exist.
You wish that things would go back to the way they were,
then you realise when things were that way you wished they were anything besides the way they were.
Making sense is the least of which you do to be understood.
You look back at how it started and begin with "If only I had"s and "What if"s but it did happen and you look around only to discover you are never getting out of it.
Life is so confusing when your mearly a kid,
it's tuff.
Listen to my excuses that I hide behind...
It doesn't make sense.
Well.... There's some of my poetry..and let me once again remind you how happy you will make me if you tell me how horrible I write and nice things like that... so take some time and do that, Would ya?? tand THANKS AGAIN AND AGAIN..
to see some pictures of me... simply click here... Lissa's Purdy Pictures
for pictures of my friends.. click here.. LiSsA'S BuDdIeS
for pictures that are weird.. click here.... LiSsA'S SLICK Pics
for pictures from Halloween 98... click here.... Lissa the Cheerleader
for pictures from my trip to Arizona.. click here.. Arizona Pics
for a view of my here.... Lissa's Crap!
for pictures of me getting a tattoo.. click here... LiSsA's Tattoo Experience
or you can go back to my WELCOME page......WELCOME to LiSsA's VILLE thanks for coming.. bye bye..
This page is still Under Construction, too!!