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The Gates of Hell

A dark, ominous place are the Gates of Hell, a dungeon of terror from which few ever return. Our journey began on a tormented ship, where Thain, our brave companion, was slain in a fight with the mutinous crew. We wound up on an uncharted island, with a strange cave which seemed to delve forever into the earth... The Heroes followed the cave, finding ourselves in an ancient temple of evil and doom. We discovered the Fire Edge, an ancient blade which Charystra adopted as her own, and Valithor, an elf of the Second Age who had been trapped in the caverns for thousands of years. He told us of his quest -- to destroy the Gates of Hell, which lay at the depths of this very cave!

We agreed to aid him, and, travelling through many perils, such as the villainous Dungeonmaster and a race of dark lizard-beings, we found our way to the infamous Gates of Hell. It was guarded first by a group of shades, whom the Heroes fought bravely as Valithor ventured deeper toward those dread gates. Suddenly, however, the true guardian of the Gates of Hell appeared -- a terrible Balrog! Valithor valiantly sacrificed himself to destroy the Gates once and for all, holding off the Balrog as we made our escape. Valithor's spell sealed the Gates forever, but it also touched off a volcanic eruption, which swallowed up the caves and nearly took our lives as well. The Heroes were able to escape, however, and, rowing to the mainland, began our tedious journey overland back to Tharbad which would eventually lead us to the terrifying abode of the Ice Dragon.

What the Heroes called "the Gates of Hell" was revealed, during the third part of the Gift of the Valar Campaign, to actually be one of the Pales. It was only when encountering it again in their trek through the Pales that the Heroes realized this.

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