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Sir Shurakai of Gondor

Player: Will
Character Type: Knight
Race: High Man
Weapon of Choice: Bastard Sword

Shurakai, the mighty knight of my own homerealm of Gondor, has been one of the staples of the Heroes since they were formed. His fierce fighting and ferociousness on the battlefield have swayed many an enemy, and his valiance is unmatched. It was Shurakai who slew the Ice Dragon in the caves of the arctic, though Aranor tried mightily to get the kill.

Shurakai, truly the mightiest knight on life (as long as Garren's not around, anyway), has saved the Heroes on many occasions, and has proven himself worthy of the name Hero. He has slain Orcs by the dozens, fought dragons, trolls, and other beasts of questionable reputation, and has even fallen on his sword (twice) in defense of his friend, Eridain.

Sadly, Shurakai was slain in defense of his friends by a terrifying Balrog. His loss was mourned, and his place (but not his memory) among the Heroes was filled by Vicacius.