Angels of the Storm is a group of Angels reaching out to others with Love and Compassion.
We are very proud to be Members of this great group of Angels!
Please take a moment to view the wonderful gifts and awards we have received
from Angels of the Storm and For Angels of the Storm.
Visit the AOTS
homepage, feel free to look around....
Angels of the Storm has closed the web ring!
We were proud members of this web ring and hope Stormy and StarShine decide to
re-open in the future!
There are two ways to live your life,
One is as though nothing is a miracle,
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein
(August 5, 2000)
Annette was presented with this reception award
for her Extra Special Effort in Greeting new members to the ring!
Thank You Stormy & Star*Shine!
This Award was given to all members of AOTS
from Wayne's Real
Thank You Wayne!
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