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Flower Divider

WOW! On July 20, 2000, Laura and I were presented with an award for Web Page Excellence from Doug's World! Thank You Doug for presenting us with this wonderful award! Your kind words about our site were very uplifting and encouraged us to keep up with the long hours of pouring our heart and soul into adding to this site.

Doug's World Web Page Excellence Award

Visit Doug's World.  
Read Inspirational Poetry and view the wonderful java applets he has within his website.
You don't want to miss out on this Inspiring Site!

Flower Divider

December 11, 2000, Laura and I were presented with Dolphingirl's Peace Award! Thank you Dolphingirl for the wonderful surprise of this award and the kind words you left in our guestbook! 

Dolphingirl's Year 2000 Peace Award

Visit Dolphingirl Celebrating the Human Spirit.
Dolphingirl is dedicated to the creative expression of the human spirit.
Please take the time to view this wonderful site full of Inspiration!

Flower Divider

Award of Excellence from GypsyRose
December 14, 2000
Another nice email surprise!
Thank You GypsyRose!

Women of Strength & Inner Beauty Gold Award
January 1, 2001
This award was a wonderful surprise, 
and a great way to start off the New Year. 
Thank you WOSIB!


Flower Divider

Morgaines's Fantasy site Award
June 30, 2001
Thank You Morgaine for this wonderful surprise!

Flower Divider

Desert Rose's Oasis Thousand Deserts Excellency Award
July 22, 2001
Another email surprise! Thank you Desert Rose!

Flower Divider

Royal Award of Excellence Webpage Design from Lindy's World of Feelings
August 6, 2001
WOW!!! Another wonderful email surprise.
Thank you Lindy, for this award and for all of your kind words about our site!! 
Visit Lindy's World of Feelings! This is a site you don't want to miss!

Flower Divider

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Angels of the Storm | Serenity | Golden Spirit & Inspirations
Sisters Inspiring Sisters | Treasures | Gifts | A Gift for You
Creators of Fantasy 2000

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Page design by Annette