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Sisters Inspiring Sisters

Sisters Inspiring Sisters is a group of sisters who are proud to be women and wish to enlighten the world to the many facets of Womanhood.

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SIS Team Logo

SIS Amethyst Breeze Team Logo

July 19, 2001

I joined this wonderful group of ladies on
July 19, 2001.
I am a member of the Knowledge Circle,
I help check logos and welcome new members to the circle.


August 25, 2001

I was promoted to Amethyst Breeze within the Knowledge Circle. Along with the promotion came added responsibility... maintaining the Dedication pages. However,  I continue to help with logo checking and welcoming new members.

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Welcome to Sisters Inspiring Sisters

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Welsome to SIS from Georgia's Poetry

Welcome to SIS from BeAngels

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Welcome to Knowledge

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Welcome to SIS from Lady Madona

Welcome to SIS from RareEarthWoman

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Welcome to SIS from Lavender Lady

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